So if economic conditions worsen, is it fair to start calling this the "Obama Recession" or would that be unfair given he inherited a good deal of the mess even if his current performance as President appears to be worsening rather than helping the mess?
Granted, the stimulus bill has yet to be signed off, but with the Congressional Budget Office stating less than half the infrastructure spending will take place within two years, does that really matter when classifying the current economy as the "Obama Recession"?
50 De-Stimulating Facts by Stephen Spruiell & Kevin Williamson on National Review Online
Granted, the stimulus bill has yet to be signed off, but with the Congressional Budget Office stating less than half the infrastructure spending will take place within two years, does that really matter when classifying the current economy as the "Obama Recession"?
50 De-Stimulating Facts by Stephen Spruiell & Kevin Williamson on National Review Online