The Afghanistan Debacle is Exactly What the Left Wanted


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Afghanistan Debacle is Exactly What the Left Wanted​

20 Aug 2021 ~~ By Christopher Skeet
There's not much to say that hasn't already been said regarding Biden's unconditional surrender to the Taliban, and it's only the first week. Bookshelves will be filled with analyses of these events, and we won't understand their full ramifications for decades. My two cents, for what they're worth, are that the left doesn't consider the fall of Kabul and the betrayal of our allies to be a tragedy. Rather, this is deliberate foreign policy strategy, and it's right on track.
The pattern is clear for those who wish to see. Simply put, the left thinks America is not only evil but irredeemably so. Hence, any policy, be it foreign or domestic, that weakens our nation-state should be pursued, the goal being that the nation-state will eventually corrode to the point of collapse. They don't care that the hollowed-out dystopia will be long past its desirability for subjugation, so long as they get to be in charge. As Lord Varys said of Littlefinger, "He would see this country burn if he could be king of the ashes".
What started with Woodrow Wilson finally came into full force and in open view under Obama. Every time he could, Obama favored strict Islamist regimes over Western-friendly governments. Whenever overseas pro-democracy demonstrators flew American flags, Obama reflexively sided with their oppressors. He removed sanctions from Cuba and Iran and asked for nothing in return. The JCPOA, the Paris Accords, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership were specifically designed to weaken American power behind the flimsy guise of noble causes.
Indeed, the only “whistleblower” during that time was ol' Porkchop Vindman, who “came forward” not with evidence of any actual wrongdoing, but with the opinion that, as an unelected mid-level drone whose foremost duty was to carry out the orders of the commander-in-chief, he himself should dictate Ukraine policy.
Of course, now that the cat is out of the bag (and the Afghan girl back in it), the Pentagon is tripping over the “intelligence community,” who is tripping over the State Department, who is tripping over the Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Office for Non-Binary Pashtun Child Brides to be first to raise its rifle in the circular firing squad of the pathetic blame game they’re now playing. Sorry boys, but after the fact, after your crime has been laid bare for the world to see, is not the time you get a cookie for claiming that you were misled by the other guy for two decades straight, or that you were the sole voice of sanity in the closed-door CSI meetings. The fact that, as of this writing, none of you have resigned is a testament to your complete lack of any sense of honor.
The left wants our betrayal of these Afghans to be seen by our allies, and for them to infer from this (and rightly so) that they can't count on us to honor our commitments. It's a perverse twist of our domestic politics. In America, the message of the Left is: If we can impeach Donald Trump and silence Rand Paul and spy on Tucker Carlson with impunity, how well do you think you're gonna fare? You're on your own, pal.
Amplified across the world, the message of the left is: If America will sell you out to the Taliban, they won't even think about lifting a finger to the Iranians and North Koreans, much less the Chinese and Russians. You're on your own, pal.
What happened in Kabul was deliberate. In fact, I would argue it went far better than most leftists dreamed it would. Even they underestimated Joe's uncanny ability to make the absolute worst decision in practically every situation. Our kids' grandkids will be fighting the wars that result from this and will likely do it alone. Far from being a tragedy, our abandonment of Afghanistan was one of the left's biggest foreign policy successes.

The thing to ty to understand is WHY.

Because Team-Trump had identified about 100k deserving Afghan patriots to evacuate [+ all the Americans, obviously]. But Team-Biden didn’t want a hundreds of patriotic, Trump-grateful, freedom fighting nationalists at the front of the line. So they scrapped the plan, knowing that chaos would ensue, and are now leaking the list of patriots such that the folks getting evacuation are the top of the heap of whiners, gov't-dependent, “peaceful Muslims”, misunderstood, mediocre, elitist, corrupt, future Democrats. From their perspective this is a brilliant plan.

The Afghanistan Debacle is Exactly What the Left Wanted​

20 Aug 2021 ~~ By Christopher Skeet
There's not much to say that hasn't already been said regarding Biden's unconditional surrender to the Taliban, and it's only the first week. Bookshelves will be filled with analyses of these events, and we won't understand their full ramifications for decades. My two cents, for what they're worth, are that the left doesn't consider the fall of Kabul and the betrayal of our allies to be a tragedy. Rather, this is deliberate foreign policy strategy, and it's right on track.
The pattern is clear for those who wish to see. Simply put, the left thinks America is not only evil but irredeemably so. Hence, any policy, be it foreign or domestic, that weakens our nation-state should be pursued, the goal being that the nation-state will eventually corrode to the point of collapse. They don't care that the hollowed-out dystopia will be long past its desirability for subjugation, so long as they get to be in charge. As Lord Varys said of Littlefinger, "He would see this country burn if he could be king of the ashes".
What started with Woodrow Wilson finally came into full force and in open view under Obama. Every time he could, Obama favored strict Islamist regimes over Western-friendly governments. Whenever overseas pro-democracy demonstrators flew American flags, Obama reflexively sided with their oppressors. He removed sanctions from Cuba and Iran and asked for nothing in return. The JCPOA, the Paris Accords, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership were specifically designed to weaken American power behind the flimsy guise of noble causes.
Indeed, the only “whistleblower” during that time was ol' Porkchop Vindman, who “came forward” not with evidence of any actual wrongdoing, but with the opinion that, as an unelected mid-level drone whose foremost duty was to carry out the orders of the commander-in-chief, he himself should dictate Ukraine policy.
Of course, now that the cat is out of the bag (and the Afghan girl back in it), the Pentagon is tripping over the “intelligence community,” who is tripping over the State Department, who is tripping over the Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Office for Non-Binary Pashtun Child Brides to be first to raise its rifle in the circular firing squad of the pathetic blame game they’re now playing. Sorry boys, but after the fact, after your crime has been laid bare for the world to see, is not the time you get a cookie for claiming that you were misled by the other guy for two decades straight, or that you were the sole voice of sanity in the closed-door CSI meetings. The fact that, as of this writing, none of you have resigned is a testament to your complete lack of any sense of honor.
The left wants our betrayal of these Afghans to be seen by our allies, and for them to infer from this (and rightly so) that they can't count on us to honor our commitments. It's a perverse twist of our domestic politics. In America, the message of the Left is: If we can impeach Donald Trump and silence Rand Paul and spy on Tucker Carlson with impunity, how well do you think you're gonna fare? You're on your own, pal.
Amplified across the world, the message of the left is: If America will sell you out to the Taliban, they won't even think about lifting a finger to the Iranians and North Koreans, much less the Chinese and Russians. You're on your own, pal.
What happened in Kabul was deliberate. In fact, I would argue it went far better than most leftists dreamed it would. Even they underestimated Joe's uncanny ability to make the absolute worst decision in practically every situation. Our kids' grandkids will be fighting the wars that result from this and will likely do it alone. Far from being a tragedy, our abandonment of Afghanistan was one of the left's biggest foreign policy successes.

The thing to ty to understand is WHY.

Because Team-Trump had identified about 100k deserving Afghan patriots to evacuate [+ all the Americans, obviously]. But Team-Biden didn’t want a hundreds of patriotic, Trump-grateful, freedom fighting nationalists at the front of the line. So they scrapped the plan, knowing that chaos would ensue, and are now leaking the list of patriots such that the folks getting evacuation are the top of the heap of whiners, gov't-dependent, “peaceful Muslims”, misunderstood, mediocre, elitist, corrupt, future Democrats. From their perspective this is a brilliant plan.

The one thing you repigs deliberately forget is, why would the fiasco be avoided if trump had pulled them out last year? It could not possibly be avoided regardless of what allies knew. NATO pulled out in 2014 and are now criticising Biden. They realised it was a dead end
Conflict and would never succeed but now criticise bidrn for having the guts to do it.
The hypocrisy of the right is dripping from your lips like lava. You know nothing but hate. You didn't care about Afghanis when they went in there but now bleat about leaving being now.
Don't make me vomit again.
The one thing you repigs deliberately forget is, why would the fiasco be avoided if trump had pulled them out last year? It could not possibly be avoided regardless of what allies knew. NATO pulled out in 2014 and are now criticising Biden. They realised it was a dead end
Conflict and would never succeed but now criticise bidrn for having the guts to do it.
The hypocrisy of the right is dripping from your lips like lava. You know nothing but hate. You didn't care about Afghanis when they went in there but now bleat about leaving being now.
Don't make me vomit again.
Biden is President and he owns this mess!

The Afghanistan Debacle is Exactly What the Left Wanted​

20 Aug 2021 ~~ By Christopher Skeet
There's not much to say that hasn't already been said regarding Biden's unconditional surrender to the Taliban, and it's only the first week. Bookshelves will be filled with analyses of these events, and we won't understand their full ramifications for decades. My two cents, for what they're worth, are that the left doesn't consider the fall of Kabul and the betrayal of our allies to be a tragedy. Rather, this is deliberate foreign policy strategy, and it's right on track.
The pattern is clear for those who wish to see. Simply put, the left thinks America is not only evil but irredeemably so. Hence, any policy, be it foreign or domestic, that weakens our nation-state should be pursued, the goal being that the nation-state will eventually corrode to the point of collapse. They don't care that the hollowed-out dystopia will be long past its desirability for subjugation, so long as they get to be in charge. As Lord Varys said of Littlefinger, "He would see this country burn if he could be king of the ashes".
What started with Woodrow Wilson finally came into full force and in open view under Obama. Every time he could, Obama favored strict Islamist regimes over Western-friendly governments. Whenever overseas pro-democracy demonstrators flew American flags, Obama reflexively sided with their oppressors. He removed sanctions from Cuba and Iran and asked for nothing in return. The JCPOA, the Paris Accords, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership were specifically designed to weaken American power behind the flimsy guise of noble causes.
Indeed, the only “whistleblower” during that time was ol' Porkchop Vindman, who “came forward” not with evidence of any actual wrongdoing, but with the opinion that, as an unelected mid-level drone whose foremost duty was to carry out the orders of the commander-in-chief, he himself should dictate Ukraine policy.
Of course, now that the cat is out of the bag (and the Afghan girl back in it), the Pentagon is tripping over the “intelligence community,” who is tripping over the State Department, who is tripping over the Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Office for Non-Binary Pashtun Child Brides to be first to raise its rifle in the circular firing squad of the pathetic blame game they’re now playing. Sorry boys, but after the fact, after your crime has been laid bare for the world to see, is not the time you get a cookie for claiming that you were misled by the other guy for two decades straight, or that you were the sole voice of sanity in the closed-door CSI meetings. The fact that, as of this writing, none of you have resigned is a testament to your complete lack of any sense of honor.
The left wants our betrayal of these Afghans to be seen by our allies, and for them to infer from this (and rightly so) that they can't count on us to honor our commitments. It's a perverse twist of our domestic politics. In America, the message of the Left is: If we can impeach Donald Trump and silence Rand Paul and spy on Tucker Carlson with impunity, how well do you think you're gonna fare? You're on your own, pal.
Amplified across the world, the message of the left is: If America will sell you out to the Taliban, they won't even think about lifting a finger to the Iranians and North Koreans, much less the Chinese and Russians. You're on your own, pal.
What happened in Kabul was deliberate. In fact, I would argue it went far better than most leftists dreamed it would. Even they underestimated Joe's uncanny ability to make the absolute worst decision in practically every situation. Our kids' grandkids will be fighting the wars that result from this and will likely do it alone. Far from being a tragedy, our abandonment of Afghanistan was one of the left's biggest foreign policy successes.

The thing to ty to understand is WHY.

Because Team-Trump had identified about 100k deserving Afghan patriots to evacuate [+ all the Americans, obviously]. But Team-Biden didn’t want a hundreds of patriotic, Trump-grateful, freedom fighting nationalists at the front of the line. So they scrapped the plan, knowing that chaos would ensue, and are now leaking the list of patriots such that the folks getting evacuation are the top of the heap of whiners, gov't-dependent, “peaceful Muslims”, misunderstood, mediocre, elitist, corrupt, future Democrats. From their perspective this is a brilliant plan.
Trump would not have left. No more forever wars.
The one thing you repigs deliberately forget is, why would the fiasco be avoided if trump had pulled them out last year? It could not possibly be avoided regardless of what allies knew. NATO pulled out in 2014 and are now criticising Biden. They realised it was a dead end
Conflict and would never succeed but now criticise bidrn for having the guts to do it.
The hypocrisy of the right is dripping from your lips like lava. You know nothing but hate. You didn't care about Afghanis when they went in there but now bleat about leaving being now.
Don't make me vomit again.

The guy who made the plan for Trump said xidens plan was nothing like Trumps plan.
The one thing you repigs deliberately forget is, why would the fiasco be avoided if trump had pulled them out last year? It could not possibly be avoided regardless of what allies knew. NATO pulled out in 2014 and are now criticising Biden. They realised it was a dead end
Conflict and would never succeed but now criticise bidrn for having the guts to do it.
The hypocrisy of the right is dripping from your lips like lava. You know nothing but hate. You didn't care about Afghanis when they went in there but now bleat about leaving being now.
Don't make me vomit again.
Wouldashouldacoulda doesn't excuse the titanic dumpster fire, caused by your catastrophically incompetent senile shitbag of an alleged "president", Gomer Pyle.
Wouldashouldacoulda doesn't excuse the titanic dumpster fire, caused by your catastrophically incompetent senile shitbag of an alleged "president", Gomer Pyle.

Oh the irony when you suggest it's a shit fight when trump negotiated with the very same taliban boss that is now
Organising the new regime.
But you think it would have been different?
I'll send you frustrated angry ignorant comments on including your best wishes. You ignorant raw mouthed redneck brain dead hate filled dickhead. Have a nice day.

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