Obama get very warm welcome to the house

Whoever suggested (Repub or Dem) that people who don't get insurance be fined, that's bullshit. It shouldn't be mandatory in the first place.

Why do you think health insurance shouldn't be mandatory?

Do you think that auto insurance shouldn't be mandatory?
How is the government going to pay for it? By cutting fraud and waste. The government is going to cut fraud and waste. That's an oxymoron.

Cutting Pork and Waste in general would pay for this bill. :eusa_eh:

Though then again, not invading countries under false pretenses would give us the money to afford this bill too. :eusa_shhh:

The government - the biggest culprit of corruption and waste - is going to cut fraud and waste. You don't get it, do you?
Obama is giving a GREAT speech!!!

He reads a a teleprompter very well, still lacks detail and just plain old common sense. How are you going to pay for 30 million uninsured, costing 900 billion dollars over a ten year period and not raise anyone's taxes and be deficit nuetral? Answer, it can't be done.

If there were that much fraud in medicare I beleive I read .20 on the dollar, then why have they not corrected the problem before. Even then it won't come close to paying for his public option.

He did nothing more than trash the oppostion to the public option and doubled down on it.

He can fix this by:
Tort reform a must- costs 38 billion a year in unnessary costs.
Mandating opening up competition between states.
Pre-tax health insurance savings plans.
Mandating that people who can afford it purchase a high deductible catastrophic plan, subsidize the poor on this. That's all you need to get the job done, we don't need a government run plan.
Legislate and pass laws, on pre-existing conditions and denial of coverage.
When the businesses figure out that it will be cheaper to pay the penalty, they will cancel the employees healthcare. Once that happens...where do the employees have to go?
I think we all know the answer to that.....hence the 15-20 years out with only the government plan after that.
It all starts with just the foot in the door....that's all they're looking for right now, everything else will fall into place after that. Your right....I don't trust our government.
is your definition of "watered down" mean excluding the public option?

Not at all, it's not just that. We haven't even seen a true Republican proposal. However, like everything else, they want tax credits and to limit lawsuits. As much as I'm sure they talk about getting rid of the whole "You can't throw someone off for a Pre-Existing condition" I'm sure they wouldn't have that in the final bill without some loophole.

The amount of Republicans on the take along with Democrats will most likely make sure of that. We do however need a public option of some sort, may it be Government run or non-profit. The insurance companies will just find ways around whatever the watered down bill (which will change truly little to nothing) is and end up jacking up the prices further. The fact that so many Americans support the choice of a Public Option plan:

SurveyUSA News Poll #15699

77% in fact. That tells you that there are a lot of unhappy people when it comes to the insurance companies.
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There is no way the money is there with out taxes unless the fees insurance and drug companies have to pay puts them out of business .Once they are out of business who pays?

You hit the nail on the head. This is what Obama is counting on. If government mandates that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions and cannot refuse coverage, and lower cost of insurance, most will simply close their doors. Corporations will not offer coverage to employees if it is cheaper to pay the 8% penalty. So, where do they go for insurance?
How is the government going to pay for it? By cutting fraud and waste. The government is going to cut fraud and waste. That's an oxymoron.

Cutting Pork and Waste in general would pay for this bill. :eusa_eh:

Though then again, not invading countries under false pretenses would give us the money to afford this bill too. :eusa_shhh:

The government - the biggest culprit of corruption and waste - is going to cut fraud and waste. You don't get it, do you?

if roberto had a brain he would have long since figured out if the government could cut fraud and waste they would have done it already. Has he examined the "stimulus" pork,, and does he know they send checks to dead people?
The government - the biggest culprit of corruption and waste - is going to cut fraud and waste. You don't get it, do you?

Oh I get it, very ironic.

Also, to answer your John Bohener point. This is coming from the same man who bashes the Stimulus package while trying to take credit for the benefits of it in his own state. The same goes for plenty of other Republicans in their own states. So while they all do the pony and dance show, as stated it's all for show.

The GOP do not want any sort of plan that Obama wants. Obama knows what they want, and no meeting will change their minds. They just want Obama to make concession after concession. I can tell you right now, he's already making one concession to Republicans, imposing fines for those who do not get mandatory Insurance. Up to $3,800 in fines. That's how Republicans plan in part on paying for this bill. Nice huh? :eusa_eh:
There is no way the money is there with out taxes unless the fees insurance and drug companies have to pay puts them out of business .Once they are out of business who pays?

You hit the nail on the head. This is what Obama is counting on. If government mandates that insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions and cannot refuse coverage, and lower cost of insurance, most will simply close their doors. Corporations will not offer coverage to employees if it is cheaper to pay the 8% penalty. So, where do they go for insurance?

Insurance companies will not close their doors because they will now have a huge influx of premium paying, incredibly healthy young people, the income from which will offset some of their additional costs.
For those of you wondering, Joe Wilson has already apologized:

"This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the President’s remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill. While I disagree with the President’s statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility.”

Republicans treated the speech tonight as if it were a town hall meeting, simply disrespectful. However, it was good to see people like John McCain coming out and condemning such actions.
29th speech on healthcare and he still has not sold it or wrapped it up. Somethings take more than talk.
Whoever suggested (Repub or Dem) that people who don't get insurance be fined, that's bullshit. It shouldn't be mandatory in the first place.

Why do you think health insurance shouldn't be mandatory?

Do you think that auto insurance shouldn't be mandatory?

Auto, yes. An accident involves other people, property and is mainly to protect the other driver.

Health, no. If they choose not to get insurance it affects them. Why should they be forced to buy health insurance if they are 25 and healthy and choose not to?

Obama wants it mandated because if the public option goes through, many will be signed up on the gov't. plan. If it doesn't go through, added expense to individuals who do not wish it.
For those of you wondering, Joe Wilson has already apologized:

"This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the President’s remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill. While I disagree with the President’s statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the President for this lack of civility.”

Republicans treated the speech tonight as if it were a town hall meeting, simply disrespectful. However, it was good to see people like John McCain coming out and condemning such actions.

Politics as usual...the dems did it when Bush was the president, and it's been done long before that.
so the bottom line is you demoncwats have eaten up air time, bloviated all evening and still don't have a convincing argument in your favor..

illegals will be covered with your blessing

care for seniors will be rationed

and small business will opt to take the 8% penalty cause it's cheaper than purchasing insurance thus forcing millions onto the public option.

crystal clear to me.
Auto, yes. An accident involves other people, property and is mainly to protect the other driver.

Health, no. If they choose not to get insurance it affects them. Why should they be forced to buy health insurance if they are 25 and healthy and choose not to?

Obama wants it mandated because if the public option goes through, many will be signed up on the gov't. plan. If it doesn't go through, added expense to individuals who do not wish it.

Obama doesn't want it mandated. Obama is conceding for it to be mandated. Why? Because the Republicans aren't going to vote for this bill unless Obama makes some concessions. Obama the candidate was against exactly this.
The first step to Health Care Reform starts with Tort Reform, anything else is pure BS....

That's a state level issue, and the states that have done it have gotten screwed. Most of them saw malpractice rates skyrocket anyway, the exception being Texas. There, they lowered malpractice rates, but health insurance rates skyrocketed, completely outpacing the majority of the nation. Tort reform is a myth in terms of the big picture. Combine it with the fines for being uninsured, and all you've got is what we always seem to get - a nice fat package for the insurance companies.

On a side note, I think the concept of failing to provide a public option for millions of Americans who need it based on some fear that somewhere illegal aliens will sneak onto the plan is nonsensical. Should we fail to provide police protection and pubic schools, because somewhere an illegal immigrant may benefit?

Tort reform is a must to get costs under control, it now costs 38 billion dollars a year in cost and that is rising constantly. Mal practice insurance has risen 1400% in the last few years, that cost is passed back onto us the consumer in higher fees for service. It's ridiculous. The trail lawyer lobbyists are in the back pockets of the democratic party and have fought this reform from the get-go. Bush tried it and could not get it through the democratic controlled congress.

Where you need to fear the public option is that millions of people will be dumped into it. The reason being that business's already pay more to cover their employees than the 8% payroll tax the government would impose if they don't cover them. It's a deal for business to dump the coverage on their employees. This move is an intentional move, Obama has stated on many occasions that he wants a one payer, nationalized system and he thinks we Americans are too stupid to pick this turd up and actually see what's gonna happen to private health insurance coverage. We are not that dumb.

The government resume
Social security- bankrupt
postal service-bankrupt.

Now he is saying that he will cover 30 million new people and it will cost 900 billion over a 10 year period, that it won't increase our taxes one dime and that it will be deficit neutral. Yeah sure- How do you add 30 million people to the system and not run up a huge deficit, it can't be done. He states that he will eliminate fraud in medicare, well why the hell not start there and why has it not been done before. Because they are absolutely NO GOOD at running ANYTHING that involves money, just look at the resume. His plan would also add numerous government agencies.

You would have the compassion of the IRS.
The efficiency of the Postal Service, and a health care system that would resemble the aftermaths of Katrina if his plan gets passed.
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