Obama on DACA and the constitution


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
At least now we know for sure that he understands the constitution and how wrong it is for a president to bypass congress with executive orders.

Hoisted on his own petard in other words.
Obama made a mockery of the only job he was elected to do...execute the laws passed by congress.
I wonder why he thought we even needed DACA. People have been living here illegally for a long time, some more than 20 years. Why didn't any of them apply for citizenship or keep their visas current? Seems there was no effort on their part to become legitimate yet they were benefitting from being here.

It's 100% the fault of parents who came here with their children. It's also the fault of politicians who put welcome mats at the border and even went as far as to spread pamphlets in Mexico to instruct people on how to come here illegally and demand things.

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