Obama / Hillary Gave Weapons to Terrorists/Drug Cartels But Not Ukraine to Defend Against Russia!!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
During the Obama administration, with Hillary Clinton facilitating as Secretary of State, Obama and his administration illegally sold / delivered billions of dollars worth of weapons to terrorists - to include Al Qaeda and ISIS - and Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of American citizens both at home and abroad. In Libya, Syria, Mexico....it didn't matter.


Arms Dealer Marc Turi came up with a plan to sell and have weapons delivered to Libyan rebels in 2011 DESPITE A U.N. BAN on selling weapons to Libya / Libyan. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took the idea and worked with Director of the CIA Brennan to have the CIA do it instead without him.

The State Department (RUN BY HILLARY CLINTON) initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 even though a United Nations arms ban was in place, according to memos recovered from the burned-out compound in Benghazi.

["These documents, obtained by The Washington Times, show U.S. diplomats at the Benghazi compound were keeping track of several potential U.S.-sanctioned shipments to allies, one or more of which were destined for the Transitional National Council, the Libyan movement that was seeking to oust Gadhafi and form a new government." THESE DOCUMENTS WERE KEPT IN / RECOVERED FROM THE BURNED OUT BENGHAZI COMPOUND IN A FILE LABELED 'ARMS DEAL'. (hank you FOIA!) ]

At least one of those shipments, kept in a file marked “arms deal”.

The CIA was running weapons into Libya after President Obama pimped out the US military to Al Qaeda to help them murder Gadhafi and take over Libya for their own. EVERYONE knew the CIA was running weapons into Libya - it was the 'worst (un-)kept CIA secret' at the time. Instead of going into the hands of legitimate 'Libyan rebels', the weapons went to Al Qaeda, ISIS, and other terrorists...to include the 9/11/12 Benghazi terrorists.

After the Benghazi disaster and the aftermath left no question the CIA was running weapons out of Benghazi the Obama administration 'scapegoated', arresting and charging HIM - Marc Turi - with the crime THEY were perpetrating - 'Obama administration / Hillary PR Crisis Management'! The MSM did their best to 'clear' Obama and Hillary by reporting the story of how the Terrorist-supplying arms dealer Turi had been arrested and charged....only for them to be quietly dropped later after the public political theater had served its purpose.

** Clinton and Obama 'accidentally gave guns to ISIS and Al Qaeda' claims arms dealer | Daily Mail Online

** Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban


"Weapons the United States originally supplied to Syrian rebels have ended up in the hands of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“In summary, evidence collected by [Conflict Armament Research] indicates that the United States has repeatedly diverted EU-manufactured weapons and ammunition to opposition forces in the Syrian conflict,” the report says. “[ISIS] forces rapidly gained custody of significant quantities
 of this materiel.”

The research group detailed 12 cases of weapons that were bought by the United States and ultimately ended up in the terrorist group’s possession."

** Study shows US weapons given to Syrian rebels ended up in ISIS hands


Before Fast and Furious, Obama's Gun-Walking' Scandal that put weapons into Mexican Drug Cartel and Criminals' hands was exposed, President Obama invited the Mexican President to appear before Congress and lecture the American people on how we should run our US Immigration policy to allow illegals to freely enter the US and on how AMERICANS were to blame for weapons flowing from the United States into Mexico. The Mexican President - and Obama - declared OUR violent gun culture, OUR irresponsibility in legally handling / owning guns, and OUR selling guns and allowing them to 'walk' across the border into Mexico was what was arming Mexican Drug Cartels and criminals and fueling so much violence.

Surprise, surprise - not long after the 'Fast & Furious' scandal blew up in President Obama's face. The same America-hating SOB whose goal was to seize American's guns and end their Constitutional Right to own them and who brought the Mexican President to one of Congress' halls from which to lecture the US how WE were responsible was the same SOB who was allowing guns to walk across the border, fueling Mexico's Drug Cartel and criminal violence, helping to make Drug Cartels - as we have see recently in Mexico - stronger than Mexico's military.

Based on released documents, testimony, and the report by a 'whistleblower' FIRED by Obama's administration (not protected, but PRE-whistleblower Act, which makes it ok for Obama to have had the guy fired for exposing his crimes), it was / is still believed by some that Obama's plan all along was to provide weapons to Drug Cartels and criminals in Mexico to escalate violence and increase the number of people murdered to a point where He was going to announce his intent to begin passing laws to drastically limit gun rights in the US before finally making a move to rescind / eliminate the 2nd amendment.

Fast and Furious was a disaster which resulted in:
- Program Failure and Termination
- Those involved were re-assigned, demoted temporarily, but never really held accountable
- The Whistleblower was fired
- Increased violence in Mexico & the US
- Mexicans and American citizens murdered with the guns
- US AG Holder committed Felony Perjury before Congress and refused to release documents about the program to Congress - despite being protected from indictment by Obama, a bipartisan Congress voted to Censure Holder for his crimes. Holder became the 1st US AG / presidential cabinet member in US history to be Censured,

** Barack Obama ATF Scandal: 8 Facts About Fast and Furious You Might Not Know

** https://nypost.com/2013/12/01/book-excerpt-how-america-gave-guns-to-mexican-drug-cartels/

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Of course not, look how fast ISIS grew under Obama's reign, whose side are they on?

Maximum extent of ISIL's territorial control in Syria and Iraq in late 2015. (Trump destroyed it in 2-years)
ISIL territorial claims - Wikipedia

Look at how US drug deaths skyrocketed under Obama's reign:

Trump is reducing the number of opioid related deaths
During the Obama administration, with Hillary Clinton facilitating as Secretary of State, Obama and his administration illegally sold / delivered billions of dollars worth of weapons to terrorists - to include Al Qaeda and ISIS - and Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of American citizens both at home and abroad. In Libya, Syria, Mexico....it didn't matter.


Arms Dealer Marc Turi came up with a plan to sell and have weapons delivered to Libyan rebels in 2011 DESPITE A U.N. BAN on selling weapons to Libya / Libyan. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took the idea and worked with Director of the CIA Brennan to have the CIA do it instead without him.

The State Department (RUN BY HILLARY CLINTON) initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 even though a United Nations arms ban was in place, according to memos recovered from the burned-out compound in Benghazi.

["These documents, obtained by The Washington Times, show U.S. diplomats at the Benghazi compound were keeping track of several potential U.S.-sanctioned shipments to allies, one or more of which were destined for the Transitional National Council, the Libyan movement that was seeking to oust Gadhafi and form a new government." THESE DOCUMENTS WERE KEPT IN / RECOVERED FROM THE BURNED OUT BENGHAZI COMPOUND IN A FILE LABELED 'ARMS DEAL'. (hank you FOIA!) ]

At least one of those shipments, kept in a file marked “arms deal”.

The CIA was running weapons into Libya after President Obama pimped out the US military to Al Qaeda to help them murder Gadhafi and take over Libya for their own. EVERYONE knew the CIA was running weapons into Libya - it was the 'worst (un-)kept CIA secret' at the time. Instead of going into the hands of legitimate 'Libyan rebels', the weapons went to Al Qaeda, ISIS, and other terrorists...to include the 9/11/12 Benghazi terrorists.

After the Benghazi disaster and the aftermath left no question the CIA was running weapons out of Benghazi the Obama administration 'scapegoated', arresting and charging HIM with the crime THEY were perpetrating - 'Obama administration / Hillary PR Crisis Management'! The MSM did their best to 'clear' Obama and Hillary by reporting the story of how the Terrorist-supplying arms dealer Turi had been arrested and charged....only for them to be quietly dropped later after the public political theater had served its purpose.

** Clinton and Obama 'accidentally gave guns to ISIS and Al Qaeda' claims arms dealer | Daily Mail Online

** Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban


"Weapons the United States originally supplied to Syrian rebels have ended up in the hands of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“In summary, evidence collected by [Conflict Armament Research] indicates that the United States has repeatedly diverted EU-manufactured weapons and ammunition to opposition forces in the Syrian conflict,” the report says. “[ISIS] forces rapidly gained custody of significant quantities
 of this materiel.”

The research group detailed 12 cases of weapons that were bought by the United States and ultimately ended up in the terrorist group’s possession."

** Study shows US weapons given to Syrian rebels ended up in ISIS hands


Before Fast and Furious, Obama's Gun-Walking' Scandal that put weapons into Mexican Drug Cartel and Criminals' hands was exposed, President Obama invited the Mexican President to appear before Congress and lecture the American people on how we should run our US Immigration policy to allow illegals to freely enter the US and on how AMERICANS were to blame for weapons flowing from the United States into Mexico. The Mexican President - and Obama - declared OUR violent gun culture, OUR irresponsibility in legally handling / owning guns, and OUR selling guns and allowing them to 'walk' across the border into Mexico was what was arming Mexican Drug Cartels and criminals and fueling so much violence.

Surprise, surprise - not long after the 'Fast & Furious' scandal blew up in President Obama's face. The same America-hating SOB whose goal was to seize American's guns and end their Constitutional Right to own them and who brought the Mexican President to one of Congress' halls from which to lecture the US how WE were responsible was the same SOB who was allowing guns to walk across the border, fueling Mexico's Drug Cartel and criminal violence, helping to make Drug Cartels - as we have see recently in Mexico - stronger than Mexico's military.

Based on released documents, testimony, and the report by a 'whistleblower' FIRED by Obama's administration (not protected, but PRE-whistleblower Act, which makes it ok for Obama to have had the guy fired for exposing his crimes), it was / is still believed by some that Obama's plan all along was to provide weapons to Drug Cartels and criminals in Mexico to escalate violence and increase the number of people murdered to a point where He was going to announce his intent to begin passing laws to drastically limit gun rights in the US before finally making a move to rescind / eliminate the 2nd amendment.

Fast and Furious was a disaster which resulted in:
- Program Failure and Termination
- Those involved were re-assigned, demoted temporarily, but never really held accountable
- The Whistleblower was fired
- Increased violence in Mexico & the US
- Mexicans and American citizens murdered with the guns
- US AG Holder committed Felony Perjury before Congress and refused to release documents about the program to Congress - despite being protected from indictment by Obama, a bipartisan Congress voted to Censure Holder for his crimes. Holder became the 1st US AG / presidential cabinet member in US history to be Censured,

** Barack Obama ATF Scandal: 8 Facts About Fast and Furious You Might Not Know

** https://nypost.com/2013/12/01/book-excerpt-how-america-gave-guns-to-mexican-drug-cartels/

Scum Bag and War Criminal Obama Bin Lying gave Al Queda in Libya Weapons and Financing and used Benghazi as a weapons depot in violation of International Law committing a War Crime for which The Death Penalty is The Punishment, and I will never forgive him for that.
Now D-Adam Schiff - liar, admitted classified leaker, compromised Russian-born arms dealer-funded, traitor - is leading the 'Illegal Collusion Delusion 2.0: Ukraine' attempt, and he and the Democrats are attacking him and his administration for DELAYING military aid to Ukraine over concerns over their illegal collaboration with Democrats in 2016 in an attempt to alter / control the US Presidential election.

As the record above shows, it seems Democrats - like Obama - believed / believe the United States should provide weapons to any and all nations and entities - to include terrorists, if they ARE terrorists and / or seek to endanger our national security....as long as the Democrats (and their ideology) benefit from it.

'Trump DELAYED military aid to Ukraine'...The President withheld military aid to Ukraine...' The snowflakes can not parrot / repeat the words fast enough.

While NOT thinking for themselves and instead repeating the MSM's talking points, what the snowflakes forget to mention (or are ignorant of) is this:

1. The Trump administration DELAYED - not 'refused to give / deliver' - military aid to Ukraine.

2. Obama & Biden- after Biden extorted the Ukraine PM to protect his son after being named Point Man for Ukraine by Obama - completely withheld military aid / support from Ukraine, refusing to allow others to sell much-needed weapons to defend themselves from Russia's pending attack and Putin's annexation of Crimea, which would solidify his choke-hold on Europe's energy dependence on Russia. (This was Obama fulfilling his promise he made to Putin through Medvedev in 2012.)

"Flash back to 2012 when President Obama promised Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, South Korea that after his re-election he would have more "flexibility" to weaken missile defense and otherwise weaken U.S. resistance to Russian ambitions and aggressions,

In March, 2009, Hillary Clinton had presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with that infamous red "reset button" to symbolize improved ties, but the gift drew smiles as the word "reset" was mistranslated into the Russian for "overcharge" Something else was lost in the translation as well, apparently, as Russian, belligerence and intransigence continued.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s seizure of the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine in early 2014 was the direct result of Obama’s promised 'flexibility'."

- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/10/trump_gave_ukraine_what_obama_withheld.html

"The Obama administration is withholding urgently needed non-lethal military equipment to Ukraine under restrictions that view body armor, night vision goggles, radios, and fuel as destabilizing "force multipliers," according to a bipartisan assessment of Ukraine’s military needs."

- Administration Urged to Lift Restrictions on Non-Lethal Military Aid to Ukraine

The Obama administration - NOT PRESIDENT TRUMP - withheld 'lethal military aid to Ukraine and refused to allow the sale of 'lethal military weapons' that would have helped the nation defend itself from Russian invasion.



"The Obama-Biden administration did nothing in response, in fact less than nothing as it denied lethal aid Ukraine was begging for. In 2017, Trump announced plans to reverse the policy of the Obama administration, which stood by silently when Putin’s Russia annexed Crimea and attacked Ukraine, and sell the Ukrainians lethal defensive weaponry, including anti-tank missiles designed to destroy Putin’s Russian tanks in the hands of separatist rebels:

President Donald Trump is expected to announce his approval of a plan to sell anti-tank missiles to the Ukrainian government, a move that would mark a significant escalation in lethal U.S. military support for Ukrainian forces battling Russian-aligned forces in the border region."


So why are snowflakes so pissed that President TRUMP, who has NOT sold out to Putin and the Russians - as Barry did when he made that promise to Putin through Medvedev in 2012 then kept that promise in 2014 by giving Putin uranium, CRIMEA, and 2 years of un-challenged interference in the United States - stood up to the Russians by delivering the critical military aid Ukraine needed / needs to defend itself from the Russians after Obama chose to stand with Vlad and after Biden's videotaped confession of extorting the Ukraine PM?!


The President who should have been Impeached multiple times over for multiple occasions during which he and his administration aided terrorists, drug cartels, and criminals - resulting in the deaths of Americans (the opposite of his oath of office), walked away spotless, protected by the most criminal administration and criminal members ever assembled by a President and protected by the same liars, leakers, perpetrators of Sedition and Treason, still in power in office today, still dividing this nation and attempting yet another political coup.
Now D-Adam Schiff - liar, admitted classified leaker, compromised Russian-born arms dealer-funded, traitor - is leading the 'Illegal Collusion Delusion 2.0: Ukraine' attempt, and he and the Democrats are attacking him and his administration for DELAYING military aid to Ukraine over concerns over their illegal collaboration with Democrats in 2016 in an attempt to alter / control the US Presidential election.

As the record above shows, it seems Democrats - like Obama - believed / believe the United States should provide weapons to any and all nations and entities - to include terrorists, if they ARE terrorists and / or seek to endanger our national security....as long as the Democrats (and their ideology) benefit from it.

'Trump DELAYED military aid to Ukraine'...The President withheld military aid to Ukraine...' The snowflakes can not parrot / repeat the words fast enough.

While NOT thinking for themselves and instead repeating the MSM's talking points, what the snowflakes forget to mention (or are ignorant of) is this:

1. The Trump administration DELAYED - not 'refused to give / deliver' - military aid to Ukraine.

2. Obama & Biden- after Biden extorted the Ukraine PM to protect his son after being named Point Man for Ukraine by Obama - completely withheld military aid / support from Ukraine, refusing to allow others to sell much-needed weapons to defend themselves from Russia's pending attack and Putin's annexation of Crimea, which would solidify his choke-hold on Europe's energy dependence on Russia. (This was Obama fulfilling his promise he made to Putin through Medvedev in 2012.)

"Flash back to 2012 when President Obama promised Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, South Korea that after his re-election he would have more "flexibility" to weaken missile defense and otherwise weaken U.S. resistance to Russian ambitions and aggressions,

In March, 2009, Hillary Clinton had presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with that infamous red "reset button" to symbolize improved ties, but the gift drew smiles as the word "reset" was mistranslated into the Russian for "overcharge" Something else was lost in the translation as well, apparently, as Russian, belligerence and intransigence continued.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s seizure of the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine in early 2014 was the direct result of Obama’s promised 'flexibility'."

- https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/10/trump_gave_ukraine_what_obama_withheld.html

"The Obama administration is withholding urgently needed non-lethal military equipment to Ukraine under restrictions that view body armor, night vision goggles, radios, and fuel as destabilizing "force multipliers," according to a bipartisan assessment of Ukraine’s military needs."

- Administration Urged to Lift Restrictions on Non-Lethal Military Aid to Ukraine

The Obama administration - NOT PRESIDENT TRUMP - withheld 'lethal military aid to Ukraine and refused to allow the sale of 'lethal military weapons' that would have helped the nation defend itself from Russian invasion.

Keep looking at these following companies, and also The Ukraine Embassy's relationship with Soros NGOs, and attempting to interfere not with just Ukraine and Israel's elections but our own.

And then ask yourself, why does neither The Obama State Department run under Kerry and Clinton, and The Ukraine Embassy not know what happened to $7 Billion Dollars that were ran through them alone, and why they also don't know where the $37 Billion went that disappeared in The Ukaine.

Burisma Announces $100m Investment at Ukraine Energy Forum - Oil & Gas 360

Here for your research are some interesting companies to research their backgrounds on.

Gazprom Neft

Maybe this will help you get started.

Russian sanctions response hits western cooperation hopes - Platts Insight

If you do enough research, you will find out why Obama told Russia "Wait until after the election" and then why Putin's company (Rosatom) bought Uranium One, and why The Crimea was Annexed and why Russia, and The State Department were working together in The Ukraine, and where Billions of US Tax Dollars disappeared to.

Here is another resource that will point you towards what Obama and Clinton were doing with Russia.

The 6 Biggest Russian Energy Companies

And why would Fusion GPS and COIE Perkins be involved at all with a company called Gazprom or Hugo Chavez?

BEVERLY TRAN: Deconstruction On Fusion GPS & Why Perkins Coie Sucks By Yaacov Apelbaum
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The owner of Burisma - a known corrupt Ukrainian energy company - was a NOTORIOUS Ukrainian criminal BEFORE Biden's son was BOUGHT, and it was KNOWN that this guy ./ his company had worked with Putin before AND that they stood to gain a MASSIVE amount of money by Putin successfully annexing Crimea, re-establishing their chokehold on Europe's energy dependence on Russia.

This was known when Burisma was showing up at the State Department demanding a meeting with their #3 guy to talk about the US / Obama administration putting pressure on Ukraine top STOP the investigation of the owner and Burisma, especially since the VP'S SON was a Board Member making $50,000 A MONTH.....The State Dept said they warned Biden this was a Conflict of Interest.....

.....BEFORE Biden ignored them and - admittedly on videotape - extorted the Ukraine PM to save his son.

No wonder Schiff and the Democrats don't want ANY of this to come out or become an issue in their political theater version of the long-running Democrat/Snowflake 'Hit', 'COUP'!
The owner of Burisma - a known corrupt Ukrainian energy company - was a NOTORIOUS Ukrainian criminal BEFORE Biden's son was BOUGHT, and it was KNOWN that this guy ./ his company had worked with Putin before AND that they stood to gain a MASSIVE amount of money by Putin successfully annexing Crimea, re-establishing their chokehold on Europe's energy dependence on Russia.

This was known when Burisma was showing up at the State Department demanding a meeting with their #3 guy to talk about the US / Obama administration putting pressure on Ukraine top STOP the investigation of the owner and Burisma, especially since the VP'S SON was a Board Member making $50,000 A MONTH.....The State Dept said they warned Biden this was a Conflict of Interest.....

.....BEFORE Biden ignored them and - admittedly on videotape - extorted the Ukraine PM to save his son.

No wonder Schiff and the Democrats don't want ANY of this to come out or become an issue in their political theater version of the long-running Democrat/Snowflake 'Hit', 'COUP'!
You are on the right path, but it's a bit bigger than even that. There was as lot more to Joe's Quid Pro Quo and Extortion of The Ukraine than just keeping Hunter Biden out of trouble.

But Essentially you are correct. And I think you will find that it's highly interesting that Joe Biden was the point man both in China and Ukraine and that his Son, Hunter was getting massive amounts of money in China and The Ukraine.

Think Bigger, and look on one hand to The East, and on the Other to The West. The answers are all there.

Just light the lamp and it will all be illuminated.
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The President who should have been Impeached multiple times over for multiple occasions during which he and his administration aided terrorists, drug cartels, and criminals - resulting in the deaths of Americans (the opposite of his oath of office), walked away spotless, protected by the most criminal administration and criminal members ever assembled by a President and protected by the same liars, leakers, perpetrators of Sedition and Treason, still in power in office today, still dividing this nation and attempting yet another political coup.
You know what would make me laugh?

If someone posted a picture of Hunter Biden picking up a package from The Obama White House and riding a bike to The Ukraine and China to deliver it.

Who would do such a thing when you could fly there?
Obama And Clinton Gun Running Operation: Government ...
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — as did many bureaucrats at the State Department — knew that the U.S. was collecting — many times buying – and sending arms from Benghazi, Libya to Syria back in 2011, a year before the Benghazi consulate/CIA station attacks.
Rand Paul: CIA Annex In Benghazi Shipped Arms From Libya ...
Aug 12, 2016 · Sen. Rand Paul says that Hillary Clinton deserves five years in prison for lying to Congress about the true nature of the CIA operation in Benghazi that was attacked by terrorists in 2012.
Judicial Watch: Defense, State Department Documents Reveal ...
Judicial Watch: Defense, State Department Documents Reveal Obama Administration Knew that al Qaeda Terrorists Had Planned Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance
· Oct 17, 2019
Judicial Watch: Defense, State Department Documents Reveal Obama Administration Knew that al Qaeda Terrorists Had Planned Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance
that gay feminine bastard Obama begged President Trump not to hire General Flynn so that he wouldnt undo the Iran nuke deal. that tells you all you need to know about Mr "Obama"

PS. Flynn was also expected to fire hundreds of intel officials who worked under "O"

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