Obama Forward?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
In my opinion. Obama wants to to change our Constitutional Republic to Democratic Socialism and continue his use of the Keynesian Economic System. This economic system surfaced circa 1930. The system is old and has never had a long term positive effect
Why would a rational person use an old and flawed system?
In my opinion. Obama wants to to change our Constitutional Republic to Democratic Socialism and continue his use of the Keynesian Economic System. This economic system surfaced circa 1930. The system is old and has never had a long term positive effect
Why would a rational person use an old and flawed system?

No long term positive effect? What about the G.I. Bill? It was opposed by anti-Keynesians at the time, but proved to be a boon to America, fueling the post-war economic boom.
The most threatening issue is his willingness to rule by Presidential fiat, i.e., Executive Orders, in defiance of Congressional legislative authority. It is not unreasonable to imagine a situation where a Constitutional crisis might occur.
In my opinion. Obama wants to to change our Constitutional Republic to Democratic Socialism and continue his use of the Keynesian Economic System. This economic system surfaced circa 1930. The system is old and has never had a long term positive effect
Why would a rational person use an old and flawed system?

In my opinion, you are completely out of your mind. A nation of 310 million people needs to have some coherrent form of government; libertarianism only works for relatively small populations in resource-rich environments.
In my opinion. Obama wants to to change our Constitutional Republic to Democratic Socialism and continue his use of the Keynesian Economic System. This economic system surfaced circa 1930. The system is old and has never had a long term positive effect
Why would a rational person use an old and flawed system?

In my opinion, you are completely out of your mind. A nation of 310 million people needs to have some coherrent form of government; libertarianism only works for relatively small populations in resource-rich environments.
We do not need or want a mother government that administers all of our needs from cradle to grave. We certainly do not need any more government employees other than for a continuously trained and ready military.

You could probably cut the government jobs in half and still have enough people that IF THEY WERE EFFICIENT could administer all of our needs and still have time for days off.

A problem with "government jobs" is that they tend to be thought of as positions not subject to criticism or dismissal. Once you're hired, you won't be fired...no matter what you do (or don't do).

Government jobs should be subject to performance based raises and dismissals...just like the private sector. The private sector is efficient because people understand one fact quite clearly....if they don't do well at their job, they will be replaced by someone who tries harder.

Fuck big government and cushy featherbedding government jobs. Privatize most everything and production will increase.
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I will be ready for the refund stimulus program on the fire in Congress to deal with the fiscal cliff.
In my opinion. Obama wants to to change our Constitutional Republic to Democratic Socialism and continue his use of the Keynesian Economic System. This economic system surfaced circa 1930. The system is old and has never had a long term positive effect
Why would a rational person use an old and flawed system?

In my opinion, you are completely out of your mind. A nation of 310 million people needs to have some coherrent form of government; libertarianism only works for relatively small populations in resource-rich environments.

Define "some coherrent form of government". Pleas share your vision of a coherrent form of government. Pleas don't throw out a bunch of talking points, be specific.
The Founders understood the danger of turning over government to the mob. Too bad we have forgotten that wisdom.
In my opinion. Obama wants to to change our Constitutional Republic to Democratic Socialism and continue his use of the Keynesian Economic System. This economic system surfaced circa 1930. The system is old and has never had a long term positive effect
Why would a rational person use an old and flawed system?

In my opinion, you are completely out of your mind. A nation of 310 million people needs to have some coherrent form of government; libertarianism only works for relatively small populations in resource-rich environments.

Define "some coherrent form of government". Pleas share your vision of a coherrent form of government. Pleas don't throw out a bunch of talking points, be specific.

This definition would vary from person, depending upon individual circumstances; i.e. some rancher in Wyoming would have a completely different set of needs and wants than a woman in Seattle. Somehow, that concept seems alien to many Americans today. ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL.

Personally, my "coherrent" government would not come after me to support its squabbles and wars with nations on the other side of the globe ($750 billion annual military budget, several conflicts always going on). On the other hand, "my" government would only exist to serve me and my fellow citizens. You might call that socialism; I refer to it as a properly-managed government. A government should only engage in activities that benefit its citizens. When it threatens its citizens, it's time to assess it.
The Founders understood the danger of turning over government to the mob. Too bad we have forgotten that wisdom.

Isn't presidential fiat the antithesis of mob rule? Which side are you arguing here? :eusa_eh:

The Founders provided for State Legislatures to elect the president, not popular vote (i.e., the mob). Dictators usually gain power by manipulating mob support (e.g., giving them bread and circuses).
In my opinion, you are completely out of your mind. A nation of 310 million people needs to have some coherrent form of government; libertarianism only works for relatively small populations in resource-rich environments.

Define "some coherrent form of government". Pleas share your vision of a coherrent form of government. Pleas don't throw out a bunch of talking points, be specific.

This definition would vary from person, depending upon individual circumstances; i.e. some rancher in Wyoming would have a completely different set of needs and wants than a woman in Seattle. Somehow, that concept seems alien to many Americans today. ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL.

Personally, my "coherrent" government would not come after me to support its squabbles and wars with nations on the other side of the globe ($750 billion annual military budget, several conflicts always going on). On the other hand, "my" government would only exist to serve me and my fellow citizens. You might call that socialism; I refer to it as a properly-managed government. A government should only engage in activities that benefit its citizens. When it threatens its citizens, it's time to assess it.

When you push an all powerful federal government you are going the opposite direction of what you claim you want. Local government are best suited to deal with the individual, national programs tend to be one size fits all because you can't build in the flexability a local government has. Decentralization is the key, which is antithetical to Maobama and his all controlling regime.
The Founders understood the danger of turning over government to the mob. Too bad we have forgotten that wisdom.

Isn't presidential fiat the antithesis of mob rule? Which side are you arguing here? :eusa_eh:

The Founders provided for State Legislatures to elect the president, not popular vote (i.e., the mob). Dictators usually gain power by manipulating mob support (e.g., giving them bread and circuses).

So you're saying that Democracies are dictatorships, and

Dictatorships are democratic.

The Founders understood the danger of turning over government to the mob. Too bad we have forgotten that wisdom.

Isn't presidential fiat the antithesis of mob rule? Which side are you arguing here? :eusa_eh:

No, Not when the mob is able to get their President and take Congress out of the picture by having the Senate Majority leader refuse to engage in legislation.

Isn't presidential fiat the antithesis of mob rule? Which side are you arguing here? :eusa_eh:

The Founders provided for State Legislatures to elect the president, not popular vote (i.e., the mob). Dictators usually gain power by manipulating mob support (e.g., giving them bread and circuses).

So you're saying that Democracies are dictatorships, and

Dictatorships are democratic.


True democracies are very bad if the majority are idiots. We are getting dangerously close to having 50% of the population on the doles and they can vote themselves more money from the other half. That is the reason we don't have a true democracy and the electoral voting system instead. It's also why we have liberty and the states are supposed to have more power over their land than the federal government. It's called the people being in power, not the politicians. That is the one thing the feds have ignored for decades.

Remember, a democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

As for Obama's campaign slogans. "Hope and change" came from Alinsky's Rule for Radicals. "Forward" is also nothing new. Is it coincidence that he chooses language from past radicals? I think not.


  • $Forward_Obama_Lenin_lemming.jpg
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In my opinion. Obama wants to to change our Constitutional Republic to Democratic Socialism and continue his use of the Keynesian Economic System. This economic system surfaced circa 1930. The system is old and has never had a long term positive effect
Why would a rational person use an old and flawed system?

In my opinion, you are completely out of your mind. A nation of 310 million people needs to have some coherrent form of government; libertarianism only works for relatively small populations in resource-rich environments.

A Constitutional Republic is a form of government.
Libertarianism is no form of Government and we have never had that.
Our Constitutional Republic, works much better than Democratic Socialism, which gives you no freedom and keeps you enslaved to government hand outs.
In my opinion. Obama wants to to change our Constitutional Republic to Democratic Socialism and continue his use of the Keynesian Economic System. This economic system surfaced circa 1930. The system is old and has never had a long term positive effect
Why would a rational person use an old and flawed system?

In my opinion, you are completely out of your mind. A nation of 310 million people needs to have some coherrent form of government; libertarianism only works for relatively small populations in resource-rich environments.

A Constitutional Republic is a form of government.
Libertarianism is no form of Government and we have never had that.
Our Constitutional Republic, works much better than Democratic Socialism, which gives you no freedom and keeps you enslaved to government hand outs.

Except for the first sentence, everything you posted is incorrect.
In my opinion, you are completely out of your mind. A nation of 310 million people needs to have some coherrent form of government; libertarianism only works for relatively small populations in resource-rich environments.

A Constitutional Republic is a form of government.
Libertarianism is no form of Government and we have never had that.
Our Constitutional Republic, works much better than Democratic Socialism, which gives you no freedom and keeps you enslaved to government hand outs.

Except for the first sentence, everything you posted is incorrect.

Then why are a group of American Libertarianism's doing this?
Honduran government has granted permission for MKG group - a group of American libertarians - to build their own city, with it's own laws and no taxes other than property tax, in a development zone to be created for the purpose by Honduran government. Not discouraged by the previous failures of building a libertarian utopia, the group is set out to build "the most economically free entity on Earth" and expect to see the "miracle of capitalism" in full effect. Construction might start in months.

Ever since we changed from a Constitutional Republic in the 1930's to Democratic Socialism we have been in debt.

Click on it to make it larger
$Debt 1849 to 1929.jpg

Ever since 1929 we have been in debt. This is when we changed and started to become a Democratic Socialism system.
US National Debt 1929-2008
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A Constitutional Republic is a form of government.
Libertarianism is no form of Government and we have never had that.
Our Constitutional Republic, works much better than Democratic Socialism, which gives you no freedom and keeps you enslaved to government hand outs.

Except for the first sentence, everything you posted is incorrect.

Then why are a group of American Libertarianism's doing this?
Honduran government has granted permission for MKG group - a group of American libertarians - to build their own city, with it's own laws and no taxes other than property tax, in a development zone to be created for the purpose by Honduran government. Not discouraged by the previous failures of building a libertarian utopia, the group is set out to build "the most economically free entity on Earth" and expect to see the "miracle of capitalism" in full effect. Construction might start in months.

Ever since we changed from a Constitutional Republic in the 1930's to Democratic Socialism we have been in debt.

Click on it to make it larger
View attachment 22327

Ever since 1929 we have been in debt. This is when we changed and started to become a Democratic Socialism system.
US National Debt 1929-2008

You said that "Libertarianism is no form of government."

And then you cited (as an example) an article that says "a group of American libertarians - . . . to build their own city, with it's own laws and no taxes other than property tax, in a development zone to be created for the purpose by Honduran government."

I think laws, taxes, and zoning involves some form of government.

Make up your fucking mind.
In my opinion. Obama wants to to change our Constitutional Republic to Democratic Socialism and continue his use of the Keynesian Economic System. This economic system surfaced circa 1930. The system is old and has never had a long term positive effect
Why would a rational person use an old and flawed system?

No long term positive effect? What about the G.I. Bill? It was opposed by anti-Keynesians at the time, but proved to be a boon to America, fueling the post-war economic boom.
I guess you have no viable source to back up your ass backwards statement.

The Keynesian Response
Keynesians and others have their own explanations for why the Keynesian predictions of postwar economic disaster did not come to pass. The three most popular are: Rosie the Riveter left the labor force; the G. I. Bill put many returning soldiers in college rather than into the workforce; and the American people stopped saving and started spending the money they had accumulated during the war. The data, however, do not support these explanations. A Fiscal History Lesson | Hoover Institution
Read the link or stay stupid.

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