Obama Leaks Info On Israel’s Nuke Program To Iran

So why is Iran telling obammy they will not give up their nuclear materials?
And Republicans aren't running this circus,you boi obammy is.
No one ever said dealing with them would be easy; that they would just give us everything we asked for. That's why it's vitally imperative to show force in unity. Six nations forging an alias against them is the key. Maybe it will deter them, maybe it won't. If it doesn't, there's already an alliance against Iran. Without such a deal, it's a guarantee that Iran will have nukes in short order -- and no alliance to do anything about it.

And yes, Obama is in charge and he is moving forward with his attempt to sign a deal, despite the rights' obstructionism.

And again, the right brings nothing to the table. They have no plan. They have no ideas. Left to their accord, Israel is on their own. I've yet to see a rightie rationally explain how that's better for Israel than Obama's plan.

They did all they needed to do. They told Iran not to expect to get away with any crap come 2017.
Iran is going to pull the same shit Iraq did. Count on it.
I do count on it. Which is why I prefer Iran have to face consequences from a coalition of the U.S., U.K., China, Russia, France & Germany; than just Israel.

So why is Iran already backing out of the deal? It'll be the same shit as with Iraq,stall an deny.
Oh yeah.....death to American.
Asked and answered.

Not answered. So what are they going to do about it?
Israel does not take orders from the U.S. which are not in their best interest. They also don't put their national security in the hands of other nations, including the U.S. You can be certain, if Israel possessed the capabilities of completely destroying Iran nuclear facilities, they would have done so. They would not have waited until Iran was enriching Uranium or for Obama to cut a deal with Iran.

You're dumbass, we've held back Israel many times.
Sorry to break the bad news to ya, but you're the dumbass here. Israel has never done anything it felt was not in its own best interest. If we told them to heal and they listened, it's only because they felt that was in their best interest. Israel does what it needs to do to survive. That includes taking out Iran's nuclear installations, which if they could have, they would have. Just as they have done in the past. But now is different. Iran has learned from the past and made it virtually impossible to eliminate their nuclear sites with sufficient infliction to prevent them from building a nuke.

BS During the Gulf war we had to keep Israel on a chain.
You're not too bright. You're citing an example of Israel doing what was in their best interest. Israel had nothing to gain by attacking Iraq given the U.S was already pounding them. Israel got to sit that one out while others fought that battle. Much like they can do now if the U.S., U.K., China, Russia, France & Germany can reach a deal with Iran.

Nothing to gain? Iraq was shooting scuds at em dipshit.
And what would Israel gain by firing back given a Iraq was already fighting a coalition of a down or so nations? Even worse for Israel, Hussein was firing at Israel to bait them into the war knowing he would gain support from surrounding Arab nations if Israel jumped into the fray. They risked having some of the Arab nations fighting for the coalition against Iraq switching teams. How could that possibly been in Israel's best interest?

It's best you keep playing with your Mr. Potato Head and leave the big decisions to the adults.
Go back to burning crosses on your lawn.

Why would I burn a cross on my own front lawn?
You show an amazing lack of understanding of how these things work,especially being a part of the clan party.
Which clan is that? The Clan of the Cave Bear or the CCC?

Clan of the cave bear? You some kind of lesbian?
Me? I suppose you could say I'm a lesbian in a man's body. But what on Earth does Clan of the Cave Bear have to do with lesbians?

Clan of the Cave Bear

WTF are you smoking??

Well known feminist book.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:


I forgot, you're a conservative and conservatives are afraid of strong women; which is what the book is actually about.
No one ever said dealing with them would be easy; that they would just give us everything we asked for. That's why it's vitally imperative to show force in unity. Six nations forging an alias against them is the key. Maybe it will deter them, maybe it won't. If it doesn't, there's already an alliance against Iran. Without such a deal, it's a guarantee that Iran will have nukes in short order -- and no alliance to do anything about it.

And yes, Obama is in charge and he is moving forward with his attempt to sign a deal, despite the rights' obstructionism.

And again, the right brings nothing to the table. They have no plan. They have no ideas. Left to their accord, Israel is on their own. I've yet to see a rightie rationally explain how that's better for Israel than Obama's plan.

They did all they needed to do. They told Iran not to expect to get away with any crap come 2017.
Iran is going to pull the same shit Iraq did. Count on it.
I do count on it. Which is why I prefer Iran have to face consequences from a coalition of the U.S., U.K., China, Russia, France & Germany; than just Israel.

So why is Iran already backing out of the deal? It'll be the same shit as with Iraq,stall an deny.
Oh yeah.....death to American.
Asked and answered.

Not answered. So what are they going to do about it?
Of course I answered it. And there's no point in repeating myself since you clearly don't understand.
The war-mongering right wingers are all out on this thread.......Just as courageous and belligerent as Islamic terrorists...except, of course, for the suicide bomb vests.
Sounds like your boi obammies plan is falling apart as we speak.
Iran backs away from key element in nuclear deal.
Iran is now refusing to to hand over their stock pile of nuclear materials.
Gee what a surprise......
If the deal falls apart, that only hurts Israel since that will mean Israel is going to have to invade Iran on their own. A task they will fail at if they try because their are too many unknown locations where Iran is working on nuclear technology. Israel can take out many of Iran's nuclear sites but they can't take them all out.

And unfortunately for Netanyahu, he aligned with America's Republican party and as we can see here -- Republicans have no plan. :ack-1:
only a blithering idiot like yourself would think that any deal is better than no deal. Democrats are also against a bad deal. You're a clown, just like the rest of you leftist clowns.
It is not better than no deal. No deal means Iran has a nuke, possibly within a year and nobody in agreement to do anything about it. A deal doesn't prevent Iran from building a nuke anyway, but it gets the world's leading nations to agree to use military force, if necessary, to prevent it.

And again .... Republicans have NO plan.

So why is Iran telling obammy they will not give up their nuclear materials?
And Republicans aren't running this circus,you boi obammy is.
No one ever said dealing with them would be easy; that they would just give us everything we asked for. That's why it's vitally imperative to show force in unity. Six nations forging an alias against them is the key. Maybe it will deter them, maybe it won't. If it doesn't, there's already an alliance against Iran. Without such a deal, it's a guarantee that Iran will have nukes in short order -- and no alliance to do anything about it.

And yes, Obama is in charge and he is moving forward with his attempt to sign a deal, despite the rights' obstructionism.

And again, the right brings nothing to the table. They have no plan. They have no ideas. Left to their accord, Israel is on their own. I've yet to see a rightie rationally explain how that's better for Israel than Obama's plan.

What is Obama's plan? You have faith in Obama? Based on what?
If the deal falls apart, that only hurts Israel since that will mean Israel is going to have to invade Iran on their own. A task they will fail at if they try because their are too many unknown locations where Iran is working on nuclear technology. Israel can take out many of Iran's nuclear sites but they can't take them all out.

And unfortunately for Netanyahu, he aligned with America's Republican party and as we can see here -- Republicans have no plan. :ack-1:
only a blithering idiot like yourself would think that any deal is better than no deal. Democrats are also against a bad deal. You're a clown, just like the rest of you leftist clowns.
It is not better than no deal. No deal means Iran has a nuke, possibly within a year and nobody in agreement to do anything about it. A deal doesn't prevent Iran from building a nuke anyway, but it gets the world's leading nations to agree to use military force, if necessary, to prevent it.

And again .... Republicans have NO plan.

So why is Iran telling obammy they will not give up their nuclear materials?
And Republicans aren't running this circus,you boi obammy is.
No one ever said dealing with them would be easy; that they would just give us everything we asked for. That's why it's vitally imperative to show force in unity. Six nations forging an alias against them is the key. Maybe it will deter them, maybe it won't. If it doesn't, there's already an alliance against Iran. Without such a deal, it's a guarantee that Iran will have nukes in short order -- and no alliance to do anything about it.

And yes, Obama is in charge and he is moving forward with his attempt to sign a deal, despite the rights' obstructionism.

And again, the right brings nothing to the table. They have no plan. They have no ideas. Left to their accord, Israel is on their own. I've yet to see a rightie rationally explain how that's better for Israel than Obama's plan.

What is Obama's plan? You have faith in Obama? Based on what?
Lemme get this right .... you've been railing against Obama's plan, and all this time, you don't even know what his plan is?? Talk about self-immolation. :ack-1:
And by the way, your thread is a fail. Obama didn't "leak" anything. A court ruled the document had to be released due to the Freedom of Information Act. The Pentagon, prior to releasing it, notified Israel that unless they object to the court's ruling, we would have to release the document to the claimant. Israel did not object and therefore, the document was released. And while it does reveal Israel had built nuclear weapons, that is not the first time the U.S. government released a document exposing such information. Do you think Bush was a Jew-hater since it happened on his watch?

Perhaps now would be an opportune moment for you to apologize to the forum for posting such a bullshit thread?
I like them, they irradiate haters like yourself

You may want to consider this picture for your avatar.....it suits you better.


Is that meant to be offensive? Jake is Jewish, you know, so as far as insults go, it's pretty lame. Every Jew should be proud to walk with one of those. Better luck next time, silly.
only a blithering idiot like yourself would think that any deal is better than no deal. Democrats are also against a bad deal. You're a clown, just like the rest of you leftist clowns.
It is not better than no deal. No deal means Iran has a nuke, possibly within a year and nobody in agreement to do anything about it. A deal doesn't prevent Iran from building a nuke anyway, but it gets the world's leading nations to agree to use military force, if necessary, to prevent it.

And again .... Republicans have NO plan.

So why is Iran telling obammy they will not give up their nuclear materials?
And Republicans aren't running this circus,you boi obammy is.
No one ever said dealing with them would be easy; that they would just give us everything we asked for. That's why it's vitally imperative to show force in unity. Six nations forging an alias against them is the key. Maybe it will deter them, maybe it won't. If it doesn't, there's already an alliance against Iran. Without such a deal, it's a guarantee that Iran will have nukes in short order -- and no alliance to do anything about it.

And yes, Obama is in charge and he is moving forward with his attempt to sign a deal, despite the rights' obstructionism.

And again, the right brings nothing to the table. They have no plan. They have no ideas. Left to their accord, Israel is on their own. I've yet to see a rightie rationally explain how that's better for Israel than Obama's plan.

What is Obama's plan? You have faith in Obama? Based on what?
Lemme get this right .... you've been railing against Obama's plan, and all this time, you don't even know what his plan is?? Talk about self-immolation. :ack-1:

It's Obama's plan. Consider the source, Israel is already suspecting.
No. Republicans are opposed to the left because nearly everyone and everything the left stands for is a PIECE OF SHIT. Sure occasionally they get something right, but even a blind squirrel gets a nut every once in a while.

Republicans are opposed to the left cause that's all they've got. Opposition.
It's pretty easy to be opposed to any idea the other side puts up. Lots harder to come up with ideas of your own.
Which has been the failing of the Repubs for a long time.

NO good ideas. Everything the Republicans do get through, fails. Some one list a Republican idea that worked.
Why in the fuck ANYONE other than another Republican would believe ANYTHING a Republican says is beyond me. Earnest liars, everyone of them

And by the way, your thread is a fail. Obama didn't "leak" anything. A court ruled the document had to be released due to the Freedom of Information Act. The Pentagon, prior to releasing it, notified Israel that unless they object to the court's ruling, we would have to release the document to the claimant. Israel did not object and therefore, the document was released. And while it does reveal Israel had built nuclear weapons, that is not the first time the U.S. government released a document exposing such information. Do you think Bush was a Jew-hater since it happened on his watch?

Perhaps now would be an opportune moment for you to apologize to the forum for posting such a bullshit thread?
You have a reading comprehension problem again?? Or did you skip over the part when obam and crew blocked out the information on Germany and the rest??
It is not better than no deal. No deal means Iran has a nuke, possibly within a year and nobody in agreement to do anything about it. A deal doesn't prevent Iran from building a nuke anyway, but it gets the world's leading nations to agree to use military force, if necessary, to prevent it.

And again .... Republicans have NO plan.

So why is Iran telling obammy they will not give up their nuclear materials?
And Republicans aren't running this circus,you boi obammy is.
No one ever said dealing with them would be easy; that they would just give us everything we asked for. That's why it's vitally imperative to show force in unity. Six nations forging an alias against them is the key. Maybe it will deter them, maybe it won't. If it doesn't, there's already an alliance against Iran. Without such a deal, it's a guarantee that Iran will have nukes in short order -- and no alliance to do anything about it.

And yes, Obama is in charge and he is moving forward with his attempt to sign a deal, despite the rights' obstructionism.

And again, the right brings nothing to the table. They have no plan. They have no ideas. Left to their accord, Israel is on their own. I've yet to see a rightie rationally explain how that's better for Israel than Obama's plan.

What is Obama's plan? You have faith in Obama? Based on what?
Lemme get this right .... you've been railing against Obama's plan, and all this time, you don't even know what his plan is?? Talk about self-immolation. :ack-1:

It's Obama's plan. Consider the source, Israel is already suspecting.
This is why the right cannot be taken seriously. They have no plan of their own and don't even care what the left plans are. ALL they know is they're the right and we're the left, so therefore, fight everything we do to the death. Meanwhile, that division will lead to the destruction of the U.S.
No. Republicans are opposed to the left because nearly everyone and everything the left stands for is a PIECE OF SHIT. Sure occasionally they get something right, but even a blind squirrel gets a nut every once in a while.

Republicans are opposed to the left cause that's all they've got. Opposition.
It's pretty easy to be opposed to any idea the other side puts up. Lots harder to come up with ideas of your own.
Which has been the failing of the Repubs for a long time.

NO good ideas. Everything the Republicans do get through, fails. Some one list a Republican idea that worked.
Why in the fuck ANYONE other than another Republican would believe ANYTHING a Republican says is beyond me. Earnest liars, everyone of them

And by the way, your thread is a fail. Obama didn't "leak" anything. A court ruled the document had to be released due to the Freedom of Information Act. The Pentagon, prior to releasing it, notified Israel that unless they object to the court's ruling, we would have to release the document to the claimant. Israel did not object and therefore, the document was released. And while it does reveal Israel had built nuclear weapons, that is not the first time the U.S. government released a document exposing such information. Do you think Bush was a Jew-hater since it happened on his watch?

Perhaps now would be an opportune moment for you to apologize to the forum for posting such a bullshit thread?
You have a reading comprehension problem again?? Or did you skip over the part when obam and crew blocked out the information on Germany and the rest??
Because those nations had nothing to do with the lawsuit which sought to gain access to thousands of documents. The lawsuit was over Israel's clandestine nuclear weapons program. Not "Germany and the rest."


You righties are fucking imbeciles. You completely step in a heaping pile of dog shit, but rather than clean off your shoes, you double down on stupid, take your shoes off and step in it barefoot.
while it's always amusing to watch J'Roids fret the Apartheid Zionist Entity isn't loved, was it any secret that the Zionists had nukes?
Not only was it not a secret, it was was revealed they have nukes while Bush was president. Did you ever witness any of this faux outrage from the loony right then? I sure didn't.
You're dumbass, we've held back Israel many times.
Sorry to break the bad news to ya, but you're the dumbass here. Israel has never done anything it felt was not in its own best interest. If we told them to heal and they listened, it's only because they felt that was in their best interest. Israel does what it needs to do to survive. That includes taking out Iran's nuclear installations, which if they could have, they would have. Just as they have done in the past. But now is different. Iran has learned from the past and made it virtually impossible to eliminate their nuclear sites with sufficient infliction to prevent them from building a nuke.

BS During the Gulf war we had to keep Israel on a chain.
You're not too bright. You're citing an example of Israel doing what was in their best interest. Israel had nothing to gain by attacking Iraq given the U.S was already pounding them. Israel got to sit that one out while others fought that battle. Much like they can do now if the U.S., U.K., China, Russia, France & Germany can reach a deal with Iran.

Nothing to gain? Iraq was shooting scuds at em dipshit.
And what would Israel gain by firing back given a Iraq was already fighting a coalition of a down or so nations? Even worse for Israel, Hussein was firing at Israel to bait them into the war knowing he would gain support from surrounding Arab nations if Israel jumped into the fray. They risked having some of the Arab nations fighting for the coalition against Iraq switching teams. How could that possibly been in Israel's best interest?

It's best you keep playing with your Mr. Potato Head and leave the big decisions to the adults.

That didnt stop Israel from wanting to retaliate. Good or bad.
So why is Iran telling obammy they will not give up their nuclear materials?
And Republicans aren't running this circus,you boi obammy is.
No one ever said dealing with them would be easy; that they would just give us everything we asked for. That's why it's vitally imperative to show force in unity. Six nations forging an alias against them is the key. Maybe it will deter them, maybe it won't. If it doesn't, there's already an alliance against Iran. Without such a deal, it's a guarantee that Iran will have nukes in short order -- and no alliance to do anything about it.

And yes, Obama is in charge and he is moving forward with his attempt to sign a deal, despite the rights' obstructionism.

And again, the right brings nothing to the table. They have no plan. They have no ideas. Left to their accord, Israel is on their own. I've yet to see a rightie rationally explain how that's better for Israel than Obama's plan.

What is Obama's plan? You have faith in Obama? Based on what?
Lemme get this right .... you've been railing against Obama's plan, and all this time, you don't even know what his plan is?? Talk about self-immolation. :ack-1:

It's Obama's plan. Consider the source, Israel is already suspecting.
This is why the right cannot be taken seriously. They have no plan of their own and don't even care what the left plans are. ALL they know is they're the right and we're the left, so therefore, fight everything we do to the death. Meanwhile, that division will lead to the destruction of the U.S.

We're not in power.
And based on what we're seeing in the middle east and obamas penchant for siding with muslim extremist,what exactly makes you think he's going to ink a good deal?
Iran is going to be on the winning side of anything the muslim and chief signs,that you can count on.
The bottom line may be this for Israel's current administration........If a decent deal is reached regarding Iran, they.....(the Israeli administration) loses MUCH of its fear-mongering-based power.....Ergo, everything must be done to sabotage the current talks in Geneva,
Sorry to break the bad news to ya, but you're the dumbass here. Israel has never done anything it felt was not in its own best interest. If we told them to heal and they listened, it's only because they felt that was in their best interest. Israel does what it needs to do to survive. That includes taking out Iran's nuclear installations, which if they could have, they would have. Just as they have done in the past. But now is different. Iran has learned from the past and made it virtually impossible to eliminate their nuclear sites with sufficient infliction to prevent them from building a nuke.

BS During the Gulf war we had to keep Israel on a chain.
You're not too bright. You're citing an example of Israel doing what was in their best interest. Israel had nothing to gain by attacking Iraq given the U.S was already pounding them. Israel got to sit that one out while others fought that battle. Much like they can do now if the U.S., U.K., China, Russia, France & Germany can reach a deal with Iran.

Nothing to gain? Iraq was shooting scuds at em dipshit.
And what would Israel gain by firing back given a Iraq was already fighting a coalition of a down or so nations? Even worse for Israel, Hussein was firing at Israel to bait them into the war knowing he would gain support from surrounding Arab nations if Israel jumped into the fray. They risked having some of the Arab nations fighting for the coalition against Iraq switching teams. How could that possibly been in Israel's best interest?

It's best you keep playing with your Mr. Potato Head and leave the big decisions to the adults.

That didnt stop Israel from wanting to retaliate. Good or bad.
Again ... they did what was in their best interest.
No one ever said dealing with them would be easy; that they would just give us everything we asked for. That's why it's vitally imperative to show force in unity. Six nations forging an alias against them is the key. Maybe it will deter them, maybe it won't. If it doesn't, there's already an alliance against Iran. Without such a deal, it's a guarantee that Iran will have nukes in short order -- and no alliance to do anything about it.

And yes, Obama is in charge and he is moving forward with his attempt to sign a deal, despite the rights' obstructionism.

And again, the right brings nothing to the table. They have no plan. They have no ideas. Left to their accord, Israel is on their own. I've yet to see a rightie rationally explain how that's better for Israel than Obama's plan.

What is Obama's plan? You have faith in Obama? Based on what?
Lemme get this right .... you've been railing against Obama's plan, and all this time, you don't even know what his plan is?? Talk about self-immolation. :ack-1:

It's Obama's plan. Consider the source, Israel is already suspecting.
This is why the right cannot be taken seriously. They have no plan of their own and don't even care what the left plans are. ALL they know is they're the right and we're the left, so therefore, fight everything we do to the death. Meanwhile, that division will lead to the destruction of the U.S.

We're not in power.
And based on what we're seeing in the middle east and obamas penchant for siding with muslim extremist,what exactly makes you think he's going to ink a good deal?
Iran is going to be on the winning side of anything the muslim and chief signs,that you can count on.
Why on Earth would I count on that? The right has me thoroughly convinced they stand for nothing except the destruction of the left of this nation. When Clinton stated terrorists wanted to attack inside the U.S., did the right work with the left to ensure such an attack wouldn't happen? Fuck no. They attacked Clinton instead for saying that, accusing him of lying about such a threat for personal reasons.

And the fuck you're not in power. You control both chambers of Congress; one of the three branches of the government. I understand you want to pretend you have no power as a pathetic excuse for why the right has no plan on how to prevent Iran from getting nukes, but taking Obama down is not going to stop Iran from their nuclear ambitions. ALL it's going to do is further divide this nation and isolate us from others.

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