Obama: The fall

Kraut is a bs lying shill for the Pub Propaganda Machine alternate universe you dupes inhabit, and you brainwashed functional morons are killing the GOP for 2014. Of course the sequester has done damage, about 0.5% on UE and 1% on growth. Boehner got 98% of what he wanted, slowing the economy for a year and a half. Change the channel. UE down to 7.5% anyway, economy back to growing, country moving on despite your greedy idiot party and it's mindless obstruction, fear mongering, and hate.
Below is a snip-it from Karat hammer's op-ed. He nailed the entire "sequester" debacle in his analysis.

It began with the sequester. Obama never believed the Republicans would call his bluff and let it go into effect. They did.

Taken by surprise, Obama cried wolf, predicting the end of everything we hold dear if the sequester was not stopped. It wasn’t. Nothing happened.

Highly embarrassed, and determined to indeed make (bad) things happen, the White House refused Republican offers to give it more discretion in making cuts. Bureaucrats were instructed to inflict maximum pain from minimal cuts, as revealed by one memo from the Agriculture Department demanding agency cuts that the public would feel.

Obama: The fall - The Washington Post

Fall, perhaps, but too "important" to be allowed to fail.
NOPE you will see him for the rest of your lives.

Imagine this one.

ten years from now all the living presidents stand on the stage to open the Obama library.

on the stage is only one republican and is GW Bush.

He is going to be your ONLY living republican president.
Notice how it's the DUMBEST people on the board that are obama supporters?

All the most intelligent people are NOT.

Enough said.

You're a brainwashed functional idiot lol. Thanks for the depression and the stupidest wars ever, 30 years of ruining the non-rich and the country.

Washington Post, my ass- Kraut is their token RW shill a joke in polite society. Too bad YOU don't get the other side, the FACTS.
they will have to see obama the rest of their lives being HONORED all over the world.

Bush will have to be careful where he travels
NOPE you will see him for the rest of your lives.

Imagine this one.

ten years from now all the living presidents stand on the stage to open the Obama library.

on the stage is only one republican and is GW Bush.

He is going to be your ONLY living republican president.

by then we could be the liberal states of america and the united states of america. you libs can have the west coast and the northeast. the normal people will take the rest.

OH, and you can have Detroit and Chicago.

Barry may be around for a while, who cares, he will not have any more power than Sarah Palin. He is a joke now and will be a joke for the rest of his life. He will also carry the title of worst president in history with him as long as he lives.

U.S. employers added 165,000 jobs in April, and hiring was much stronger in the previous two months than the government first estimated. The job increases helped reduce the unemployment rate from 7.6 percent to a four-year low of 7.5 percent.

The report Friday from the Labor Department was a reassuring sign that the U.S. job market is improving despite higher taxes and government spending cuts that took effect this year.

The government revised up its estimate of job gains in February and March by a combined 114,000. It now says employers added 332,000 jobs in February and 138,000 in March. The economy has created an average of 208,000 jobs a month
from November through April — above the 138,000 added in the previous six months.

people dont fight for stupid republican lies when the country is doing well
US employers add 165K jobs; rate falls to 7.5 pct.: Associated Press Business News - MSN Money

U.S. employers added 165,000 jobs in April, and hiring was much stronger in the previous two months than the government first estimated. The job increases helped reduce the unemployment rate from 7.6 percent to a four-year low of 7.5 percent.

The report Friday from the Labor Department was a reassuring sign that the U.S. job market is improving despite higher taxes and government spending cuts that took effect this year.

The government revised up its estimate of job gains in February and March by a combined 114,000. It now says employers added 332,000 jobs in February and 138,000 in March. The economy has created an average of 208,000 jobs a month
from November through April — above the 138,000 added in the previous six months.

people dont fight for stupid republican lies when the country is doing well

US employers add 165K jobs; rate falls to 7.5 pct.: Associated Press Business News - MSN Money

U.S. employers added 165,000 jobs in April, and hiring was much stronger in the previous two months than the government first estimated. The job increases helped reduce the unemployment rate from 7.6 percent to a four-year low of 7.5 percent.

The report Friday from the Labor Department was a reassuring sign that the U.S. job market is improving despite higher taxes and government spending cuts that took effect this year.

The government revised up its estimate of job gains in February and March by a combined 114,000. It now says employers added 332,000 jobs in February and 138,000 in March. The economy has created an average of 208,000 jobs a month
from November through April — above the 138,000 added in the previous six months.

people dont fight for stupid republican lies when the country is doing well

You didn't pay attention to the manufacturing sector, or youth unemployment. Hey, did it ever occur to you that this is just people giving up looking for work?
LOL The poor 'Conservatives' are having heart attacks. The Dow above 15,000, employment beginning to pick up. Oh, the horror of it all!!!!!!!!!! Prosperity under President Obama. What a horrifying thought. They know they must do mor to destroy the American Economy. This simply cannot be allowed.
Yeah, things are humming along.

9.5 Million People Have Left the Workforce Under Obama

9.5 Million People Have Left the Workforce Under Obama | CNS News

US Debt Exceeds GDP; Joins Miscreants Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan and Portugal

US Debt Exceeds GDP; Joins Miscreants Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan and Portugal - Bob Beauprez - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary

Unemployment remains high among young Americans

Unemployment remains high among young Americans | The Daily Caller
the right hates this country and wants it drowned in the bath tub.

It becomes clearer and clearer every day
Yes, the economy still has a ways to go. After the GOP almost put us into the Second Great Republican Depression, it has taken some real effort and time to get out of the hole they put us in. However, we are finally moving along at clip that is good.

Of course, we all realize that the 'Conservatives' on this board want America to fail, they want their little 'Civil War'. We also realize that they are plumb loco.
As all things of this nature are cyclical, the economy cannot stay in the doldrums forever. When it does turn around, it will in spite of Obama. Hoover would have turned around the Great Depression given another 4 years, but then Hoover was an intellectual who understood business.
Solid job gains in April ease fears about economy: Associated Press Business News - MSN Money

U.S. employers added 165,000 jobs in April, and hiring was much stronger in the previous two months than the government first estimated. The job increases helped reduce the unemployment rate from 7.6 percent to a four-year low of 7.5 percent.

The report Friday from the Labor Department was a reassuring sign that the U.S. job market is improving despite higher taxes and government spending cuts that took effect this year.

The government revised up its estimate of job gains in February and March by a combined 114,000. It now says employers added 332,000 jobs in February and 138,000 in March. The economy has created an average of 208,000 jobs a month
from November through April — above the 138,000 added in the previous six months.

people dont fight for stupid republican lies when the country is doing well

I am just curious but do you think the massive reduction in hours people are starting to see so the small businesses will not go bankrupt under Obamacare has anything to do with the new hires. If they cut their employees back to under 32 hrs a week they will need to hire others that will also work under 32 hrs a week which will save them considerable amount of money because of the enormous Obamacare. Business will do what they have to so they can survive.

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