Obama Flack on MSNBC: Afghanistan 'Hasn’t Quite Worked Out As We Thought'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Obama Flack on MSNBC: Afghanistan 'Hasn’t Quite Worked Out As We Thought'

13 Aug 2021 ~~ By Mark Finkelstein
Rick Stengel, the former Time editor turned Obama State Department flack turned MSNBC analyst, appearing on Nicolle Wallace's show this afternoon and defending Biden on the Afghanistan fiasco, said:
"It hasn’t quite worked out as we thought."

“The war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan’s advantage.”
Stengel made a couple of other appalling statements. He said,
"What we’re seeing here is not an American tragedy, it is an Afghan tragedy."
And he dismissed the rapidity of the collapse as just an "optical problem."
In contrast, former Obama Defense Department official Mark Jacobson said, "the actions of the administration right now are a bit shameful. And I only say that given what we’ve seen in the last 24 hours . . . The disassembling and the refusal to use words like abandonment and evacuation, and that is what it going on, says that [Biden admin] people are not comfortable with this decision."
Jacobson ominously compared the situation in Afghanistan to Rwanda--where in a 1994 genocide, 800,000 people were slaughtered in 100 days.
There was a stunning moment a bit later. As a fellow Obama admin alum, Jacobson said to Stengel, "It is hard for me to disagree with you."
Stengel interjected: "Everybody else does. I don’t know why it's hard for you."
Jacobson laughed nervously in response, and when the camera cut back to Stengel, his bitter, tight-lipped expression was clearly visible.
Former Obama flack turned MSNBC analyst Rick Stengel, defending Biden on Afghanistan, saying "tt hasn’t quite worked out as we thought" was sponsored in part by Verizon and USAA.

Former Obama flack now defending Bai Dung says things in Afghanistan haven’t “Quite Worked Out As We Thought.”
Ya think?
Odd isn't it, the Taliban are moving much more quickly to take over under Bai Dung faster than ISIS moving in when Obama was President,
Well you have to remember that Barry had the CIA train ISIS cadres and supply them with arms captured in Libya.
The recent fall of Kandahar to the Taliban resulted in the release of hundreds if not thousands of Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists.
Obviously Joey Xi and his Obama handlers do not think that an Islamic Utopia in Afghanistan is not a Good Thing [even if millions have to die]?
We do know that the consequences of the fall of Saigon resulted in the estimated deaths of 30 million Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians in the following years.
History repeating itself.....
Obviously Democrats and the Swamp have never learned.....
Gosh who would have ever guessed the Taliban would overpower the useless Afghan army and roll the clock back to 900 AD? Anyone with a functioning brain, but that of course leaves out Democratic Leaders.

Obama Flack on MSNBC: Afghanistan 'Hasn’t Quite Worked Out As We Thought'

13 Aug 2021 ~~ By Mark Finkelstein
Rick Stengel, the former Time editor turned Obama State Department flack turned MSNBC analyst, appearing on Nicolle Wallace's show this afternoon and defending Biden on the Afghanistan fiasco, said:
"It hasn’t quite worked out as we thought."

“The war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan’s advantage.”
Stengel made a couple of other appalling statements. He said,
"What we’re seeing here is not an American tragedy, it is an Afghan tragedy."
And he dismissed the rapidity of the collapse as just an "optical problem."
In contrast, former Obama Defense Department official Mark Jacobson said, "the actions of the administration right now are a bit shameful. And I only say that given what we’ve seen in the last 24 hours . . . The disassembling and the refusal to use words like abandonment and evacuation, and that is what it going on, says that [Biden admin] people are not comfortable with this decision."
Jacobson ominously compared the situation in Afghanistan to Rwanda--where in a 1994 genocide, 800,000 people were slaughtered in 100 days.
There was a stunning moment a bit later. As a fellow Obama admin alum, Jacobson said to Stengel, "It is hard for me to disagree with you."
Stengel interjected: "Everybody else does. I don’t know why it's hard for you."
Jacobson laughed nervously in response, and when the camera cut back to Stengel, his bitter, tight-lipped expression was clearly visible.
Former Obama flack turned MSNBC analyst Rick Stengel, defending Biden on Afghanistan, saying "tt hasn’t quite worked out as we thought" was sponsored in part by Verizon and USAA.

Former Obama flack now defending Bai Dung says things in Afghanistan haven’t “Quite Worked Out As We Thought.”
Ya think?
Odd isn't it, the Taliban are moving much more quickly to take over under Bai Dung faster than ISIS moving in when Obama was President,
Well you have to remember that Barry had the CIA train ISIS cadres and supply them with arms captured in Libya.
The recent fall of Kandahar to the Taliban resulted in the release of hundreds if not thousands of Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists.
Obviously Joey Xi and his Obama handlers do not think that an Islamic Utopia in Afghanistan is not a Good Thing [even if millions have to die]?
We do know that the consequences of the fall of Saigon resulted in the estimated deaths of 30 million Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians in the following years.
History repeating itself.....
Obviously Democrats and the Swamp have never learned.....

LOLOL.. You just blew your case with this crap.

."Well you have to remember that Barry had the CIA train ISIS cadres and supply them with arms captured in Libya."
As the old saying goes "you can lead a horse to the water but you can't make him drink". America freed Japan, Italy much of the Eastern Bloc and other nations because those nations WANTED freedom. Even Russian influence in all those nations couldn't deny the will of the people.

It would appear that the Aghans never fought the Taliban with the vigor needed to win. The rest of the world can't do the fighting for them, at least not permanently.

Obama Flack on MSNBC: Afghanistan 'Hasn’t Quite Worked Out As We Thought'

13 Aug 2021 ~~ By Mark Finkelstein
Rick Stengel, the former Time editor turned Obama State Department flack turned MSNBC analyst, appearing on Nicolle Wallace's show this afternoon and defending Biden on the Afghanistan fiasco, said:
"It hasn’t quite worked out as we thought."

“The war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan’s advantage.”
Stengel made a couple of other appalling statements. He said,
"What we’re seeing here is not an American tragedy, it is an Afghan tragedy."
And he dismissed the rapidity of the collapse as just an "optical problem."
In contrast, former Obama Defense Department official Mark Jacobson said, "the actions of the administration right now are a bit shameful. And I only say that given what we’ve seen in the last 24 hours . . . The disassembling and the refusal to use words like abandonment and evacuation, and that is what it going on, says that [Biden admin] people are not comfortable with this decision."
Jacobson ominously compared the situation in Afghanistan to Rwanda--where in a 1994 genocide, 800,000 people were slaughtered in 100 days.
There was a stunning moment a bit later. As a fellow Obama admin alum, Jacobson said to Stengel, "It is hard for me to disagree with you."
Stengel interjected: "Everybody else does. I don’t know why it's hard for you."
Jacobson laughed nervously in response, and when the camera cut back to Stengel, his bitter, tight-lipped expression was clearly visible.
Former Obama flack turned MSNBC analyst Rick Stengel, defending Biden on Afghanistan, saying "tt hasn’t quite worked out as we thought" was sponsored in part by Verizon and USAA.

Former Obama flack now defending Bai Dung says things in Afghanistan haven’t “Quite Worked Out As We Thought.”
Ya think?
Odd isn't it, the Taliban are moving much more quickly to take over under Bai Dung faster than ISIS moving in when Obama was President,
Well you have to remember that Barry had the CIA train ISIS cadres and supply them with arms captured in Libya.
The recent fall of Kandahar to the Taliban resulted in the release of hundreds if not thousands of Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists.
Obviously Joey Xi and his Obama handlers do not think that an Islamic Utopia in Afghanistan is not a Good Thing [even if millions have to die]?
We do know that the consequences of the fall of Saigon resulted in the estimated deaths of 30 million Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians in the following years.
History repeating itself.....
Obviously Democrats and the Swamp have never learned.....

In the not too distant future, Biden will be releasing the Chinese to do the same right here in the good old USA. Good luck dems, I hope you go in the first wave.
LOLOL.. You just blew your case with this crap.

."Well you have to remember that Barry had the CIA train ISIS cadres and supply them with arms captured in Libya."


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I never understand why anyone seeks out the opinions of those who had previously failed.
Afghanistan is a disaster and it's on Biden's watch.

But didn't Trump say he wanted to pull all of the troops out of Afghanistan?

So what would have been different if Trump did it?
More Americans were killed in Afghanistan during Obama's administration than Bush's and Trump.
Because Western nations are too soft with this Human Rights crap. You catch a terrorist, you should shoot the fucker but the Human Rights retards won't allow that. But if they caught you, you're dead meat.
LOLOL.. You just blew your case with this crap.

."Well you have to remember that Barry had the CIA train ISIS cadres and supply them with arms captured in Libya."
An Equity produced 737 passenger jet crashing into Broadcasting CNN and MSNBC Headquarters would be hilarious. You think international. We want you vaporized. Really!

Obama Flack on MSNBC: Afghanistan 'Hasn’t Quite Worked Out As We Thought'

13 Aug 2021 ~~ By Mark Finkelstein
Rick Stengel, the former Time editor turned Obama State Department flack turned MSNBC analyst, appearing on Nicolle Wallace's show this afternoon and defending Biden on the Afghanistan fiasco, said:
"It hasn’t quite worked out as we thought."

“The war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan’s advantage.”
Stengel made a couple of other appalling statements. He said,
"What we’re seeing here is not an American tragedy, it is an Afghan tragedy."
And he dismissed the rapidity of the collapse as just an "optical problem."
In contrast, former Obama Defense Department official Mark Jacobson said, "the actions of the administration right now are a bit shameful. And I only say that given what we’ve seen in the last 24 hours . . . The disassembling and the refusal to use words like abandonment and evacuation, and that is what it going on, says that [Biden admin] people are not comfortable with this decision."
Jacobson ominously compared the situation in Afghanistan to Rwanda--where in a 1994 genocide, 800,000 people were slaughtered in 100 days.
There was a stunning moment a bit later. As a fellow Obama admin alum, Jacobson said to Stengel, "It is hard for me to disagree with you."
Stengel interjected: "Everybody else does. I don’t know why it's hard for you."
Jacobson laughed nervously in response, and when the camera cut back to Stengel, his bitter, tight-lipped expression was clearly visible.
Former Obama flack turned MSNBC analyst Rick Stengel, defending Biden on Afghanistan, saying "tt hasn’t quite worked out as we thought" was sponsored in part by Verizon and USAA.

Former Obama flack now defending Bai Dung says things in Afghanistan haven’t “Quite Worked Out As We Thought.”
Ya think?
Odd isn't it, the Taliban are moving much more quickly to take over under Bai Dung faster than ISIS moving in when Obama was President,
Well you have to remember that Barry had the CIA train ISIS cadres and supply them with arms captured in Libya.
The recent fall of Kandahar to the Taliban resulted in the release of hundreds if not thousands of Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists.
Obviously Joey Xi and his Obama handlers do not think that an Islamic Utopia in Afghanistan is not a Good Thing [even if millions have to die]?
We do know that the consequences of the fall of Saigon resulted in the estimated deaths of 30 million Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians in the following years.
History repeating itself.....
Obviously Democrats and the Swamp have never learned.....

Afghanistan withdrawal is a disgrace. What country our pro-democracy movement will ever trust the NATO Alliance now?

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