Obama gives Christians an important history lesson.

Idiots like obie and the morons that follow him forget one major point in the history of the crusades. The reason the crusades came about was in response to muslim terror tactics and wars.
Not a single religion in the world advocate directly for violence as Islam does, and so the way Muslims interpret it since the Islamic scriptures made it very clear beyond every doubt that Islam must never be reinterpreted, when the rest are just one branch of the religion that reinterpret parts of their own religious scripture, Islam is entirely infected with violence and atrocities even against different branches within Islam.

Exactly, we have Islamist extremists calling on Muslims around the world to attack Americans, Canadians, Europeans, etc. Yet the left will continue to try and walk us all down the garden path and claim Christians are just as bad, and that the Islamists are not true Muslims.
I don't give a fuck whether they're dishonoring their religion or not, the only thing that is important is that they believe they are acting according to what their god wants.
It's the stupidest thing I've ever heard a sitting president say. None of that is relevant to the evil and very real threat we are facing today is Islamic tyrants. All it was is a lame attempt to obfuscate the issue. But he never was much more than a community organizer, it's probably how he gained power and never grew with the job.

All's he accomplished was to pacify his followers, and at the same time he gave Islamic terrorists talking points.
The Crusaders were formed because of Muslims killing Christians in the Mediterranean right after Muhammad died.

I don't know who informed President Clinton and Obama that the Crusaders invaded the Muslims , but both of them have implied this.
It's the other way around.
1. Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, Aug. 5, 2012.

2. The murder of Dr. George Tiller, May 31, 2009.

3. Knoxville Unitarian Universalist Church shooting, July 27, 2008. On July 27, 2008, Christian Right sympathizer Jim David Adkisson walked into the Knoxville Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee during a children’s play and began shooting people at random. Two were killed, while seven others were injured but survived. Adkisson said he was motivated by a hatred of liberals, Democrats and gays, and he considered neocon Bernard Goldberg’s book, 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America, his political manifesto. Adkisson (who pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree murder and is now serving life in prison without parole) was vehemently anti-abortion, but apparently committing an act of terrorism during a children’s play was good ol’ Republican family values. While Adkisson’s act of terrorism was reported on Fox News, it didn't get the round-the-clock coverage an act of Islamic terrorism would have garnered.

4. The murder of Dr. John Britton, July 29, 1994.

5. The Centennial Olympic Park bombing, July 27, 1996. Paul Jennings Hill is hardly the only Christian terrorist who has been praised by the Army of God; that organization has also praised Eric Rudolph, who is serving life without parole for a long list of terrorist attacks committed in the name of Christianity. Rudolph is best known for carrying out the Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta during the 1996 Summer Olympics—a blast that killed spectator Alice Hawthorne and wounded 111 others. Hawthorne wasn’t the only person Rudolph murdered: his bombing of an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama in 1998 caused the death of Robert Sanderson (a Birmingham police officer and part-time security guard) and caused nurse Emily Lyons to lose an eye.

Rudolph’s other acts of Christian terrorism include bombing the Otherwise Lounge (a lesbian bar in Atlanta) in 1997 and an abortion clinic in an Atlanta suburb in 1997. Rudolph was no lone wolf: he was part of a terrorist movement that encouraged his violence. And the Army of God continues to exalt Rudolph as a brave Christian who is doing God’s work.

6. The murder of Barnett Slepian byJames Charles Kopp, Oct. 23, 1998. Like Paul Jennings Hill, Eric Rudolph and Scott Roeder, James Charles Kopp is a radical Christian terrorist who has been exalted as a hero by the Army of God. On Oct. 23, 1998 Kopp fired a single shot into the Amherst, NY home of Barnett Slepian (a doctor who performed abortions), mortally wounding him. Slepian died an hour later. Kopp later claimed he only meant to wound Slepian, not kill him. But Judge Michael D'Amico of Erin County, NY said that the killing was clearly premeditated and sentenced Kopp to 25 years to life. Kopp is a suspect in other anti-abortion terrorist attacks, including the non-fatal shootings of three doctors in Canada, though it appears unlikely that Kopp will be extradited to Canada to face any charges.

7. Planned Parenthood bombing, Brookline, Massachusetts, 1994. Seldom has the term “Christian terrorist” been used in connection with John C. Salvi on AM talk radio or at Fox News, but it’s a term that easily applies to him. In 1994, the radical anti-abortionist and Army of God member attacked a Planned Parenthood clinic in Brookline, Massachusetts, shooting and killing receptionists Shannon Lowney and Lee Ann Nichols and wounding several others. Salvi was found dead in his prison cell in 1996, and his death was ruled a suicide. The Army of God has exalted Salvi as a Christian martyr and described Lowney and Nichols not as victims of domestic terrorism, but as infidels who got what they deserved. The Rev. Donald Spitz, a Christianist and Army of God supporter who is so extreme that even the radical anti-abortion group Operation Rescue disassociated itself from him, has praised Salvi as well.

8. Suicide attack on IRS building in Austin, Texas, Feb. 18, 2010. When Joseph Stack flew a plane into the Echelon office complex (where an IRS office was located), Fox News’ coverage of the incident was calm and matter-of-fact. Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa seemed to find the attack amusing and joked that it could have been avoided if the federal government had followed his advice and abolished the IRS. Nonetheless, there were two fatalities: Stack and IRS employee Vernon Hunter. Stack left behind a rambling suicide note outlining his reasons for the attack, which included a disdain for the IRS as well as total disgust with health insurance companies and bank bailouts. Some of the most insightful coverage of the incident came from Noam Chomsky, who said that while Stack had some legitimate grievances—millions of Americans shared his outrage over bank bailouts and the practices of health insurance companies—the way he expressed them was absolutely wrong.

9. The murder of Alan Berg, June 18, 1984. One of the most absurd claims some Republicans have made about white supremacists is that they are liberals and progressives. That claim is especially ludicrous in light of the terrorist killing of liberal Denver-based talk show host Alan Berg, a critic of white supremacists who was killed with an automatic weapon on June 18, 1984. The killing was linked to members of the Order, a white supremacist group that had marked Berg for death. Order members David Lane (a former Ku Klux Klan member who had also been active in the Aryan Nations) and Bruce Pierce were both convicted in federal court on charges of racketeering, conspiracy and violating Berg’s civil rights and given what amounted to life sentences.

Robert Matthews, who founded the Order, got that name from a fictional group in white supremacist William Luther Pierce’s anti-Semitic 1978 novel, The Turner Diaries—a book Timothy McVeigh was quite fond of. The novel’s fictional account of the destruction of a government building has been described as the inspiration for the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995.

10. Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing, April 19, 1995.Neocons and Republicans grow angry and uncomfortable whenever Timothy McVeigh is cited as an example of a non-Islamic terrorist. Pointing out that a non-Muslim white male carried out an attack as vicious and deadly as the Oklahoma City bombing doesn’t fit into their narrative that only Muslims and people of color are capable of carrying out terrorist attacks. Neocons will claim that bringing up McVeigh’s name during a discussion of terrorism is a “red herring” that distracts us from fighting radical Islamists, but that downplays the cruel, destructive nature of the attack.


Yes please do, it's fun to watch you make an idiot out of yourself.

None of the events you pointed to have any evidence that an army of followers is ready to take to the streets and attempt to take over a government, and to murder anyone who gets in their way.

There's a tremendous difference between isolated events, and organized religious armies who are willing to destroy anything in their way.

You truly are an idiot.
President Barack Obama wants Christians to know Islam is not the only religion that has inspired violence and terror.

"Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," Obama said Wednesday. "And in our home country, slavery, and Jim Crow, all too often was justified in the name of Christ."

Obama made the comments while giving a major speech on religion at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. Citing Islamic, Jewish, and Christian scripture, Obama touted his own faith.


This needed to be said.

Christians in this country beat men to death, assassinate doctors, force women to keep silent about rape, hide the systematic molesting of children.

Christians in this country live in relative comfort because of the wealth we have. Take that away, and they would be committing the same evil acts as ISIS.

God forbid we find ourselves in another real economic depression, the Tea Party would be setting immigrants and homosexuals on fire. That type of violence is the end result of combining fear and hunger. The American Taliban is full of fear... make them hungry and watch what they do.


You and Obama are a couple of sleazy apologists for a bloodthirsty cult. Islam doesn't INSPIRE violence and terror. Islam COMMANDS violence and terror.

The claim the Christianity inspires violence is horseshit. The fact that Christians can sometimes be violent doesn't mean the Bible is to blame.
How does being homophobic equate to religious fanaticism?

One of the main objectives of the Jesuits is to demonize Protestant Christians in order to achieve their assignment for the Vatican - to bring all religions under a one world order - under Vatican control. In order to that there have been assignments given such as the one given to Jim Jones who was a Jesuit trained in the occult - a warlock - who was from the beginning working under orders of the Vatican - his meetings with Rosalyn Carter and other high profile people made him well known and so when the order can for the mass suicide in Jones town it achieved the goal of Vatican pressuring for an end to any type groups that would be outside church control. Their goal in the future is to prevent home churches - which is how the early christians met and had church. In their homes. The majority of Jim Jones followers were Roman Catholics. The Jonestown Massacre was well planned out as a military, religious and political event.

-------------Jim Jones was a well trained Jesuit. In 53' he established a Christian Assembly of God church ( he was a student of Father Divine - a demon posessed preacher, deep into the occult) Jones was a powerful warlock and a Jesuit. -------------------- He ordered his followers to call him, "Father".. and to pray to him, in 1973. Christian? Not a chance.

It was all pre-planned by the Vatican because after the massacre the press and TV worldwide pushed the lie that Jim Jones was a fundamentalist Christian. This was all planned out. To slander true Christians worldwide and plant suspicion everywhere about Christians who follow Jesus Christ ( not the false Roman Church)

Anything to make Protestants look like lunatic killers, murdering gays, etc. they will send their own Jesuits in to pose as christians and commit such atrocities. Anything for the Pope. It is what it is. Pure evil.

Catholicism is NOT Christianity. It's a cult.
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President Barack Obama wants Christians to know Islam is not the only religion that has inspired violence and terror.

"Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," Obama said Wednesday. "And in our home country, slavery, and Jim Crow, all too often was justified in the name of Christ."

Obama made the comments while giving a major speech on religion at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. Citing Islamic, Jewish, and Christian scripture, Obama touted his own faith.


This needed to be said.

Christians in this country beat men to death, assassinate doctors, force women to keep silent about rape, hide the systematic molesting of children.

Christians in this country live in relative comfort because of the wealth we have. Take that away, and they would be committing the same evil acts as ISIS.

God forbid we find ourselves in another real economic depression, the Tea Party would be setting immigrants and homosexuals on fire. That type of violence is the end result of combining fear and hunger. The American Taliban is full of fear... make them hungry and watch what they do.


You and Obama are a couple of sleazy apologists for a bloodthirsty cult. Islam doesn't INSPIRE violence and terror. Islam COMMANDS violence and terror.

The claim the Christianity inspires violence is horseshit. The fact that Christians can sometimes be violent doesn't mean the Bible is to blame.

the agenda comes from the Vatican - you've got a Jesuit Pope in power and their goal has always been to destroy the reputations of the Protestants. To destroy Christianity completely. To wipe if off the face of the earth so their Anti - Christ leader can rule with total power.
President Barack Obama wants Christians to know Islam is not the only religion that has inspired violence and terror.

"Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," Obama said Wednesday. "And in our home country, slavery, and Jim Crow, all too often was justified in the name of Christ."

Obama made the comments while giving a major speech on religion at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. Citing Islamic, Jewish, and Christian scripture, Obama touted his own faith.


This needed to be said.

Christians in this country beat men to death, assassinate doctors, force women to keep silent about rape, hide the systematic molesting of children.

Christians in this country live in relative comfort because of the wealth we have. Take that away, and they would be committing the same evil acts as ISIS.

God forbid we find ourselves in another real economic depression, the Tea Party would be setting immigrants and homosexuals on fire. That type of violence is the end result of combining fear and hunger. The American Taliban is full of fear... make them hungry and watch what they do.


You and Obama are a couple of sleazy apologists for a bloodthirsty cult. Islam doesn't INSPIRE violence and terror. Islam COMMANDS violence and terror.

The claim the Christianity inspires violence is horseshit. The fact that Christians can sometimes be violent doesn't mean the Bible is to blame.

the agenda comes from the Vatican - you've got a Jesuit Pope in power and their goal has always been to destroy the reputations of the Protestants. To destroy Christianity completely. To wipe if off the face of the earth so their Anti - Christ leader can rule with total power.

Thanks for revealing the fact that you're a kook. I will respond to your posts accordingly in the future.

Jesus had it.

The ODSers don't.

The ODSers are actively trying to start a full-blown worldwide religious war, and they're enraged that Obama won't oblige them.

ODSers, we're not going to let you kill a billion people. Get over it. Tantrums won't change anyone's mind.
Last week the loon Jeremiah was accusing the NFL Patriots of being satan's team and how they would lose the Super Bowl because she told God they were evil cheaters.

But since God didn't do her personal bidding and made her look like a fool.

This week Jeremiah has turned her self righteous condemnation on the Catholic church.

I wonder whom Jeremiah will spew her vile on next week? ..... :dunno:
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Jesus had it.

The ODSers don't.

The ODSers are actively trying to start a full-blown worldwide religious war, and they're enraged that Obama won't oblige them.

ODSers, we're not going to let you kill a billion people. Get over it. Tantrums won't change anyone's mind.

We're already in a religious war, moron. Islam is making war on us, whether we fight back or not. It's time for all you liberal idiots to wake up and smell the coffee.
It is not the reason of Christains' peacefulness that they are rich, but instead they are reach because of their peacefulness and good thinking. Not like muslims. Also, Crusades were not held by orthodox or protestants, but only catholics, and Inquisition too.
President Barack Obama wants Christians to know Islam is not the only religion that has inspired violence and terror.

"Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," Obama said Wednesday. "And in our home country, slavery, and Jim Crow, all too often was justified in the name of Christ."

Obama made the comments while giving a major speech on religion at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. Citing Islamic, Jewish, and Christian scripture, Obama touted his own faith.


This needed to be said.

Christians in this country beat men to death, assassinate doctors, force women to keep silent about rape, hide the systematic molesting of children.

Christians in this country live in relative comfort because of the wealth we have. Take that away, and they would be committing the same evil acts as ISIS.

God forbid we find ourselves in another real economic depression, the Tea Party would be setting immigrants and homosexuals on fire. That type of violence is the end result of combining fear and hunger. The American Taliban is full of fear... make them hungry and watch what they do.


I think we should take up a collecttion to send Hazl to the Middle East.
It is not the reason of Christains' peacefulness that they are rich, but instead they are reach because of their peacefulness ang good thinking. Not like muslims. Also, Crusades were not held by orthodox or protestants, but only catholics, and Inquisition too.

Protestants have their share of crimes and atrocities to atone for. The point is these acts weren't the result of what Jesus taught. They were simply the acts of men who interpreted the Bible to suit their own purposes. Not so with Islam where Muhammad commands the faithful over and over again to slaughter the non-believers who refuse to convert.
It is not the reason of Christains' peacefulness that they are rich, but instead they are reach because of their peacefulness ang good thinking. Not like muslims. Also, Crusades were not held by orthodox or protestants, but only catholics, and Inquisition too.

Protestants have their share of crimes and atrocities to atone for. The point is these acts weren't the result of what Jesus taught. They were simply the acts of men who interpreted the Bible to suit their own purposes. Not so with Islam where Muhammad commands the faithful over and over again to slaughter the non-believers who refuse to convert.
Of course. But interpretation of the Bible is the key point in christian faith. Many divisions of christian groups were because of that. And that's clear, Bible is a big book, in which every man can find what he intended to find.

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