Obama Said "Trayvon Martin Could Have Been My Son"

No. Real engineers like me trouble shoot the issue then tell the service provider to fix their shit backed with supporting evidence the problem originates in their system. So take a situation where a voice call on a SIP network does not work correctly. Depending on the symptoms I track the call via error logging from originating device to the sip trunk my gateway connects to with the service provider. In real world conditions no one calls the service provider and tells them something is wrong please fix it. The first thing they will say is it isnt their issue. You have to prove its their issue.
Sure cupcake...every company worth it's salt has a guy running a script like you posted to find problems.
Now let's deal with reality...
Tell me the last time you called a reputable company that couldn't tell you within 2 seconds of getting your phone number what the exact problem was and couldn't fix it almost immediately.
Heck, if a router went out at work we'd know it immediately and if it couldn't be restarted (an extremely rare occurence) we'd have someone go diagnose the issue.
You are obviously dealing with tiny operations.
Thousands of people call AT&T or Verizon when they have a problem and they let you know instantly what the issue is and whether or not it's a software or hardware issue.
"we'd have someone go diagnose the issue."

Thats what trouble shooting is you moron. :laughing0301:
You are one dumb fuck.
The only time a field person “troubleshoots” is to actually check out hardware.
Tell the CSR at AT&T that they are troubleshooting and they’ll laugh in your ear.
No one writes ad hoc SQL anymore unless they’re working at the local Teamo stand.
No dummy. You check software as well. You check configuration. You check latency and yes you check hardware.
The CSR would laugh because they dont know jack shit about trouble shooting. The engineers at level 3 and above do that. The CSRs are always level one.
Sounds like all you do is log errors. The problem is that logging errors only alerts you to a problem. A human troubleshooter tells you why the problem occurred.
Retard, I alread explained that I can tell you what Trade was done by what Trader in what function on what Workstation on what Tables and Fields and what date/time.
But all your brain can process is “Hate Whitey”.
Hey clown. You can only tell me that by reading logs. That is the first step in troubleshooting. This has nothing to do with whitey. This has everything to do with your claim you are a programmer and that troubleshooting is not essential.
Self-proclaimed Republicans, conservatives and other assorted members of the rightwing had a fit. Screaming and claiming that it was racist.

Yet, I've never seen one explanation how. They just claim it, and supposedly that's what it is.

How is Obama, a black man of a certain complexion and stature, wrong for stating that a young man, who looks like a young version of him, could be his son...how is that a racist statement?

Explain how this was such a racist thing that RIPPED the entire fabric of good American racial relations.

Clearly a question posed to conservatives.
I think the fact that Obama is such a racist that he made such an assumption without knowing the facts of case.

Obama said it because he was black.

This is like me proudly proclaiming Charles Manson to be like the son I never had, purely because of his race.
Sure cupcake...every company worth it's salt has a guy running a script like you posted to find problems.
Now let's deal with reality...
Tell me the last time you called a reputable company that couldn't tell you within 2 seconds of getting your phone number what the exact problem was and couldn't fix it almost immediately.
Heck, if a router went out at work we'd know it immediately and if it couldn't be restarted (an extremely rare occurence) we'd have someone go diagnose the issue.
You are obviously dealing with tiny operations.
Thousands of people call AT&T or Verizon when they have a problem and they let you know instantly what the issue is and whether or not it's a software or hardware issue.
"we'd have someone go diagnose the issue."

Thats what trouble shooting is you moron. :laughing0301:
You are one dumb fuck.
The only time a field person “troubleshoots” is to actually check out hardware.
Tell the CSR at AT&T that they are troubleshooting and they’ll laugh in your ear.
No one writes ad hoc SQL anymore unless they’re working at the local Teamo stand.
No dummy. You check software as well. You check configuration. You check latency and yes you check hardware.
The CSR would laugh because they dont know jack shit about trouble shooting. The engineers at level 3 and above do that. The CSRs are always level one.
Sounds like all you do is log errors. The problem is that logging errors only alerts you to a problem. A human troubleshooter tells you why the problem occurred.
Retard, I alread explained that I can tell you what Trade was done by what Trader in what function on what Workstation on what Tables and Fields and what date/time.
But all your brain can process is “Hate Whitey”.
Hey clown. You can only tell me that by reading logs. That is the first step in troubleshooting. This has nothing to do with whitey. This has everything to do with your claim you are a programmer and that troubleshooting is not essential.
And logs, like all 2nd->4th form normalized data, are comprised of datafields and properly displayed on a form.
Keep banging your head against the wall.
That could have been Obama's son beating a Latino man's head into the pavement until it was a bloody pulp.

It's a good thing he had girls rather than boys.
"we'd have someone go diagnose the issue."

Thats what trouble shooting is you moron. :laughing0301:
You are one dumb fuck.
The only time a field person “troubleshoots” is to actually check out hardware.
Tell the CSR at AT&T that they are troubleshooting and they’ll laugh in your ear.
No one writes ad hoc SQL anymore unless they’re working at the local Teamo stand.
No dummy. You check software as well. You check configuration. You check latency and yes you check hardware.
The CSR would laugh because they dont know jack shit about trouble shooting. The engineers at level 3 and above do that. The CSRs are always level one.
Sounds like all you do is log errors. The problem is that logging errors only alerts you to a problem. A human troubleshooter tells you why the problem occurred.
Retard, I alread explained that I can tell you what Trade was done by what Trader in what function on what Workstation on what Tables and Fields and what date/time.
But all your brain can process is “Hate Whitey”.
Hey clown. You can only tell me that by reading logs. That is the first step in troubleshooting. This has nothing to do with whitey. This has everything to do with your claim you are a programmer and that troubleshooting is not essential.
And logs, like all 2nd->4th form normalized data, are comprised of datafields and properly displayed on a form.
Keep banging your head against the wall.
Logs are used in troubleshooting which you claimed no one does. You do realize thats the primary reason for logs right Mr Programmer.
You are one dumb fuck.
The only time a field person “troubleshoots” is to actually check out hardware.
Tell the CSR at AT&T that they are troubleshooting and they’ll laugh in your ear.
No one writes ad hoc SQL anymore unless they’re working at the local Teamo stand.
No dummy. You check software as well. You check configuration. You check latency and yes you check hardware.
The CSR would laugh because they dont know jack shit about trouble shooting. The engineers at level 3 and above do that. The CSRs are always level one.
Sounds like all you do is log errors. The problem is that logging errors only alerts you to a problem. A human troubleshooter tells you why the problem occurred.
Retard, I alread explained that I can tell you what Trade was done by what Trader in what function on what Workstation on what Tables and Fields and what date/time.
But all your brain can process is “Hate Whitey”.
Hey clown. You can only tell me that by reading logs. That is the first step in troubleshooting. This has nothing to do with whitey. This has everything to do with your claim you are a programmer and that troubleshooting is not essential.
And logs, like all 2nd->4th form normalized data, are comprised of datafields and properly displayed on a form.
Keep banging your head against the wall.
Logs are used in troubleshooting which you claimed no one does. You do realize thats the primary reason for logs right Mr Programmer.
The device is designed to capture unusual electronic activity.
The device returns this electronic event in binary form.
The API that called the device receives the signal and parses it out in SWIFT or CHiPs format and stores it where a pre-written software suite, such as I see often used at an Apple store, to diagnose the issue.
The CSR does not write code to troubleshoot anything as the “Troubleshooting” software suite does the job already.
Face it, you’re working in an antiquated environment.
And so is your friend who made the video.
Last time I checked race wasn't identified on USMB, also you help make my point, I did skip some of the dumb post intentionally, except for yours...

I tend to make my decisions based on actions and character, not the color of ones skin. Now when you claim harm to you is based on your race, I want proof. If your proof doesn't merit action in my view, it doesn't make me a racist, white supremacist, etc... The fear motivates hate, I believe this is a spiritual battle we deal with as individuals multiply times a day, I could careless what the color of your skin is, it's your actions and character that I use to decide who you are...
You just always happen to ignore blatantly racists posts and threads of the the white racist posters on here and criticize what you perceive as racist or wrong posts and threads by the blacks on here.

Got it.

I take exception when someone uses a broad brush to label All Old White Males as White Supremacist, Bigots, Racist, etc...

If you've noticed, I've made less than 4,000 post compared to your over 18,000 and we joined USMB within days of each other. I have some understanding of your challenges as a Black American, but in my opinion, the race card is over used and weakens any position that truly merits its use. I believe a strong Black Community is a stronger America, and make no mistake about it, the White and Hispanic communities have their own set of problems, but not every single problem a Black American has is due to their race, got it?

This is a direct call out you choose to ignore because it deals with facts you cannot dispute, hence the reason you chose to ignore it...

Are you speaking for MarcATL? Are you his protector? Does he need you to stand up for him?
As a Christian I believe and adhere to the belief that my fellow man is my brother, therefore IM2 is my brother. The Bible, which I believe in, and try my best to follow, also states that we are to be our brother's keeper.

He's just doing his God-given duty, as stated in the Bible.

Is this another fine example of your hypocrisy or playground immaturity? I'm your fellow man, am I your brother or your enemy because I'm Caucasian?

You're not interested in a solution to racism, you feed off it, it gives you a purpose that otherwise you wouldn't have. Do you have faith in Your Caucasian Brother?
Are you speaking for MarcATL? Are you his protector? Does he need you to stand up for him?
As a Christian I believe and adhere to the belief that my fellow man is my brother, therefore IM2 is my brother. The Bible, which I believe in, and try my best to follow, also states that we are to be our brother's keeper.

He's just doing his God-given duty, as stated in the Bible.
Do you love white people?

He struggles to love himself, he claims to be a righteous man, yet he cannot look in the mirror...

Hypocrite much?
Are you speaking for MarcATL? Are you his protector? Does he need you to stand up for him?
As a Christian I believe and adhere to the belief that my fellow man is my brother, therefore IM2 is my brother. The Bible, which I believe in, and try my best to follow, also states that we are to be our brother's keeper.

He's just doing his God-given duty, as stated in the Bible.
Do you love white people?

He struggles to love himself, he claims to be a righteous man, yet he cannot look in the mirror...

Hypocrite much?
Do you love white people?
Are you speaking for MarcATL? Are you his protector? Does he need you to stand up for him?
As a Christian I believe and adhere to the belief that my fellow man is my brother, therefore IM2 is my brother. The Bible, which I believe in, and try my best to follow, also states that we are to be our brother's keeper.

He's just doing his God-given duty, as stated in the Bible.
Do you love white people?

He struggles to love himself, he claims to be a righteous man, yet he cannot look in the mirror...

Hypocrite much?
Do you love white people?

Yes and everyone else as well...
Are you speaking for MarcATL? Are you his protector? Does he need you to stand up for him?
As a Christian I believe and adhere to the belief that my fellow man is my brother, therefore IM2 is my brother. The Bible, which I believe in, and try my best to follow, also states that we are to be our brother's keeper.

He's just doing his God-given duty, as stated in the Bible.
Do you love white people?

He struggles to love himself, he claims to be a righteous man, yet he cannot look in the mirror...

Hypocrite much?
Do you love white people?

Yes and everyone else as well...
Do you love black people?
Now youre claiming corporations dont trouble shoot? Care to elaborate on or withdraw that statement?
When's the last time you called one of your service companies and it took them more effort than to call up your screen to tell you what the problems is.
FIOS, PSEG, National Grid, AT&T...everything's in the database.
You call, they invoke your audit trail on an administrator screen, they fix the problem.
What planet are you living on?
No. Real engineers like me trouble shoot the issue then tell the service provider to fix their shit backed with supporting evidence the problem originates in their system. So take a situation where a voice call on a SIP network does not work correctly. Depending on the symptoms I track the call via error logging from originating device to the sip trunk my gateway connects to with the service provider. In real world conditions no one calls the service provider and tells them something is wrong please fix it. The first thing they will say is it isnt their issue. You have to prove its their issue.
Sure cupcake...every company worth it's salt has a guy running a script like you posted to find problems.
Now let's deal with reality...
Tell me the last time you called a reputable company that couldn't tell you within 2 seconds of getting your phone number what the exact problem was and couldn't fix it almost immediately.
Heck, if a router went out at work we'd know it immediately and if it couldn't be restarted (an extremely rare occurence) we'd have someone go diagnose the issue.
You are obviously dealing with tiny operations.
Thousands of people call AT&T or Verizon when they have a problem and they let you know instantly what the issue is and whether or not it's a software or hardware issue.
"we'd have someone go diagnose the issue."

Thats what trouble shooting is you moron. :laughing0301:
You are ad hocing code that should already be part of the application.
Of course you’re too stupid to follow the discussion.
Yet Asclepias has offered up his credentials while you still haven't listed your degrees, certifications and training credentials. But more importantly do you have anything to say about the fact that you claimed there are no educated black people nor any of which have had ANY success in the last 50 years when you've been conversing with individuals who it would appear are at least as accomplished and educated if not moreso than you are?

My mother started working the job from which she retired as a key punch operator. At the time she retired she was a system analyst whose position included hiring staff for her department and when necessary, terminating employees as well. So when you start crying and complaining about black people who behave in ways you don't approve of or in ways you don't like, tough shit. None of us were put on this earth to try to curry favor or do anything to the satisfaction of a bunch of self-admitted racists.

I don't know Asclepias other than his postings on this board but I have conversed with IM2 off thread as well as several of the other African Americans who post here, but even if I had never had any personal conversations with any of them I could tell by the shear volume of their individual knowledge bases, how they present themselves, how they respond to the nastiness that we've all been subjected to, including the idiotic and most definitely racist statements, assumptions and lies that have been leveled against Black people in general and us specifically that they don't fall into the category of people that you all keep trotting out as some type of example of the only thing black people can and ever will be.

The abysmal lack of knowledge of most of the racists commenting here on their own history in our country and who are completely ignorant of the fact that it's the laws of the land that enforced and still enforces how your stacked deck produces the results that you all want to take credit for as if that's some sort of indication of superiority. I do suspect however that some can sense that the winds are changing and are worried that they may soon be subjected to the same "kindnesses" that they have shown others. Most of the Black people I know would never wish that upon any of you, although more than a few of you deserve nothing less.
When's the last time you called one of your service companies and it took them more effort than to call up your screen to tell you what the problems is.
FIOS, PSEG, National Grid, AT&T...everything's in the database.
You call, they invoke your audit trail on an administrator screen, they fix the problem.
What planet are you living on?
No. Real engineers like me trouble shoot the issue then tell the service provider to fix their shit backed with supporting evidence the problem originates in their system. So take a situation where a voice call on a SIP network does not work correctly. Depending on the symptoms I track the call via error logging from originating device to the sip trunk my gateway connects to with the service provider. In real world conditions no one calls the service provider and tells them something is wrong please fix it. The first thing they will say is it isnt their issue. You have to prove its their issue.
Sure cupcake...every company worth it's salt has a guy running a script like you posted to find problems.
Now let's deal with reality...
Tell me the last time you called a reputable company that couldn't tell you within 2 seconds of getting your phone number what the exact problem was and couldn't fix it almost immediately.
Heck, if a router went out at work we'd know it immediately and if it couldn't be restarted (an extremely rare occurence) we'd have someone go diagnose the issue.
You are obviously dealing with tiny operations.
Thousands of people call AT&T or Verizon when they have a problem and they let you know instantly what the issue is and whether or not it's a software or hardware issue.
"we'd have someone go diagnose the issue."

Thats what trouble shooting is you moron. :laughing0301:
You are ad hocing code that should already be part of the application.
Of course you’re too stupid to follow the discussion.
Yet Asclepias has offered up his credentials while you still haven't listed your degrees, certifications and training credentials. But more importantly do you have anything to say about the fact that you claimed there are no educated black people nor any of which have had ANY success in the last 50 years when you've been conversing with individuals who it would appear are at least as accomplished and educated if not moreso than you are?

My mother started working the job from which she retired as a key punch operator. At the time she retired she was a system analyst whose position included hiring staff for her department and when necessary, terminating employees as well. So when you start crying and complaining about black people who behave in ways you don't approve of or in ways you don't like, tough shit. None of us were put on this earth to try to curry favor or do anything to the satisfaction of a bunch of self-admitted racists.

I don't know Asclepias other than his postings on this board but I have conversed with IM2 off thread as well as several of the other African Americans who post here, but even if I had never had any personal conversations with any of them I could tell by the shear volume of their individual knowledge bases, how they present themselves, how they respond to the nastiness that we've all been subjected to, including the idiotic and most definitely racist statements, assumptions and lies that have been leveled against Black people in general and us specifically that they don't fall into the category of people that you all keep trotting out as some type of example of the only thing black people can and ever will be.

The abysmal lack of knowledge of most of the racists commenting here on their own history in our country and who are completely ignorant of the fact that it's the laws of the land that enforced and still enforces how your stacked deck produces the results that you all want to take credit for as if that's some sort of indication of superiority. I do suspect however that some can sense that the winds are changing and are worried that they may soon be subjected to the same "kindnesses" that they have shown others. Most of the Black people I know would never wish that upon any of you, although more than a few of you deserve nothing less.

What is your explanation for the fact that the majority of black people say that blacks are more racist than whites?

More Americans feel that black people are more racist than whites and Hispanics. study finds | Daily Mail Online

Anyhow your family seems to be high achievers, why do you think that is the case?

I know at one time light-skinned blacks had more status in black communites than dark skinned blacks. Is that still the case?
Last edited:
When's the last time you called one of your service companies and it took them more effort than to call up your screen to tell you what the problems is.
FIOS, PSEG, National Grid, AT&T...everything's in the database.
You call, they invoke your audit trail on an administrator screen, they fix the problem.
What planet are you living on?
No. Real engineers like me trouble shoot the issue then tell the service provider to fix their shit backed with supporting evidence the problem originates in their system. So take a situation where a voice call on a SIP network does not work correctly. Depending on the symptoms I track the call via error logging from originating device to the sip trunk my gateway connects to with the service provider. In real world conditions no one calls the service provider and tells them something is wrong please fix it. The first thing they will say is it isnt their issue. You have to prove its their issue.
Sure cupcake...every company worth it's salt has a guy running a script like you posted to find problems.
Now let's deal with reality...
Tell me the last time you called a reputable company that couldn't tell you within 2 seconds of getting your phone number what the exact problem was and couldn't fix it almost immediately.
Heck, if a router went out at work we'd know it immediately and if it couldn't be restarted (an extremely rare occurence) we'd have someone go diagnose the issue.
You are obviously dealing with tiny operations.
Thousands of people call AT&T or Verizon when they have a problem and they let you know instantly what the issue is and whether or not it's a software or hardware issue.
"we'd have someone go diagnose the issue."

Thats what trouble shooting is you moron. :laughing0301:
You are ad hocing code that should already be part of the application.
Of course you’re too stupid to follow the discussion.
Yet Asclepias has offered up his credentials while you still haven't listed your degrees, certifications and training credentials. But more importantly do you have anything to say about the fact that you claimed there are no educated black people nor any of which have had ANY success in the last 50 years when you've been conversing with individuals who it would appear are at least as accomplished and educated if not moreso than you are?

My mother started working the job from which she retired as a key punch operator. At the time she retired she was a system analyst whose position included hiring staff for her department and when necessary, terminating employees as well. So when you start crying and complaining about black people who behave in ways you don't approve of or in ways you don't like, tough shit. None of us were put on this earth to try to curry favor or do anything to the satisfaction of a bunch of self-admitted racists.

I don't know Asclepias other than his postings on this board but I have conversed with IM2 off thread as well as several of the other African Americans who post here, but even if I had never had any personal conversations with any of them I could tell by the shear volume of their individual knowledge bases, how they present themselves, how they respond to the nastiness that we've all been subjected to, including the idiotic and most definitely racist statements, assumptions and lies that have been leveled against Black people in general and us specifically that they don't fall into the category of people that you all keep trotting out as some type of example of the only thing black people can and ever will be.

The abysmal lack of knowledge of most of the racists commenting here on their own history in our country and who are completely ignorant of the fact that it's the laws of the land that enforced and still enforces how your stacked deck produces the results that you all want to take credit for as if that's some sort of indication of superiority. I do suspect however that some can sense that the winds are changing and are worried that they may soon be subjected to the same "kindnesses" that they have shown others. Most of the Black people I know would never wish that upon any of you, although more than a few of you deserve nothing less.
I presume you haven’t read too many of AssLip’s postings; he’s the biggest racist here.
His BS in CIS is worrhless due to H1-Bs and the fact that he is not a programmer.
What college gives a Computer Science degree to someone who hasn’t written several dozen programs in their curriculum?
The MSCE is toilet paper used by MS to ensure that only H1-Bs would be hired since 2004.
He insists he’s the greatest human being who ever lived and revises history and current events.
I have never posted that Blacks are any less intelligent than anyone else, but I do know that since 1982 I have never met an African American programmer.
Programmers since Reagan have been the major target of H1-B replacement and companies don’t want Blacks marching in the streets.
And by the way, a Systems Analyst is not a
The Systems Analyst is more on the business side and usually has little hands on duties.
I know because there are times where I have spent 1-3 years serving in that role without writing a line of code.
Yet Asclepias has offered up his credentials while you still haven't listed your degrees, certifications and training credentials. But more importantly do you have anything to say about the fact that you claimed there are no educated black people nor any of which have had ANY success in the last 50 years when you've been conversing with individuals who it would appear are at least as accomplished and educated if not moreso than you are?

My mother started working the job from which she retired as a key punch operator. At the time she retired she was a system analyst whose position included hiring staff for her department and when necessary, terminating employees as well. So when you start crying and complaining about black people who behave in ways you don't approve of or in ways you don't like, tough shit. None of us were put on this earth to try to curry favor or do anything to the satisfaction of a bunch of self-admitted racists.

I don't know Asclepias other than his postings on this board but I have conversed with IM2 off thread as well as several of the other African Americans who post here, but even if I had never had any personal conversations with any of them I could tell by the shear volume of their individual knowledge bases, how they present themselves, how they respond to the nastiness that we've all been subjected to, including the idiotic and most definitely racist statements, assumptions and lies that have been leveled against Black people in general and us specifically that they don't fall into the category of people that you all keep trotting out as some type of example of the only thing black people can and ever will be.

The abysmal lack of knowledge of most of the racists commenting here on their own history in our country and who are completely ignorant of the fact that it's the laws of the land that enforced and still enforces how your stacked deck produces the results that you all want to take credit for as if that's some sort of indication of superiority. I do suspect however that some can sense that the winds are changing and are worried that they may soon be subjected to the same "kindnesses" that they have shown others. Most of the Black people I know would never wish that upon any of you, although more than a few of you deserve nothing less.
No. Real engineers like me trouble shoot the issue then tell the service provider to fix their shit backed with supporting evidence the problem originates in their system. So take a situation where a voice call on a SIP network does not work correctly. Depending on the symptoms I track the call via error logging from originating device to the sip trunk my gateway connects to with the service provider. In real world conditions no one calls the service provider and tells them something is wrong please fix it. The first thing they will say is it isnt their issue. You have to prove its their issue.
Sure cupcake...every company worth it's salt has a guy running a script like you posted to find problems.
Now let's deal with reality...
Tell me the last time you called a reputable company that couldn't tell you within 2 seconds of getting your phone number what the exact problem was and couldn't fix it almost immediately.
Heck, if a router went out at work we'd know it immediately and if it couldn't be restarted (an extremely rare occurence) we'd have someone go diagnose the issue.
You are obviously dealing with tiny operations.
Thousands of people call AT&T or Verizon when they have a problem and they let you know instantly what the issue is and whether or not it's a software or hardware issue.
"we'd have someone go diagnose the issue."

Thats what trouble shooting is you moron. :laughing0301:
You are ad hocing code that should already be part of the application.
Of course you’re too stupid to follow the discussion.
Yet Asclepias has offered up his credentials while you still haven't listed your degrees, certifications and training credentials. But more importantly do you have anything to say about the fact that you claimed there are no educated black people nor any of which have had ANY success in the last 50 years when you've been conversing with individuals who it would appear are at least as accomplished and educated if not moreso than you are?

My mother started working the job from which she retired as a key punch operator. At the time she retired she was a system analyst whose position included hiring staff for her department and when necessary, terminating employees as well. So when you start crying and complaining about black people who behave in ways you don't approve of or in ways you don't like, tough shit. None of us were put on this earth to try to curry favor or do anything to the satisfaction of a bunch of self-admitted racists.

I don't know Asclepias other than his postings on this board but I have conversed with IM2 off thread as well as several of the other African Americans who post here, but even if I had never had any personal conversations with any of them I could tell by the shear volume of their individual knowledge bases, how they present themselves, how they respond to the nastiness that we've all been subjected to, including the idiotic and most definitely racist statements, assumptions and lies that have been leveled against Black people in general and us specifically that they don't fall into the category of people that you all keep trotting out as some type of example of the only thing black people can and ever will be.

The abysmal lack of knowledge of most of the racists commenting here on their own history in our country and who are completely ignorant of the fact that it's the laws of the land that enforced and still enforces how your stacked deck produces the results that you all want to take credit for as if that's some sort of indication of superiority. I do suspect however that some can sense that the winds are changing and are worried that they may soon be subjected to the same "kindnesses" that they have shown others. Most of the Black people I know would never wish that upon any of you, although more than a few of you deserve nothing less.

What is your explanation for the fact that the majority of black people say that blacks are more racist than whites?

More Americans feel that black people are more racist than whites and Hispanics. study finds | Daily Mail Online

Anyhow your family seems to be high achievers, why do you think that is the case?

I know at one time light-skinned blacks had more status in black communites than dark skinned blacks. Is that still the case?
I know this wasnt directed at me but I would say you were gullible if not downright ignorant. First we dont know who financed the poll and for what reason. We dont know the methods used, the amount of people polled, how the people were selected, etc etc etc. Then the final nail in the coffin was that your link was dated 2013.
Sure cupcake...every company worth it's salt has a guy running a script like you posted to find problems.
Now let's deal with reality...
Tell me the last time you called a reputable company that couldn't tell you within 2 seconds of getting your phone number what the exact problem was and couldn't fix it almost immediately.
Heck, if a router went out at work we'd know it immediately and if it couldn't be restarted (an extremely rare occurence) we'd have someone go diagnose the issue.
You are obviously dealing with tiny operations.
Thousands of people call AT&T or Verizon when they have a problem and they let you know instantly what the issue is and whether or not it's a software or hardware issue.
"we'd have someone go diagnose the issue."

Thats what trouble shooting is you moron. :laughing0301:
You are ad hocing code that should already be part of the application.
Of course you’re too stupid to follow the discussion.
Yet Asclepias has offered up his credentials while you still haven't listed your degrees, certifications and training credentials. But more importantly do you have anything to say about the fact that you claimed there are no educated black people nor any of which have had ANY success in the last 50 years when you've been conversing with individuals who it would appear are at least as accomplished and educated if not moreso than you are?

My mother started working the job from which she retired as a key punch operator. At the time she retired she was a system analyst whose position included hiring staff for her department and when necessary, terminating employees as well. So when you start crying and complaining about black people who behave in ways you don't approve of or in ways you don't like, tough shit. None of us were put on this earth to try to curry favor or do anything to the satisfaction of a bunch of self-admitted racists.

I don't know Asclepias other than his postings on this board but I have conversed with IM2 off thread as well as several of the other African Americans who post here, but even if I had never had any personal conversations with any of them I could tell by the shear volume of their individual knowledge bases, how they present themselves, how they respond to the nastiness that we've all been subjected to, including the idiotic and most definitely racist statements, assumptions and lies that have been leveled against Black people in general and us specifically that they don't fall into the category of people that you all keep trotting out as some type of example of the only thing black people can and ever will be.

The abysmal lack of knowledge of most of the racists commenting here on their own history in our country and who are completely ignorant of the fact that it's the laws of the land that enforced and still enforces how your stacked deck produces the results that you all want to take credit for as if that's some sort of indication of superiority. I do suspect however that some can sense that the winds are changing and are worried that they may soon be subjected to the same "kindnesses" that they have shown others. Most of the Black people I know would never wish that upon any of you, although more than a few of you deserve nothing less.

What is your explanation for the fact that the majority of black people say that blacks are more racist than whites?

More Americans feel that black people are more racist than whites and Hispanics. study finds | Daily Mail Online

Anyhow your family seems to be high achievers, why do you think that is the case?

I know at one time light-skinned blacks had more status in black communites than dark skinned blacks. Is that still the case?
I know this wasnt directed at me but I would say you were gullible if not downright ignorant. First we dont know who financed the poll and for what reason. We dont know the methods used, the amount of people polled, how the people were selected, etc etc etc. Then the final nail in the coffin was that your link was dated 2013.

Oh, get real you could say the same things about any poll. Do you really things have changed that much in 5 yrs? If anything I think more people consider blacks more racist than whites today than they did back then.
"we'd have someone go diagnose the issue."

Thats what trouble shooting is you moron. :laughing0301:
You are ad hocing code that should already be part of the application.
Of course you’re too stupid to follow the discussion.
Yet Asclepias has offered up his credentials while you still haven't listed your degrees, certifications and training credentials. But more importantly do you have anything to say about the fact that you claimed there are no educated black people nor any of which have had ANY success in the last 50 years when you've been conversing with individuals who it would appear are at least as accomplished and educated if not moreso than you are?

My mother started working the job from which she retired as a key punch operator. At the time she retired she was a system analyst whose position included hiring staff for her department and when necessary, terminating employees as well. So when you start crying and complaining about black people who behave in ways you don't approve of or in ways you don't like, tough shit. None of us were put on this earth to try to curry favor or do anything to the satisfaction of a bunch of self-admitted racists.

I don't know Asclepias other than his postings on this board but I have conversed with IM2 off thread as well as several of the other African Americans who post here, but even if I had never had any personal conversations with any of them I could tell by the shear volume of their individual knowledge bases, how they present themselves, how they respond to the nastiness that we've all been subjected to, including the idiotic and most definitely racist statements, assumptions and lies that have been leveled against Black people in general and us specifically that they don't fall into the category of people that you all keep trotting out as some type of example of the only thing black people can and ever will be.

The abysmal lack of knowledge of most of the racists commenting here on their own history in our country and who are completely ignorant of the fact that it's the laws of the land that enforced and still enforces how your stacked deck produces the results that you all want to take credit for as if that's some sort of indication of superiority. I do suspect however that some can sense that the winds are changing and are worried that they may soon be subjected to the same "kindnesses" that they have shown others. Most of the Black people I know would never wish that upon any of you, although more than a few of you deserve nothing less.

What is your explanation for the fact that the majority of black people say that blacks are more racist than whites?

More Americans feel that black people are more racist than whites and Hispanics. study finds | Daily Mail Online

Anyhow your family seems to be high achievers, why do you think that is the case?

I know at one time light-skinned blacks had more status in black communites than dark skinned blacks. Is that still the case?
I know this wasnt directed at me but I would say you were gullible if not downright ignorant. First we dont know who financed the poll and for what reason. We dont know the methods used, the amount of people polled, how the people were selected, etc etc etc. Then the final nail in the coffin was that your link was dated 2013.

Oh, get real you could say the same things about any poll. Do you really things have changed that much in 5 yrs? If anything I think more people consider blacks more racist than whites today than they did back then.
Lets see. Drumpf has been elected which shocked the shit out of a lot of Black people. I guarantee way more think most whites are racist now.

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