Obama says Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson ‘stains the heart of black children’


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
“Too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement — guilty of walking while black or driving while black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness.”

Obama says Michael Brown s death in Ferguson stains the heart of black children - Washington Times
I wonder if this Asian had "fear" and "fuel" for stereotyping?
Screen Shot 2015-02-04 at 7.35.55 AM.png

When viewing the above picture and the below... geez any wonder there is a "stereotyping"?

Screen Shot 2015-02-04 at 7.45.47 AM.png
Wow, you are still talking about Michael Brown?
“Too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement — guilty of walking while black or driving while black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness.”

Obama says Michael Brown s death in Ferguson stains the heart of black children - Washington Times
I wonder if this Asian had "fear" and "fuel" for stereotyping?
View attachment 36480
When viewing the above picture and the below... geez any wonder there is a "stereotyping"?

View attachment 36482
Look at those white people in that picture...what thugs. Racist bitch has nothing to say about those savages.
Wow, you are still talking about Michael Brown?

President Barack Obama said that the civil rights and respect for human life are issues that Democrats and Republicans should be able to agree upon. He called on the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner during his State of the Union address to push for reforms to the nation’s criminal justice system.
Obama invokes Michael Brown Eric Garner in civil rights push - Washington Times
When? Must be a slow news day for the racists.
“Too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement — guilty of walking while black or driving while black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness.”

Obama says Michael Brown s death in Ferguson stains the heart of black children - Washington Times
I wonder if this Asian had "fear" and "fuel" for stereotyping?
View attachment 36480
When viewing the above picture and the below... geez any wonder there is a "stereotyping"?

View attachment 36482
Look at those white people in that picture...what thugs. Racist bitch has nothing to say about those savages.


Its not just blacks who were touched by that needless killing. All of us should be against the vigilante killings of people for the crime of walking while black. Needless to say, that includes the terrible crime of carrying skittles while black.
“Too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement — guilty of walking while black or driving while black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness.”

Obama says Michael Brown s death in Ferguson stains the heart of black children - Washington Times
I wonder if this Asian had "fear" and "fuel" for stereotyping?
View attachment 36480
When viewing the above picture and the below... geez any wonder there is a "stereotyping"?

View attachment 36482
Look at those white people in that picture...what thugs. Racist bitch has nothing to say about those savages.


Its not just blacks who were touched by that needless killing. All of us should be against the vigilante killings of people for the crime of walking while black. Needless to say, that includes the terrible crime of carrying skittles while black.
Get over it.

You would have never heard their names, as you have not heard the names of the thousands shot since then, had their killers been other blacks.

Even Eric Holder couldn't find grounds to persecute.
What does a picture from Wiz Khalifa's "Black and Yellow" video have to do this story? Oh wait...nothing.
“Too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement — guilty of walking while black or driving while black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness.”

Obama says Michael Brown s death in Ferguson stains the heart of black children - Washington Times
I wonder if this Asian had "fear" and "fuel" for stereotyping?
View attachment 36480
When viewing the above picture and the below... geez any wonder there is a "stereotyping"?

View attachment 36482
Look at those white people in that picture...what thugs. Racist bitch has nothing to say about those savages.


Its not just blacks who were touched by that needless killing. All of us should be against the vigilante killings of people for the crime of walking while black. Needless to say, that includes the terrible crime of carrying skittles while black.

They were needless killings. They didn't NEED to fight with the police and die. They wanted to.
“Too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement — guilty of walking while black or driving while black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness.”

Obama says Michael Brown s death in Ferguson stains the heart of black children - Washington Times
I wonder if this Asian had "fear" and "fuel" for stereotyping?
View attachment 36480
When viewing the above picture and the below... geez any wonder there is a "stereotyping"?

View attachment 36482
Look at those white people in that picture...what thugs. Racist bitch has nothing to say about those savages.
Oh lawdy lawdy dey is a black man....
“Too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement — guilty of walking while black or driving while black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness.”

Obama says Michael Brown s death in Ferguson stains the heart of black children - Washington Times
I wonder if this Asian had "fear" and "fuel" for stereotyping?
View attachment 36480
When viewing the above picture and the below... geez any wonder there is a "stereotyping"?

View attachment 36482
Look at those white people in that picture...what thugs. Racist bitch has nothing to say about those savages.
Oh lawdy lawdy dey is a black man....
Remember your President is making the case that ALL police are racist... all police do racial profiling.
What better way to keep the flames of hatred for Whites fanned and stoked than when it comes from the top - the White House itself. We're a divided hate-filled nation thanks to the Chief Chump Chimp.
Race baiting thread...fail!

In all seriousness Nutz, you have to admit that MANY black men have brought the stereotype to life and that is why it exists. Are all black men to be suspected of being criminals and thugs ? No, of course not, but when 13% of the population is committing 50% of the crimes then that 13% has an issue within themselves . You can't blame ALL of that on "the system"
Well you were warned but elected him anyway.

He went to a church for 20 years that preached, Black Liberation. RESEARCH IT

that man has brought a stain on our country with his hateful rhetoric here at home and overseas.

you all who voted for him should be proud you brought this down on us

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