Obama: Iran has a "right" to nuclear energy

Hmm, still no response from DavidS or Jillian for that matter.

Obama is NOT Israel friendly, he's way too European for that.
How do you propose to stop it? Try THINKING before you answer.

don't change your story, you claimed it was a right, you mentioned nothing about stopping anything, but you don't like the full implications of your unreasoned response so you attack and change your stance

You're not making any sense. None, nada, zip.

Ask yourself WHY the United States should have the POWER to enforce what some other country develops using their own scientists and engineers. Are all nations of the world supposed to abide by OUR Constitution and OUR laws? There are international laws governing certain no-nos, but there is nothing that allows one country to dictate the conduct of another country, unless of course the losing country is swallowed up by war.

How can one tell a democrat on talking points? They are pwnd and come back like they weren't. Amazing. GOP listen up, learn!
Hi rhodescholar. Mod here. You have been insulting others in your posts as well so spare me your whining bullshit. We are very pro free speech around here. If you can't hang in the jungle then I suggest you head back to the hannity forums, the "free"republic, or where ever the hell you came from.

WTH? How can someone even tell who is a moderator here?

I didn't say I had a problem with it, its just that for kennedy to question my insults while watching shogun curse over and over at people seemed more than a little absurd.

If you want to know who the moderators are, look at the main page. the names in orange are moderators.

We don't censor people's words here.
You're not making any sense. None, nada, zip.

Ask yourself WHY the United States should have the POWER to enforce what some other country develops using their own scientists and engineers. Are all nations of the world supposed to abide by OUR Constitution and OUR laws? There are international laws governing certain no-nos, but there is nothing that allows one country to dictate the conduct of another country, unless of course the losing country is swallowed up by war.

Is it really this difficult to understand that creating weapons to blackmail/attack us and our allies is a bad thing and that we have a right to stop that?
Obama says Iran's energy concerns legitimate

LONDON -- President Barack Obama suggested that Iran may have some right to nuclear energy _ provided it proves by the end of the year that its aspirations are peaceful.
In a BBC interview broadcast Tuesday, he also restated plans to pursue direct diplomacy with Tehran to encourage it set aside any ambitions for nuclear weapons it might harbor.
Iran has insisted its nuclear program is aimed at generating electricity. But the U.S. and other Western governments accuse Tehran of seeking atomic weapons.
"What I do believe is that Iran has legitimate energy concerns, legitimate aspirations," Obama said, adding that the international community also "has a very real interest" in preventing a nuclear arms race.
The president has indicated a willingness to seek deeper international sanctions against Tehran if it does not respond positively to U.S. attempts to open negotiations on its nuclear program. Obama has said Tehran has until the end of the year to show it wants to engage with Washington.
"Although I don't want to put artificial time tables on that process, we do want to make sure that, by the end of this year, we've actually seen a serious process move forward. And I think that we can measure whether or not the Iranians are serious," Obama said.
Obama's interview offered a preview of a speech he is to deliver in Egypt this week, saying he hoped the address would warm relations between Americans and Muslims abroad.
"What we want to do is open a dialogue," Obama told the BBC. "You know, there are misapprehensions about the West, on the part of the Muslim world. And, obviously, there are some big misapprehensions about the Muslim world when it comes to those of us in the West."

No they don't. Fundamental Islamic regimes don't have a right to anything.
strawman, i never mentioned going in and bombing iran....you have me confused with someone else...last i checked US policy and UN policy is to sanction them, something wholly different than going in and smashing their reactor....and guess what, if they don't want their neighbors sanctioning them, then don't play the loud music....

do you really want every country in the world to have nuclear weapons?

again, do we have the right to sell arms? we are talking about so called rights....

Sanctions don't hurt the government, only the people. So I would be against sanctions as well. We should learn not to adopt a double-standard. We have nukes, Israel has nukes, so we have no right to stop anyone else from obtaining nukes.

I see nothing in the Constitution that states our government has the authority to be an arms dealer around the world, so I would say not.

if only the government would abide the constitution.....with that said, i don't see the constitution limits the president from selling arms, he has authority under his foreign powers to sell arms, IMO...or are you goign to actually argue that the US has no authority to engage in any trade with a foreign nation whatsoever....

hey, we nuked japan, let's not have double standards and tell others they can't nuke....hell, let's everybody have a nuke party becuase the US did it...we allow police to have guns, but not felons....double standard...as to sanctions only hurting the people, that is up the leaders, not the sanctions, nice try

Trade is great, selling arms is trade of a dubious nature.

We shouldn't have nuked Japan. As to the whole leaders cause the sanctions not the government imposing the sanctions, utterly ridiculous. And you can be sure the people hurting and dying due to the sanctions don't see it that way either.
Hmm, still no response from DavidS or Jillian for that matter.

Obama is NOT Israel friendly, he's way too European for that.

see post 3 dear... as for israel friendly, bush was "israel friendly" and caused more problems for israel than any president i can think of.

true dat.

I continue to be amazed that Bush lovers like Annie think Bush was good for isreal. Blowing shit up and just generally being a belligerent dumbfuck doesn't make israel safer.

Hey, next time you see annie, ask her if she's so concerned about israel, why did her hero Ronald Reagan illegally sell hi-tech arms to Iran? The democratic congress NEVER would have approved or sold hi tech weapons to iran.
true dat.

I continue to be amazed that Bush lovers like Annie think Bush was good for isreal. Blowing shit up and just generally being a belligerent dumbfuck doesn't make israel safer.

Hey, next time you see annie, ask her if she's so concerned about israel, why did her hero Ronald Reagan illegally sell hi-tech arms to Iran? The democratic congress NEVER would have approved or sold hi tech weapons to iran.

Bush did two things that were horrible for Israel... he destabilized the region, thus empowering Iran, which swore Israel's destruction. And he forced elections in Gaza... which resulted in the election of a terrorist organiztion. Plus, he did nothing to foster peace until the last nine months of his admin when he sent Condi to make a half-hearted effort...

Friends like that, who needs enemies...

as for Reagan, do they acknowledge that Iran-Contra ever happened?
A BLOG!?!?!


try again, homo.

the blog sums up the facts dumbass....i didn't feel like doing your home work, if you have a problem with the facts in the blog say so, don't be an ignorant ass....

I do say I really like this forum and its hands off-moderation style, but the admins do need to apply some and get this jackass troll off the board. He/it has no interest in an intelligent debate, and is just polluting the threads he enters. Can the mods stop it?
wait until you meet Chris & Yukon.....Sho is just a passionate poster....Chris and Yukon are the morons you speak of....
Obama says Iran's energy concerns legitimate

LONDON -- President Barack Obama suggested that Iran may have some right to nuclear energy _ provided it proves by the end of the year that its aspirations are peaceful.
In a BBC interview broadcast Tuesday, he also restated plans to pursue direct diplomacy with Tehran to encourage it set aside any ambitions for nuclear weapons it might harbor.
Iran has insisted its nuclear program is aimed at generating electricity. But the U.S. and other Western governments accuse Tehran of seeking atomic weapons.
"What I do believe is that Iran has legitimate energy concerns, legitimate aspirations," Obama said, adding that the international community also "has a very real interest" in preventing a nuclear arms race.
The president has indicated a willingness to seek deeper international sanctions against Tehran if it does not respond positively to U.S. attempts to open negotiations on its nuclear program. Obama has said Tehran has until the end of the year to show it wants to engage with Washington.
"Although I don't want to put artificial time tables on that process, we do want to make sure that, by the end of this year, we've actually seen a serious process move forward. And I think that we can measure whether or not the Iranians are serious," Obama said.
Obama's interview offered a preview of a speech he is to deliver in Egypt this week, saying he hoped the address would warm relations between Americans and Muslims abroad.
"What we want to do is open a dialogue," Obama told the BBC. "You know, there are misapprehensions about the West, on the part of the Muslim world. And, obviously, there are some big misapprehensions about the Muslim world when it comes to those of us in the West."

If they can't/won't stop N. Korea, how we gonna stop Iran?

Fuck Israel. Let them deal with Iran. None of our business.

And fuck Americans fighting these bullshit wars. I saw a documentary on Mohamad Ali last night. He was sooo right. Why should a black man go to another country to kill brown men for the white man?

All wars are about rich people making a power grab. If Dick Cheney wants to go die for his cause, we can strap a fucking suicide bomb on his fat ass and let him blow himself up. That's what he asks our kids to do. Fuck the GOP and yes, Iran can have a nuke too. How many other countries have them? Fuck it!!!! They can't reach the USA.

Dipshit ever heard of ICBM's? If they developed a nuke don't cha think they would develop a delivery system aka ICBM? :cuckoo:
Dear President Obama--it would sure be nice if we had our own Nuclear Power too. Upps--I forgot--you're against Nuclear power plants--you have been forever--except when your teleprompter tells you to be for it--during the campaign season. You're also against off shore drilling for new sources of oil & CLEAN natural gas.

Not one single penny in the so-called 787 BILLION dollar economic stimulus bill for nuclear power plant construction.
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since shogun is a lazy poop....

China tells US to stop 'illegal' naval activities

china tells us to stop 'illegal' naval activities - Google Search

tell me, what does china demand of the US when dealing with taiwan....

china taiwan us relations - Google Search

tell me, what does china demand of the US when dealing with taiwan....

i really can't believe you stuck to your guns like this over something so easy to school you on....

Are you fucking KIDDING ME? And, do you think for a second that IF THE US CHOSE TO TELL CHINA TO FUCK OFF THAT WE WOULDNT?

Further, YOU put America's interaction with TAIWAN on par with our NUCLEAR PROGRAM?


maybe you should stick to blogs, dude..

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