Obama/Romney on 60 minutes. You watching?

In between bobbing your head in Obama's lap read my post directly after yours. No claims of bias yet

Both sides play the blame game...

Deal with it.

Romney took responsibility for his blunders. Haven't heard Obama do anything of the sort

I'm dealing with it perfectly fine

He's done that already stating that he didn't "tell the story" of his programs well enough.

You don't think there is a "blame everyone except Mitt" mantra on this board? Really?
Both sides play the blame game...

Deal with it.

Romney took responsibility for his blunders. Haven't heard Obama do anything of the sort

I'm dealing with it perfectly fine

He's done that already stating that he didn't "tell the story" of his programs well enough.

You don't think there is a "blame everyone except Mitt" mantra on this board? Really?

Not from me but if you deny the hardcore slant in the media which contributes to how Romney is perceived you're an idiot
My reflections on the 60 minute spew, Obama's not perfect and I don't expect that in any individual's. Romney still looks untrustworthy in character. I have no bias in all this, I feel I can sleep better with Obama on the job. The nation and the world is complicated. Requires compromise and I feel the man to do the job is the current president. Compromise is a realistic way on how the nation and the the world functions regardless. And this black man the right person for the job.:eusa_shhh:
And now we have the

GOP BLOCKED me scapegoat

So...republicans never said they'd prioritize not getting Obama reelected over compromising and actually getting things done in a period of extreme economic downturn? Because I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they've said and have done as well.

They have indeed done things to stop Obama. Thing is they are asking him why should we believe he will get the gop to work with him. What's the point of having a lame duck for the next four years. 60 minutes sees reality so why dont you?

That goes both ways in a really obvious way. Say Romney got elected, if Dems don't cooperate with him then we should elect a democrat or something? Secondly, "why should we believe he will get the gop to work with him" oh I don't know, maybe because it's the legislative branch's job to... legislate. As opposed to hosting a 4 year long campaign.

Seriously, a big reason I don't want the GOP to enjoy much success in the upcoming elections is because then the democrats will see for themselves that blocking the opposing party's proposals is indeed an effective strategy for getting one's own party back into power/majority. Partisan antics will tank this country if we aren't careful. We've already had a downgraded credit rating do to "political brinkmanship", lets not see how far this thing goes.
And they already gave Obama credit for ending the Iraq war without a mention of Bush's timeline. They called it one of Obama's foreign affairs achievements.

And so it begins

He said he would so when he became president...didn't do it as fast as he claimed he would but he did it.

I did appreciate how Romney took sole responsibility for the 47% comment. Saying that doesn't reflect his campaign (people) but rather it was his comment. It's rather nice to hear someone not blame everyone else
BUSH DID IT! LMAO...I crack up every time I hear Obama say that....its Bush's fault! No I am not watching it I have no interest in Obamney.Only reason I would watch the debates is if Johnson is allowed in.
never once mentioned the lack of leadership in the senate ,oh wait they are run by the Dems.

One thing they are both right,there are clear differences.

Obamma has a vision for me ,where as Romney understands that through personnel freedoms I can with MY efforts have my own vision for myself.
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It's over. No ending on touchy feely garbage for Romney. Only Obama got that and they ended with it. If I had to critique that would be my only negative for 60 minutes

They asked the exact same questions of both to end each interview. You must have missed Romne's treatise on restoring "freedom".

You are transparent.
Liked the comment that he is only partial responsible as president,so it not the buck stops here just sorta.

What we saw is a politician and a statesman,the choice is there what would you rather have?
And Obama starts off by blaming Bush. Lol

It's a simple fact. When he took office, our economy had already been clusterbombed.

Fact check: Job losses ballooned in final quarter of 2008 | Economic Policy Institute

Obama took office on January 20, 2009.

Here's data from 2007-2009: http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2010/03/art2full.pdf

If you look at the table on page 25, you can see that the worst quarter for job losses during this recession was the first quarter of 2009. That was the lowest point. It started on Bush's watch, got worse right before Obama took office, continued on a downward slide when Obama was new on the job, and then began to correct. It is what it is.

He was handed a turd sandwich the day he took office.

laughable support azzhat when obumer the kenyan transplant can sway those numbers hence the continuous adjustment/decline in actual jobs produced
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And they already gave Obama credit for ending the Iraq war without a mention of Bush's timeline.
Allow me!!!


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETqX3DRtZtU]60 Minutes: George W. Bush Sought to -Find A Way- to Invade Iraq - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejph4LBdmmc]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP - YouTube[/ame]


And Obama starts off by blaming Bush. Lol
Hell......he's already leveled an ENTIRE ROOM of Republicans, on that one!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y04g6OPLnQ]Obama Dismantles Republican Caucus Part 1 of 7 - YouTube[/ame]


And Obama starts off by blaming Bush. Lol

It's a simple fact. When he took office, our economy had already been clusterbombed.

January 13, 2008

"The recession-deniers were muzzled by a horrendous last two weeks of December, and the gloom-and-doomers are now out in force. Their key arguments:

* Plummeting housing will now drag down the rest of the economy.

*The "bad debt" problem is not just "sub-prime" folks who should never have have taken out mortgages in the first place. It includes credit card debt, "high quality" mortgages, car loans, and other leverage that have recently become a consumer way of life.

*Pressure on consumers is leading to a reduction in consumer spending (70% of economy), which, in turn, will lead to a reduction in spending by companies that sell stuff to consumers.

*The question now is not "will there be a recession?" but "how bad will it get?"

*The most optimistic forecasts in a NYT gloom-and-doom round-up are for three crappy quarters, regardless of what the Fed does. Less optimistic forecasts suggest that we are, well, screwed.

After blowing the last downturn, we've been worried this one since last summer (see below). We also suspect that, given the importance of housing to the economy and debt to consumer spending, the recession will be deeper and more prolonged than people think."

.....And, even OBAMA couldn't fuck-things-up, as badly as The IDIOT SON!!!!!


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