Obama, the killing machine!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Obama's agenda in life apparently is to create MORE ways to kill more people... I know that sounds crazy but why else would he:

1) Why does Obama want more people killed in car accidents?

Obama was VERY proud of this statement made in the last debate:
"That means that in the middle of the next decade, any car you buy, you're going to end up going twice as far on a gallon of gas. "
Transcript And Audio: Obama-Romney 2nd Presidential Debate : NPR

The ONLY minor problem with that is there is a trade off.
The higher the CAFE standard means lighter cars.
Lighter cars result in additional deaths!
The relationship is very direct!

"Increasing the corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standard is therefore likely to result in cars that save drivers money in gas, but also are less safe, less capable of hauling people and stuff, and more expensive. Ryan Balis pointed out years ago, in a brief survey of numerous studies on the matter, that CAFE regulations result in additional deaths on highways, as people inevitably drive smaller, lighter cars.
To put this another way, in order to reduce the amount of gasoline used per mile, the regulation forces a higher number of deaths per mile.

Deadly Fuel Economy Standards - Economics for Everybody

But IF that's not enough Obama is ALL for continued killing of people in other ways.
Every year in the USA 1.25 million future wage earners murdered.... many with government funding.. i.e. Planned Parenthood!
While MOST conservatives totally understand that 2.9% abortions or 36,400 mothers, life in danger, 1% or 13,000 due rape/incest is regrettable....
still 1.25 million future Einsteins, Steve Jobs, Steven Hawkings, are murdered... murdered out of CONVENIENCE!!!

And Obama is OK with the murder of 1.25 million a year future Americans... future tax payers!! Does that make any sense???

Finally Obama for some reason wants to destroy our health care system and in doing so eventually promote euthanasia.

Obamacare's IPAB:
When Government Takes Over Health Care, You Become A Budget Item. As a physician, I would like to make you aware of the Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB, a key element of the administration's federal takeover of medicine. IPAB is a board consisting of 15 unelected, appointed bureaucrats whose task it is to cut the growth of Medicare spending, and the cuts they are mandated to make will be deep. The decisions IPAB makes behind closed doors can only be overturned by a supermajority of Congress, something almost impossible to achieve.

Care? No, this is a pathway to killing people that doctors deem worthless. It sounds like a well-worked-out schedule for providing the best possible approach to treating a patient. Accordingly, when relatives have been asked to sign up to the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP), that's precisely what they thought they were agreeing to. And, in theory, that's what it is supposed to be. [...] In practice, however, the LCP has turned into something quite different. For while in some cases it has been used properly as intended, with numerous others it has become, instead, a backdoor form of euthanasia.

Obamacare: Mandatory Socialized Medicine

So we have Obama wanting more car deaths, having YOUR tax dollars pay for 1.25 million murders a year of future Americans and when Americans get too old KILL them!

I know some of you really naive, extreme kool aid types that STILL think that Obama can "slow the rising oceans and healing the planet" won't believe that Obama really has this agenda but IT IS REAL!
For example rather then LET me drive efficiently getting better mileage because I am a responsible driver, OBAMA wants MORE dangerous cars on the road!
Rather then EDUCATE young girls AND FORCING the YOUNG MEN who are accomplices to MURDER to take responsibility.. Obama says let the state pay!

And rather then DEAL with the FACTS there is NOTHING wrong with 97.5% of Americans covered by health insurance, Obama spews the lie about 50 million uninsured and in doing so INSURES Older people will be euthanized because there won't be enough money !!

All as part of Obama's KILLING MACHINE!!!
I agree, we need more cars made of balsa wood......maybe a real strong paper mache.
Thankfully it looks like Romney may be able to undo some of Obama's nonsense.
I think we've gone round and round with this in another thread.
I doubt safety standards will be sacrificed. In fact I bet car makers will find new ways to increase safety features as they trim pounds from a vehicle.
I think we've gone round and round with this in another thread.
I doubt safety standards will be sacrificed. In fact I bet car makers will find new ways to increase safety features as they trim pounds from a vehicle.

..and pass the savings on to us...oh, damn, nevermind..
I think we've gone round and round with this in another thread.
I doubt safety standards will be sacrificed. In fact I bet car makers will find new ways to increase safety features as they trim pounds from a vehicle.

..and pass the savings on to us...oh, damn, nevermind..

Savings? I don't get it.

We'll be using less gasoline overall. There will still be mid- and luxury size vehicles. That's why it's called Average Fuel Economy.
I agree, we need more cars made of balsa wood......maybe a real strong paper mache.
YES the CAFE standard would definitely be met for SURE!

But remember, I didn't say that lighter weight cars cause more deaths I'm sharing FACTS!
THE FACTS are just that!
To put this another way, in order to reduce the amount of gasoline used per mile, the regulation forces a higher number of deaths per mile.

And while this article I'm submitting you for intelligent discourse I would hope says HEAVIER cars have more accidents and at first blush sounds like I'm refuting my contention, that increasing CAFE means reducing weight meaning more deaths.. HERE IS THEIR summation!

"And all things being equal, a heavier car is safer than a light one.

American cars are getting heavier and heavier. Is that dangerous? - Slate Magazine

So laugh monkey boy but facts and reality is a heavier car means a safer car!
I know the left hates SUVs and pickup trucks. I have heard complaints that it's not fair for people to drive those because the smaller cars don't fare well up against them in the accidents. My solution would be for everyone to be in a safer car, not everyone at a higher risk of death for even the most minor accident.

So take care of you heavy car so it lasts longer.

Obama is one step ahead of those who want to do that. The whole cash for clunkers was a way to get rid of the older, heavier cars. They were destroyed rather than parted out. Wouldn't want to make it easy for people to keep their old safe car on the road.
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Well if you do due diligence as I have and see the substantiation for my OP you will see it is NO JOKE!

I mean Obama because of his inexperience has also surrounded inexperienced people many with NO real work or dirty fingernail work!

They talk about pulling "all nighters" cramming.. like it was still college!
YET realities are as with the CAFE standard doubling IT ALL SOUNDS GREAT!! But there is a real fundamental common sense adage...
The "law of unintended consequences"
"intervention in a complex system invariably creates unanticipated and often undesirable outcomes."
Unintended consequences - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And doubling CAFE standards sounds good but it will have "unintended consequences"!

Take some time and look up this EMTALA! Do a google!
What you will find is a law passed in 1986 that has now snowballed to such enormous proportions that it is ONE of several reasons YOUR health insurance premiums are climbing so high your employer will drop and YOU will have to find out that health insurance companies are going out of business!
All because the "good intentions" of Congress in 1986!
Here is a clue..
Why in Tampa Fl Univ. Community Hospital (just one of 6,000 Medicare hospitals that grossly overcharge Medicare..)
send Medicare 2,110 claims to do CAT scan no contrast at $2,635 EACH... for a service that COST the hospital:$43
A 6,127.91% markup!
So Obama and his inept administration is plowing ahead destructively killing people!
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Add to your list his pathetic foreign policy, endangering our diplomats all around the world.
ROE's that result in soldier deaths and traumatic injuries.
Old people pushed under the bus by Obamacare, his failure to reform Medicare, and his upcoming Death Panel.
Border agents and Mexican citizens killed by his arming of drug cartels.

Heck, if he could just tie his killing spree more effectively to murdering his Republican "enemies", he'd be a Democrat's wet dream. :lol:
I agree, we need more cars made of balsa wood......maybe a real strong paper mache.
YES the CAFE standard would definitely be met for SURE!

But remember, I didn't say that lighter weight cars cause more deaths I'm sharing FACTS!
THE FACTS are just that!
To put this another way, in order to reduce the amount of gasoline used per mile, the regulation forces a higher number of deaths per mile.

And while this article I'm submitting you for intelligent discourse I would hope says HEAVIER cars have more accidents and at first blush sounds like I'm refuting my contention, that increasing CAFE means reducing weight meaning more deaths.. HERE IS THEIR summation!

"And all things being equal, a heavier car is safer than a light one.

American cars are getting heavier and heavier. Is that dangerous? - Slate Magazine

So laugh monkey boy but facts and reality is a heavier car means a safer car!

And you are full of shit. Many heavy cars fail crash tests where lighter better built ones do not.

I am willing to bet that the C-Max Energi Ford exceeds many heavier SUVs in crash tests while getting 47/47, and having an EV range of 20 miles.

And then you have Volvos. Crash tested one of those, a 544, many years ago. Passenger protection was excellent, even though it was a 1962 model.
I agree, we need more cars made of balsa wood......maybe a real strong paper mache.
YES the CAFE standard would definitely be met for SURE!

But remember, I didn't say that lighter weight cars cause more deaths I'm sharing FACTS!
THE FACTS are just that!
To put this another way, in order to reduce the amount of gasoline used per mile, the regulation forces a higher number of deaths per mile.

And while this article I'm submitting you for intelligent discourse I would hope says HEAVIER cars have more accidents and at first blush sounds like I'm refuting my contention, that increasing CAFE means reducing weight meaning more deaths.. HERE IS THEIR summation!

"And all things being equal, a heavier car is safer than a light one.

American cars are getting heavier and heavier. Is that dangerous? - Slate Magazine

So laugh monkey boy but facts and reality is a heavier car means a safer car!

And you are full of shit. Many heavy cars fail crash tests where lighter better built ones do not.

I am willing to bet that the C-Max Energi Ford exceeds many heavier SUVs in crash tests while getting 47/47, and having an EV range of 20 miles.

And then you have Volvos. Crash tested one of those, a 544, many years ago. Passenger protection was excellent, even though it was a 1962 model.

Who in the hell are you to criticize ME???
I simply copied what I read that actually when you first read it if you did which I don't think you did you would see they are defending lighter cars!
BUT everything they said was negated just like YOUR dumb ass comment by the simple FACT THAT
"all things being equal, a heavier car is safer than a light one!"
NOT my words idiot.. but the simple laws of PHYSICS which someone as dumb as you and obviously not an EXPERT should understand!

ALSO calling me full of shit.. AND YOU DON"T PROVE YOUR dumb ass comment "Many heavy cars fail crash tests where lighter better built ones do not."
HOW many is "MANY"??? what is a "heavy car"??? what "lighter better built"??? WHERE's your f..king proof?
I provided LINKS and you provide subjective personal hysterical anecdotal comments!

Really who is more believable??? Sources you can if you were such a lazy ass find out I am simply copying and NOT making some shit up like you did.. OBVIOUSLY!
I know the left hates SUVs and pickup trucks. I have heard complaints that it's not fair for people to drive those because the smaller cars don't fare well up against them in the accidents. My solution would be for everyone to be in a safer car, not everyone at a higher risk of death for even the most minor accident.

So take care of you heavy car so it lasts longer.

Obama is one step ahead of those who want to do that. The whole cash for clunkers was a way to get rid of the older, heavier cars. They were destroyed rather than parted out. Wouldn't want to make it easy for people to keep their old safe car on the road.

First of all, today's cars are much safer than cars from the 70's and 80's. Secondly, if we reduce the size of most cars on the road, then people will be less likely to get into an accident with a bigger vehicle.

Improving fuel efficiency is an integral part of managing and reducing our energy consumption.

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