Obama Got Booed @ Michhigan States Football Game


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2011
You have to wonder what the White House is thinking putting such a line in a speech. This isn’t as simple as blaming Obama for being a narcissist. This goes beyond Obama. That line comes from his speech writers and advisers, who apparently are completely tone deaf. All of them need to get out of the White House once in awhile. The allure of Obama is gone, people don’t like him anymore. At Michigan State’s football game last Saturday the school played a ridiculous anti-sexual assault ad on the stadium video board during a timeout. The end featured 5 seconds of Obama. He was lustily booed, the loudest boos came from the student section. Yes, this is anecdotal evidence that the country is moving hard against Obama. However one of Obama’s core constituencies is young people. If typical young people at a typical left-wing university have turned on the President, you have to wonder why the President’s advisers are nationalizing an election. He’s losing his base and no one in the White House realizes it.

Obama Foolishly Nationalizes Midterm Election Leo McNeil

And just exactly how does one "booded" someone?

Seriously, all presidents have had their detractors.

Including the one who was pelted with trash at his second inauguration.


Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Washington Thursday to protest the inauguration of George W. Bush for a second term as US president. Many lined the route of the inaugural parade, booing and jeering as Bush’s limousine made its way down Pennsylvania Avenue. “Not our president,” some chanted.

Others clashed with police during an otherwise peaceful march through the streets of the US capital. Cops used pepper spray and tear gas against some of the demonstrators, and there were a number of arrests.

The mass media gave short shrift to the protests. Instead, they chose to focus on the pomp and circumstance of the inauguration ceremony, which served to mask the criminality of the US administration.

The inauguration took place in a police state atmosphere. A 100-block area surrounding the inaugural parade route was blocked off to normal traffic. Businesses and offices shut down for the day and school was cancelled in the city because of the intense security.

An army of security forces was deployed for the occasion. In addition to the massive police presence that exists within the US capital, some 7,000 troops were mobilized and at least 3,000 cops were brought in from surrounding counties, as well as from cities as far distant as Miami. Police were positioned every several feet on both sides of the parade route, while helicopters flew overhead. Snipers were visible on area rooftops.

Imagine what the RWs would make of this degree of security if it had been President Obama.
And just exactly how does one "booded" someone?

Seriously, all presidents have had their detractors.

Including the one who was pelted with trash at his second inauguration.

Tens of thousands protest Bush inauguration in Washington - World Socialist Web Site

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Washington Thursday to protest the inauguration of George W. Bush for a second term as US president. Many lined the route of the inaugural parade, booing and jeering as Bush’s limousine made its way down Pennsylvania Avenue. “Not our president,” some chanted.

Others clashed with police during an otherwise peaceful march through the streets of the US capital. Cops used pepper spray and tear gas against some of the demonstrators, and there were a number of arrests.

The mass media gave short shrift to the protests. Instead, they chose to focus on the pomp and circumstance of the inauguration ceremony, which served to mask the criminality of the US administration.

The inauguration took place in a police state atmosphere. A 100-block area surrounding the inaugural parade route was blocked off to normal traffic. Businesses and offices shut down for the day and school was cancelled in the city because of the intense security.

An army of security forces was deployed for the occasion. In addition to the massive police presence that exists within the US capital, some 7,000 troops were mobilized and at least 3,000 cops were brought in from surrounding counties, as well as from cities as far distant as Miami. Police were positioned every several feet on both sides of the parade route, while helicopters flew overhead. Snipers were visible on area rooftops.

Imagine what the RWs would make of this degree of security if it had been President Obama.
But....but....but Obama was supposed to be the new era for young voters.
And just exactly how does one "booded" someone?

Seriously, all presidents have had their detractors.

Including the one who was pelted with trash at his second inauguration.

Tens of thousands protest Bush inauguration in Washington - World Socialist Web Site

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Washington Thursday to protest the inauguration of George W. Bush for a second term as US president. Many lined the route of the inaugural parade, booing and jeering as Bush’s limousine made its way down Pennsylvania Avenue. “Not our president,” some chanted.

Others clashed with police during an otherwise peaceful march through the streets of the US capital. Cops used pepper spray and tear gas against some of the demonstrators, and there were a number of arrests.

The mass media gave short shrift to the protests. Instead, they chose to focus on the pomp and circumstance of the inauguration ceremony, which served to mask the criminality of the US administration.

The inauguration took place in a police state atmosphere. A 100-block area surrounding the inaugural parade route was blocked off to normal traffic. Businesses and offices shut down for the day and school was cancelled in the city because of the intense security.

An army of security forces was deployed for the occasion. In addition to the massive police presence that exists within the US capital, some 7,000 troops were mobilized and at least 3,000 cops were brought in from surrounding counties, as well as from cities as far distant as Miami. Police were positioned every several feet on both sides of the parade route, while helicopters flew overhead. Snipers were visible on area rooftops.

Imagine what the RWs would make of this degree of security if it had been President Obama.
Good comeback Luddly...pointing out typos always proves Obama is fan-f***ing-tastic.

Then a pinch of pointless foaming at the mouth and no one can ever doubt obama is indeed da man!
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And just exactly how does one "booded" someone?

Seriously, all presidents have had their detractors.

Including the one who was pelted with trash at his second inauguration.

Tens of thousands protest Bush inauguration in Washington - World Socialist Web Site

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Washington Thursday to protest the inauguration of George W. Bush for a second term as US president. Many lined the route of the inaugural parade, booing and jeering as Bush’s limousine made its way down Pennsylvania Avenue. “Not our president,” some chanted.

Others clashed with police during an otherwise peaceful march through the streets of the US capital. Cops used pepper spray and tear gas against some of the demonstrators, and there were a number of arrests.

The mass media gave short shrift to the protests. Instead, they chose to focus on the pomp and circumstance of the inauguration ceremony, which served to mask the criminality of the US administration.

The inauguration took place in a police state atmosphere. A 100-block area surrounding the inaugural parade route was blocked off to normal traffic. Businesses and offices shut down for the day and school was cancelled in the city because of the intense security.

An army of security forces was deployed for the occasion. In addition to the massive police presence that exists within the US capital, some 7,000 troops were mobilized and at least 3,000 cops were brought in from surrounding counties, as well as from cities as far distant as Miami. Police were positioned every several feet on both sides of the parade route, while helicopters flew overhead. Snipers were visible on area rooftops.

Imagine what the RWs would make of this degree of security if it had been President Obama.
But....but....but Obama was supposed to be the new era for young voters.
Libtardd will do anything and tell any lie to make their false messiah look hood. Liberals have no credibility.
I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you're racist. We should stand up and say, "We are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration!
I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you're racist. We should stand up and say, "We are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration!
Fine..therefore every negro who ever disagreed with a white president was "racist", too.

...these kids and their obsessions with race and labeling people "racists"...comical...
It is embarrassing for the President. Any way you slice it.
I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you're racist. We should stand up and say, "We are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration!
Fine..therefore every negro who ever disagreed with a white president was "racist", too.

...these kids and their obsessions with race and labeling people "racists"...comical...

Also, based on white Liberal logic, if they trash and smear Herman Cain, Condoleezza Rice, and Ben Carson, then white Liberals are racists too.
I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you're racist. We should stand up and say, "We are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration!
Fine..therefore every negro who ever disagreed with a white president was "racist", too.

...these kids and their obsessions with race and labeling people "racists"...comical...

Also, based on white Liberal logic, if they trash and smear Herman Cain, Condoleezza Rice, and Ben Carson, then white Liberals are racists too.

You really think President Obama was booed because he's black?
No one likes to admit they were fooled.
Oh puh-lese. Bush was booed everywhere he went and today, can't leave his home and doesn't dare leave the US.

5.9% unemployment ...

Here is a list of many of President Obama’s accomplishments as President. Every one of them has a citation, so no one can dismiss these as lies.

And I'm supposed to get all worried about portion of a football crowd who gets their "news" from fox?

Thanks but I'll stick with ^^^ FACTS.


Yes. College students at liberal colleges watch Fox news. The moon is made of cheese, huh.

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