Obama faltars big time with Islamic apologia


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Your turban is showing Obie.

First we hear from the official spokes-flack that the Isis terror group should not be in any way shape or form considered to be Islamic. Well I can understand why some of the denominations of Islam would not want to be associated with them but wait.....this just doesn't wash. There are purportedly 33,000 denominations of Christianity world wide and they are all considered by the world to be representatives of Christ no matter how wacky or radical they become. If any one of them does anything at all....the world immediately says.... LOOK AT WHAT THE CHRISTIANS ARE DOING! Now many of these denominations claim that others who call themselves christians are not anything of the kind....but they don't get to make that call in the eyes of public opinion now do they?

But...BUT.....here's the real kicker. First we are told ......" These guys are not real Muslims ! " but then Obama ruins all of that by doing a moral equivalency blooper. He, in effect admits that ISIS is Islamic by drawing comparisons between what they just did ( as in burn a man alive ) and what the history of Christendom shows. " Huh!....you christians think you're clean eh? Well you're no better than Islam for your information! Look at what people have done in the name of Christ before you start looking at what people have done in the name of Mohammed! " By using that comparison he re-connects Isis to Islam...even if it is unintentional it certainly is Freudian and in more than one way as a matter of fact!

Bad Idea Obie! You would have been much better off just leaving it at " These guys are real Muslims "....your self righteous indignation and your sophomoric comparisons pretty much ruined the " NON -MUSLIM " argument and left many people, even on the left wondering..... " Why is this guy so eager to defend Islam? ".

Your turban is showing Obie.

First we hear from the official spokes-flack that the Isis terror group should not be in any way shape or form considered to be Islamic. Well I can understand why some of the denominations of Islam would not want to be associated with them but wait.....this just doesn't wash. There are purportedly 33,000 denominations of Christianity world wide and they are all considered by the world to be representatives of Christ no matter how wacky or radical they become. If any one of them does anything at all....the world immediately says.... LOOK AT WHAT THE CHRISTIANS ARE DOING! Now many of these denominations claim that others who call themselves christians are not anything of the kind....but they don't get to make that call in the eyes of public opinion now do they?

But...BUT.....here's the real kicker. First we are told ......" These guys are not real Muslims ! " but then Obama ruins all of that by doing a moral equivalency blooper. He, in effect admits that ISIS is Islamic by drawing comparisons between what they just did ( as in burn a man alive ) and what the history of Christendom shows. " Huh!....you christians think you're clean eh? Well you're no better than Islam for your information! Look at what people have done in the name of Christ before you start looking at what people have done in the name of Mohammed! " By using that comparison he re-connects Isis to Islam...even if it is unintentional it certainly is Freudian and in more than one way as a matter of fact!

Bad Idea Obie! You would have been much better off just leaving it at " These guys are real Muslims "....your self righteous indignation and your sophomoric comparisons pretty much ruined the " NON -MUSLIM " argument and left many people, even on the left wondering..... " Why is this guy so eager to defend Islam? ".


I think he is sucking up to ISIS so they don't cut his fuckin' head off, as they have vowed to do.

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