Obama Lies Again


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
Carrabelle, fl. 60 miles s of tallahassee
Defense Ministry compares Iran nuclear deal to Munich Agreement

I don't know whether people are more tired of me harping on Obama being a serial liar or Mathew saying we need more investment in infrastructure, it's probably close. The reason for this annoying consistentcy is that the media and Obama have claimed repeatedly in every election cycle that they own the moral high ground. No facts support this claim. Just this week Obama has lied about the ransom for prisoners and the stance of Israel during major news conferences.he has misled the people on every major piece of domestic legislation or foreign treaties and trade deals. He is a shyster. A con artist a man who has contempt for the truth when it conflicts with his goals, and a man who feels no duty to be straight with the American people. He has tried to superimpose the Chicago machine on top of the federal govt., and so far he has been successful.

As a politician Obama is mean spirited, narcissistic, and condescending. He has no more integrity, virtue, or charity than any other run of the mill politician. The idea of him as a beacon of purity in a storm of corruption is a function of media adoration and his own demagoguery.

Once a voter realizes that Obamas status is based on a strategy of lying, misdirection, personal attacks, and slow walking investigations it is easier to put this election year in context. Hilary is doubling down on that strategy believing the voters are too gullible to believe the truth. She figures she'll lie twice as much to much better effect, and that her surrogates will also practice the mendacity she espouses. Republicans need to confront the narrative of the holy Obama head on. They need to pull the curtain back and expose the president for the charlatan that he is and Hilary for the charlatan she will be. The Donald will benefit from such comparisons.
Do not believe for even a second that the moonbat messiah's zealots will lose any dedication.

These are not lucid human beings we are talking about. These are mindless parasites whose only concern is feeding and fucking.

The meat puppet faggot could rape a teenage boy on the White House lawn, strangle him mid climax then stand up and shoot him in the head. The media would blame the victim for seducing obozo, the democrook apparatchiks would call it a brave demonstration for more gun control, and the ghetto rats would threaten to riot and burn down every city in the country if an attempt was made to prosecute that piece of shit.


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