I seriously doubt that his weak drooling and groveling will impress many abroad. If anything they will be waiting for feeding time, at Obama's expense!
God Bless the Obama Revolution!
At first glance, foreign policy seems beyond our President. But allow me to inject the following analysis, and you can tell me what you think:
A complex man, our President. At times he seems childlike, at others Machiavellian, with a grasp of foreign policy well beyond his experience.
Playing global strategy like a chess board, he can focus like a laser on priorities.
The return of Jailed US-Iranian journalist Roxana Saberi, and the disposition of the Somali pirates, two pluses.
But Kim Jong-Il fires missiles, the Iranian Mullahs reject his open hand, and the EU refuses his requests for help in Afghanistan, three minuses.
So, how to understand his June 4th Cairo Speech, and the demand that Israel stop the building of settlements in the West Bank?
Answer: Brilliant.
1.It has long been US policy that the settlements were an impediment to peace, but has remained merely rhetoric.
2.President Obama has raised the level of emphasis on this subject by repeating it several times in several venues.
3. It is well known that prior Israeli governments have made commitments.
4. The President knows that Prime Minister Netanyahu cannot comply, since the coalition he controls needs the support of the right. Netanyahu gave all he could when he promised no new settlements, only the “natural growth” of the current ones.
5. The Israeli center and left will not allow a break with the US.
6. The crisis that President Obama has created in Israel is a win-win for him.
a. The demand is not an immediate threat to Israeli security, as this would cause a blow-back in the US Congress.
b. “From Obama’s point of view, he wins no matter what Netanyahu decides to do. If Netanyahu gives in, then he has established the principle that the United States can demand concessions from a Likud-controlled government in Israel and get them. There will be more demands. If Netanyahu doesn’t give in, Obama can create a split with Israel over the one issue he can get public support for in the United States (a halt to settlement expansion in the West Bank), and use that split as a lever with Islamic states.” Stratfor.com
And here we see the real purpose to the strategy: hoped for help from the Moslem world in Iraq and Afghanistan. Brilliant.