Obama’s promise of amnesty


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Is causing a rush or illegal aliens over our border putting themselves in mortal danger. A truck load was just stopped in Arizona with a pregnant woman under the truck bed and she had to be taken to a hospital immediately to deliver. These people are desperate to get into this country because of the promise of amnesty. Another anchor baby that will automatically qualify for all the freebies any poor American would. Any other time the mother would be taken back across the border but the baby will anchor her here at the expense of the American taxpayer. This is a nightmare that has to be stopped immediately. We do not need any more immigrants other than those legally admitted each year. This is not a free for all country.

This is happening because of Obama’s promise to give all illegal aliens that are here amnesty and this cannot be allowed to continue. We cannot afford for it to continue. We cannot take care of our own. Mexico is fully capable of taking care of it’s own and they would if the people demanded it and revolted against a corrupt government. If we continue to take care of their people why should they make a effort to?

All that baby did to earn citizenship was be born here and mother has done absolutely nothing but cross the border illegally.

Obama’s promise of amnesty is a costly and dangerous message to send
Whether it's the conservatives or the liberals who plan amnesty, it's still STUPID! Just cause Reagan did it in 1986 does not make it right. So stop with the finger pointing as it does not solve a damn thing. This country does not need to legalize 20M plus people who entered this country without permission. And let me remind you that NOT ALL have jobs - many are living off welfare via their american born children! Time to stop kidding yourselves and stop your bleeding heart mentality - it serves no purpose!
Talk to any latino who voted for Obama and they will tell you HIS promise of an immigration REFORM which in their minds translate into an amnesty. And you can thank the spanish media for its interpretation.
Talk to any latino who voted for Obama and they will tell you HIS promise of an immigration REFORM which in their minds translate into an amnesty. And you can thank the spanish media for its interpretation.

Latino's wishful interpretations don't really translate as a promise from Obama......does it?

All that baby did to earn citizenship was be born here... as opposed to german-born LilOlLady who got her american citizenship due to outstanding contributions to quantum physics, chaos theory and relativity.
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Talk to any latino who voted for Obama and they will tell you HIS promise of an immigration REFORM which in their minds translate into an amnesty. And you can thank the spanish media for its interpretation.

Latino's wishful interpretations don't really translate as a promise from Obama......does it?

Ask ME about OBAMA'S promise of healthcare REFORM, which in my mind translated to legal prostitution.
In my mind it translated into you must purchase the services of a prostitute or incur a fine or possible jail sentence.
In my mind it translated into you must purchase the services of a prostitute or incur a fine or possible jail sentence.

In your mind, you have to pay?

In my mind all prostitution services are a RIGHT, freely available to every citizen that looks exactly like me, and subsidized by the Central Government.
Which means we are all stuck with a 65 year old hooker with a pussy that melts penicillin needles.

Sort of like the British NHS.

Is causing a rush or illegal aliens over our border putting themselves in mortal danger.

Obama’s promise of amnesty is a costly and dangerous message to send

What "promise of amnesty?"


- President Barack Obama promised Thursday to do all he can this year to turn the immigration reform blueprint authored by one Democratic and one Republican senator into the law of the land.

Obama backs amnesty plan; O.C. reps say no | immigration, graham, obama - News - The Orange County Register

Is causing a rush or illegal aliens over our border putting themselves in mortal danger.

Obama’s promise of amnesty is a costly and dangerous message to send

What "promise of amnesty?"


- President Barack Obama promised Thursday to do all he can this year to turn the immigration reform blueprint authored by one Democratic and one Republican senator into the law of the land.

Obama backs amnesty plan; O.C. reps say no | immigration, graham, obama - News - The Orange County Register

Now, hold on there sonny:

Obama pledged "do everything in my power to forge a bipartisan consensus this year on this important issue so we can continue to move forward on comprehensive immigration reform." He urged Congress to act "at the earliest opportunity.''

He never said, "I promise Amnesty"

In other news:

Hey, I'm gonna do everything in my power to forge a great shit tomorrow morning, so I can continue to move forward on my Saturday.

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