Obama: ISIS a Manageable Crisis

How about we do what the Chinese do? ...regarding the Middle East, that is.
You mean close our borders completely, kick out or imprison anyone we choose for the slightest suspicious behavior, and begin building our military so we can expand our areas of influence?

Care to try again, or have you exhausted your limited supply of brain cells for the evening?
I just related to you exactly what they have done and I'm the brainless buffoon?
His question couldn't be clearer - why are you having difficulty understanding and answering it?

Carby asked:

How about we do what the Chinese do? ...regarding the Middle East, that is.

Do you understand the question now?
Please tell me your not that stupid..You could argue whether or not Bush should have went into Iraq but to set back and say "Saddam wasn't so bad" your delusional :cuckoo:he killed 100s of thousands of his own people, his scumbag sons raped and tortured thousands more. What is wrong with you Obama lovers... Just be honest whatever Obama does you support.. sheesh

You show me one strong arm guy that wasn't just like Saddam?

Go ahead.

Ataturk? Tito? The Shah of Iran? Marcos? Suharto? Pinochet?

Go for it.

We had a plethora of foreign leaders, we actually BACKED, that killed thousands.

Saddam was one them. Until he started wooing the Soviets.

It had nothing to do with him killing his own people and everything to do with controlling Iraqi oil fields.

I wouldn't put Ataturk in with those dictators. He was nothing like them.
No poster other than Jackson pays any attention to ongoing efforts by Congress to allow more military action....................just more useless bickering about a few words from weeks and months ago.....

Because Obama hasn't laid out the case for anything..where's the leader of the country? That's the presidents job to explain to the American people his plan of action, and why destroying these barabians needs to be done. Congress is not the commander and Chief
Really? Where is that in the Constitution, Saul?

It's his job to protect America, not announce all of his battle strategies for the world to hear.

A job that Bush failed.
In reality the President just called for the world to fight ISIS:

Obama Takes on ISIS Threat at NATO Summit Video - ABC News

He's late to the party isn't he now? All because he wanted any jihadist group to depose Assad he turned a blind eye to their increasing power and wealth to eclipse AQ as far as rock stars go in the world of terrorists.

Nice to see someone slapped him around long enough to finally make him take a verbal stand.

YAY Valerie Jarret! You go girl!

Now all that needs to happen is for Val to come up with a strategy for IS.
The President & the PM of UK are now addressing NATO, Cameron stands with the USA:

He said it was wrong to believe that air strikes in Syria would be illegal without Assad's approval.

"I don't think it's that complicated because obviously the Iraqi government is a legitimate government ... whereas President Assad has committed war crimes on his own people and is therefore illegitimate."
The president finally announced a strategy for the ISIS threat. It ranged somewhere between "degrading and destroying " the terror group, to making it "a manageable problem". That could be interpreted as flexible. On the other hand it could mean we are led by a befuddled moron. We report. You decide.

TALLINN Estonia Obama says beheading videos won t intimidate US - Politics Wires - MiamiHerald.com

If Iraq invites NATO in to destroy ISIS and NATO goes in, will you support that?
The president finally announced a strategy for the ISIS threat. It ranged somewhere between "degrading and destroying " the terror group, to making it "a manageable problem". That could be interpreted as flexible. On the other hand it could mean we are led by a befuddled moron. We report. You decide.

TALLINN Estonia Obama says beheading videos won t intimidate US - Politics Wires - MiamiHerald.com

If Iraq invites NATO in to destroy ISIS and NATO goes in, will you support that?
Of course..are you including US?
He's late to the party isn't he now?

I'm not sure how the only world leader who is bombing IS terrorist targets is the one that is late to the party.

Must be how a haters mind works to come up with that.

Oh boo hoo. :boohoo:Stop with the "hater" bullshit.

I've ripped all of them including my very own dearly loved Prime Minister Harper for being involved in attempting to topple Assad.

They are all complete and utter assholes for interfering in all of these countries.

Egypt they fucked up. Blessedly the Egyptians tossed out our Western puppet Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Libya well the jihadists are having pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli now aren't they? How did that work out for our morons tossing Gaddafi.

The Libyan militias will control 1/5 of the world's oil reserves won't they now.

Syria. Well they allowed ISIS to become didn't they.?

AND last but not least they fucked up the Ukraine.

I'd say that's an impressive score card of EPIC FAIL.
Stop with the "hater" bullshit.

Why did you single out Obama for being late to the party in responding to the IS terrorist threat? That makes no sense since he is the first and only world leader at the IS terrorist killing party. By your irrational attack on our president there must be some inner passion inside you that drives it. I believe from all you write that the passion that stirs you up is hate.
I would love to hear your definition of the " problem " we are facing with Islamo jihadists, Foo....and your solution.

The problem is too many phony-Muslim militants.

The solution is true and good Muslim people sending in their army to kill them as they are doing in Pakistan.

The US and NATO partners can help kill them from 5000 ft and higher.

910 militants killed in N-Waziristan offensive

AT News Report
KABUL: At least 910 militants have been killed so far in the ongoing military operation in North Waziristan, said a media statement.
According to a press release issued here by Pakistan Embassy in Kabul, Pakistani security forces have destroyed 27 IEDs factories, a rocket and an ammunition factory. Communication equipment and logistic facilities used by militants were also destroyed apart from seizure of huge cache of light and heavy weapons.
“The security forces have cleared major towns of Miranshah, Mirali, Datta Khel, Boya and Degan, which were considered strong holds of terrorists. Similarly, 88 KM long, Khajuri-Mirali-Miranshah-Dattakhel Road and Ghariom-Jhallar Road have also been cleared,” the statement said.


Repeat in Iraq.
Repeat in Syria.

Don't declare AQ to be revived just for posting one of their stupid 55 minute videos on the Internet.
I would love to hear your definition of the " problem " we are facing with Islamo jihadists, Foo....and your solution.

The problem is too many phony-Muslim militants.

The solution is true and good Muslim people sending in their army to kill them as they are doing in Pakistan.

The US and NATO partners can help kill them from 5000 ft and higher.

910 militants killed in N-Waziristan offensive

AT News Report
KABUL: At least 910 militants have been killed so far in the ongoing military operation in North Waziristan, said a media statement.
According to a press release issued here by Pakistan Embassy in Kabul, Pakistani security forces have destroyed 27 IEDs factories, a rocket and an ammunition factory. Communication equipment and logistic facilities used by militants were also destroyed apart from seizure of huge cache of light and heavy weapons.
“The security forces have cleared major towns of Miranshah, Mirali, Datta Khel, Boya and Degan, which were considered strong holds of terrorists. Similarly, 88 KM long, Khajuri-Mirali-Miranshah-Dattakhel Road and Ghariom-Jhallar Road have also been cleared,” the statement said.


Repeat in Iraq.
Repeat in Syria.

Don't declare AQ to be revived just for posting one of their stupid 55 minute videos on the Internet.

al Qaeda rejected ISIS, and yes, we should have finished the war in Afghanistan, instead of wandering into Iraq. We gave terrorists new bases.
I would love to hear your definition of the " problem " we are facing with Islamo jihadists, Foo....and your solution.

The problem is too many phony-Muslim militants.

Which ones are phony?

The solution is true and good Muslim people sending in their army to kill them as they are doing in Pakistan.

How many have they not killed...can't seem to find a number...and is that the army that hid bin Laden?

The US and NATO partners can help kill them from 5000 ft and higher.

Where? Iraq? Syria? Iran? Libya? Africa? SEA? Gaza?

910 militants killed in N-Waziristan offensive

AT News Report
KABUL: At least 910 militants have been killed so far in the ongoing military operation in North Waziristan, said a media statement.
According to a press release issued here by Pakistan Embassy in Kabul, Pakistani security forces have destroyed 27 IEDs factories, a rocket and an ammunition factory. Communication equipment and logistic facilities used by militants were also destroyed apart from seizure of huge cache of light and heavy weapons.
“The security forces have cleared major towns of Miranshah, Mirali, Datta Khel, Boya and Degan, which were considered strong holds of terrorists. Similarly, 88 KM long, Khajuri-Mirali-Miranshah-Dattakhel Road and Ghariom-Jhallar Road have also been cleared,” the statement said.


Repeat in Iraq.
Repeat in Syria.

Don't declare AQ to be revived just for posting one of their stupid 55 minute videos on the Internet.
Which ones are phony?

The ones who kill and blow up things.

You know like your Catholic alter boy fucker priests. You know they are phony Catholics don't you?

So you didnt get my reply to your request orher than to let us know you are stupid when it comes to good and bad members of religion.
Which ones are phony?

The ones who kill and blow up things.

You know like your Catholic alter boy fucker priests. You know they are phony Catholics don't you?

So you didnt get my reply to your request orher than to let us know you are stupid when it comes to good and bad members of religion.
So your definition of the problem is that there are too many radical Islamists trying to take over the world by terror tactics and too few benign Islamists trying to defeat them. wow....who knew?

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