Obama threatens to defund DHS if congress doesn't agree to amnesty

fine with me, but don't just stop with that shady as hell DHS. carry it on with the IRS, NEA, EPA and every damn alphabet government agency on the books
Now that is a good one. Let's see if democrats join him and fail to vote to override that veto.
fine with me, but don't just stop with that shady as hell DHS. carry it on with the IRS, NEA, EPA and every damn alphabet government agency on the books

Yup. I'm perfectly fine with seeing the DHS abolished. We've always had laws on the books and Government apparatuses in place to secure our border. We didn't need a DHS to do it. And the DHS isn't doing it anyway. It's nowhere to be found on our border.

The DHS's only claim to fame , or infamy, is spying on its fellow Citizens 24/7 and molesting kids & grandmas at airports. It's a $Trillion bureaucratic nightmare. This is one of the very few things i'll ever agree with this asshole President on. But i know it's all just Dictator bluster. The DHS ain't going anywhere. Sadly, It is here to stay.
fine with me, but don't just stop with that shady as hell DHS. carry it on with the IRS, NEA, EPA and every damn alphabet government agency on the books
Let terrorist thrive and be free again......

And that is what all the far left voters want..
All I want is my two front teeth....

Wrong the far left wants terrorists to run free and the US population disarmed including the police, but allow the criminals and terrorists to be armed and roam free..

Voting far left is never the answer..
I'm fine with defunding DHS. I never supported its creation in the first place.
Boy, the Communist in Chief must think we're all as dumb as he is. Anyone who's paying attention knows that the DHS isn't doing anything to secure our border anyway. It's nowhere to be found on our border. It's far too busy spying on Citizens and molesting kids and grandmas at airports.

So who does the Communist in Chief think he's foolin? It's all just Dictator-wannabe bluster. I'm willing to call his bluff on this one. Are the Republicans?

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