Obama - Legacy of a Loser

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Obama's legacy can be summed up in one word, "Loser." Not only did he lose in his quest to destroy President Trump's chances of being elected by wiretapping Trump Towers. He is responsible for Democrats losing over 1,000 seats in Congress and State legislative seats. Is it any wonder Democrat candidates sought to distance themselves from him?
Democrats lost over 1,000 seats under Obama

Democratic Party suffered huge losses at every level during Obama’s West Wing tenure.

The grand total: a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency.

The latter was perhaps the most profound example of Obama's popularity failing to translate to support for his allies. Hillary Clinton, who served as secretary of state under Obama, brought the first family out for numerous campaign appearances. In September, Obama declared that his “legacy’s on the ballot.”

Less than two months later, Americans voted for Donald Trump.
Not only that he is now going to go down in History as a Marxist Traitor who spent 8 years trying to undermine Democracy and build a "Surveillance State" where we spy on our own citizens.

Now the idiot plants in The CIA and NSA who were placed there to undermine America, are trying to destroy our intelligence capabilities, and leak even more classified information.

Hell, Hillary leaked a ton of it herself, so it's not surprising.
Elevator man to Barack Obama: Going down?

Yes, this the strongest the GOP has been at the state/federal level in my lifetime and yet very little has changed. This slavish devotion to the two party system is a joke.
Elevator man to Barack Obama: Going down?

Nope...straight up...


If you need help reading that, just hollah!
No, I can turn it right side up without your help but thanks.

You got time running backwards?

Seriously......was your Sunday School accredited?
You've got your graph turned upside down. Not backwards!

Have you considered reconciling your faith with......uh.......I dunno........the DATA?

I really think you should abandon this particular tack.......or rally some of your fellow Unrepentant 2 Time Scrub Voting Innumerates to your side........
He was the worst president in US history. Who are you trying to kid?
I'd invite you to construct an argument consistent with that conclusion...


238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

I have you down for TWO votes for that clown.......is that about right?
I didn't vote for the guy who claimed he invented the internet and I didn't vote for the guy who got kicked to the curb by the Swift boat ads and later turned on Israel.

Does that answer your question?
I was right....

You cast two votes for the worst POTUS of the modern era....

So let's look at HIS economic legacy, in chart form


will you look at that!

It's almost, like, the opposite of Obama's chart....

I guess that is why they call it The Lost Decade.....

and you thought so much of it, you HAD to double your fun?
ADDRESS the OP boys and girls. Not each other.

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