Obama threatens to defund DHS if congress doesn't agree to amnesty


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Obama wants things his way and he'll bully people to get his executive amnesty. He is threatening to veto the DHS funding bill unless Republicans bend over and rubberstamp his amnesty plan. What a giant ass. Seriously, he'll defund DHS if congress doesn't fund his amnesty plan. He isn't a real leader or he would see to it that our nation's security is funded, then go argue about amnesty. He is holding DHS money hostage to get his way. So, fuck the people if illegals aren't funded as they continue to break our laws. You'd think they were the ones who elected him, but then maybe they did vote.

"His letter made it clear that if Congress didn't send President Obama the DHS funding bill that he wanted (rubberstamping the president's executive amnesty), local and state public safety agencies would not receive federal grants they were counting on because the president would veto the DHS funding bill.

"Let me get this straight - the president believes he has the authority to nullify federal laws that don't serve his personal agenda, but if Congress dares to exercise it's responsibility of controlling the purse strings, he will willingly hold public safety grants hostage just to get his way?

"Mr. President, you don't have to love the Congress we elected, but you do have to respect their role as established under the Constitution -and Mr. Johnson, please show some integrity and stop with the threats. Sheriffs don't take kindly to them."

"I was very offended by the tactics, the veiled threat, the attempt to bully us," Smith told CNSNews.com. "It’s a political game that is below the dignity of a Cabinet secretary. You’d be a fool not to recognize that what he’s saying is that we need to put pressure on our senators because the president will veto the bill if he doesn’t get his way."

Obama wants things his way and he'll bully people to get his executive amnesty. He is threatening to veto the DHS funding bill unless Republicans bend over and rubberstamp his amnesty plan. What a giant ass. Seriously, he'll defund DHS if congress doesn't fund his amnesty plan. He isn't a real leader or he would see to it that our nation's security is funded, then go argue about amnesty. He is holding DHS money hostage to get his way. So, fuck the people if illegals aren't funded as they continue to break our laws. You'd think they were the ones who elected him, but then maybe they did vote.

"His letter made it clear that if Congress didn't send President Obama the DHS funding bill that he wanted (rubberstamping the president's executive amnesty), local and state public safety agencies would not receive federal grants they were counting on because the president would veto the DHS funding bill.

"Let me get this straight - the president believes he has the authority to nullify federal laws that don't serve his personal agenda, but if Congress dares to exercise it's responsibility of controlling the purse strings, he will willingly hold public safety grants hostage just to get his way?

"Mr. President, you don't have to love the Congress we elected, but you do have to respect their role as established under the Constitution -and Mr. Johnson, please show some integrity and stop with the threats. Sheriffs don't take kindly to them."

"I was very offended by the tactics, the veiled threat, the attempt to bully us," Smith told CNSNews.com. "It’s a political game that is below the dignity of a Cabinet secretary. You’d be a fool not to recognize that what he’s saying is that we need to put pressure on our senators because the president will veto the bill if he doesn’t get his way."


Hey you dumb c*nt aren't republicans all about being against big government? Shoot down amnesty and let Obama defund that monstrosity that you republican bastards created. I'd be all for it :thup:
It's time for the republicans to call his bluff now and set the tone for the next 2 years. maobama needs to be taught a lesson in humility. If they relent he will continue to make congress irrelevant.
Obama doesn't care what anyone thinks anymore. He's done with pretenses and is acting like the dictator he dreams of becoming. He ignores laws that don't fit his agenda. He is ignoring parts of his own signature legislation because he knows that more people would turn on him if they knew the hardships that Obamacare will eventually cause everyone. He ignores our federal immigration laws. He wants to be a one man show and cut congress out of the process. He can take his pen and phone and shove them.

The Republicans need to stand their ground. That is why they were sent there. If the country wanted Obama's agenda to succeed, they would have kept more Dems there.

How many states has he sued because they didn't do what he wanted? We've never had such a tyrant in the White House before.
Obama wants things his way and he'll bully people to get his executive amnesty. He is threatening to veto the DHS funding bill unless Republicans bend over and rubberstamp his amnesty plan. What a giant ass. Seriously, he'll defund DHS if congress doesn't fund his amnesty plan. He isn't a real leader or he would see to it that our nation's security is funded, then go argue about amnesty. He is holding DHS money hostage to get his way. So, fuck the people if illegals aren't funded as they continue to break our laws. You'd think they were the ones who elected him, but then maybe they did vote.

"His letter made it clear that if Congress didn't send President Obama the DHS funding bill that he wanted (rubberstamping the president's executive amnesty), local and state public safety agencies would not receive federal grants they were counting on because the president would veto the DHS funding bill.

"Let me get this straight - the president believes he has the authority to nullify federal laws that don't serve his personal agenda, but if Congress dares to exercise it's responsibility of controlling the purse strings, he will willingly hold public safety grants hostage just to get his way?

"Mr. President, you don't have to love the Congress we elected, but you do have to respect their role as established under the Constitution -and Mr. Johnson, please show some integrity and stop with the threats. Sheriffs don't take kindly to them."

"I was very offended by the tactics, the veiled threat, the attempt to bully us," Smith told CNSNews.com. "It’s a political game that is below the dignity of a Cabinet secretary. You’d be a fool not to recognize that what he’s saying is that we need to put pressure on our senators because the president will veto the bill if he doesn’t get his way."


Hey pea brain, stop parroting right wing garbage.

Republicans are the ones using DHS funding as a threat.

Republicans are once again on the wrong side of history being forced to fight another losing battle because they pander to their most reactionary fringe first.
It's time for the republicans to call his bluff now and set the tone for the next 2 years. maobama needs to be taught a lesson in humility. If they relent he will continue to make congress irrelevant.

Have him arrested and throw his ass in Gitmo
Well, the dunce got it partly right. Let's abolish the DHS, but let's also secure our Borders. It's not like him and the DHS are doing that right now anyway. There are existing laws and Government apparatuses in place to properly secure our Border. So i'm ok with dumping the DHS... And this current President for that matter.
DHS fights terrorism

Teapublicans are willing to leave us at risk just to punish the children of illegal immigrants
DHS fights terrorism

Teapublicans are willing to leave us at risk just to punish the children of illegal immigrants

Illegal Immigration is illegal, and it leaves us less safe from Terrorism. Securing our Borders would be properly 'fighting terrorism.' But sadly, neither the DHS or your Dear Leader are doing that. I'm ok with abolishing the DHS entirely. And as for your President, to hell with em. He's a piece of shite.
DHS fights terrorism

Teapublicans are willing to leave us at risk just to punish the children of illegal immigrants

Illegal Immigration is illegal, and it leaves us less safe from Terrorism. Securing our Borders would be properly 'fighting terrorism.' But sadly, neither the DHS or your Dear Leader are doing that. I'm ok with abolishing the DHS entirely. And as for your President, to hell with em. He's a piece of shite.

Wow, RW is all for dhs now.
DHS fights terrorism

Teapublicans are willing to leave us at risk just to punish the children of illegal immigrants

Illegal Immigration is illegal, and it leaves us less safe from Terrorism. Securing our Borders would be properly 'fighting terrorism.' But sadly, neither the DHS or your Dear Leader are doing that. I'm ok with abolishing the DHS entirely. And as for your President, to hell with em. He's a piece of shite.

Wow, RW is all for dhs now.

Programmed Obamabot. He or she receives daily programming reboots from the DNC. Tomorrow, he or she may come back with a completely different take. Depends on the reboot that day. It is what it is.

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