OBAMA Ethics Chief Says Biden is Sending 'F* You' Message To America....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
....through his number of family hires / appointments.

The Bidens have been all about enriching the Biden family for decades through financial scams and scandals, yo include influence peddling g, extortion, Russian Money Laundering, and taking cash from both the CCP and Russia during this last election.

Now Obama's Ethics Chief is calling Biden out for blatantly hiring / appointing family members, an Ethics conflict, to enrich the family further, and giving everyone a big old 'F* You' while doing so.

"Walter Shaub, the director of the United States Office of Government Ethics under President Obama, said the Biden administration is sending a "f--- you" to ethics experts by hiring so many relatives of senior White House officials."

"A lot of us worked hard to tee him up to restore ethics to government and believed the promises," Shaub added, calling the string of family-related hires "a real ‘f*** you’ to us—and government ethics."
When the Ethics Chief for the guy who was caught attempting a failed POLITICAL coup says you are setting a new standard for a lack of Ethics yOU know you're a POS!

When the Ethics Chief for the guy who was caught attempting a failed POLITICAL coup says you are setting a new standard for a lack of Ethics yOU know you're a POS!

now do you finally see how nepotism is a bad thing?

Ivanka, Jared, Don Jr, all horrid as hell perhaps now you can realize.
When the Ethics Chief for the guy who was caught attempting a failed POLITICAL coup says you are setting a new standard for a lack of Ethics yOU know you're a POS!

now do you finally see how nepotism is a bad thing?

Ivanka, Jared, Don Jr, all horrid as hell perhaps now you can realize.
If they had done a fraction of what the Bidens have / are doing Democtats / snowflakes/ fake news media would have gone insane persecuting and going after them...
....through his number of family hires / appointments.

The Bidens have been all about enriching the Biden family for decades through financial scams and scandals, yo include influence peddling g, extortion, Russian Money Laundering, and taking cash from both the CCP and Russia during this last election.

Now Obama's Ethics Chief is calling Biden out for blatantly hiring / appointing family members, an Ethics conflict, to enrich the family further, and giving everyone a big old 'F* You' while doing so.

How much is faux news paying him to say that?
....through his number of family hires / appointments.

The Bidens have been all about enriching the Biden family for decades through financial scams and scandals, yo include influence peddling g, extortion, Russian Money Laundering, and taking cash from both the CCP and Russia during this last election.

Now Obama's Ethics Chief is calling Biden out for blatantly hiring / appointing family members, an Ethics conflict, to enrich the family further, and giving everyone a big old 'F* You' while doing so.

How much is faux news paying him to say that?
Not a dime, desperate dumbass.

Barry's Ethics Chief Justice named Joe as the most corrupt President ever.

When the Ethics Chief for the guy who was caught attempting a failed POLITICAL coup says you are setting a new standard for a lack of Ethics yOU know you're a POS!

now do you finally see how nepotism is a bad thing?

Ivanka, Jared, Don Jr, all horrid as hell perhaps now you can realize.

None of them received a dime for any position, of which Don Jr. held no such position.
When the Ethics Chief for the guy who was caught attempting a failed POLITICAL coup says you are setting a new standard for a lack of Ethics yOU know you're a POS!

now do you finally see how nepotism is a bad thing?

Ivanka, Jared, Don Jr, all horrid as hell perhaps now you can realize.

None of them received a dime for any position, of which Don Jr. held no such position.
not a dime, but billions of them

not a dime, but billions of them
IN OUTSIDE INCOME! (not "billions" of dollars by any means, by the way).
Did you actually read the very first paragraph? Or did you just decide, fuck the facts!
I have to alert everyone, before you laid your little lie bomb?

And in any case, it's a rank "whataboutism" and an effort to draw attention away from Joe Biden
as his long customary habit of milking his position of government authority to enrich himself and family.

Get fucked, dudmuck!
not a dime, but billions of them
IN OUTSIDE INCOME! (not "billions" of dollars by any means, by the way).
Did you actually read the very first paragraph? Or did you just decide, fuck the facts!
I have to alert everyone, before you laid your little lie bomb?

And in any case, it's a rank "whataboutism" and an effort to draw attention away from Joe Biden
as his long customary habit of milking his position of government authority to enrich himself and family.

Get fucked, dudmuck!
a billion dimes is $100 million.

anways, biden made $600k per year

White House silent as ex-Obama ethics chief slams Hunter for selling over-priced art to secret buyers

White House silent as ex-Obama ethics chief slams Hunter for selling over-priced art to secret buyers

Barry's former Ethics Chief continues to HAMMER Joe Biden / the Bidens for the LACK of Ethics

1st it was how Joe is enriching the family again by appointing / hiring so many family members Biden has and continues to put in his administration.....now its about how the Biden Cartel is using every possible way they can to make more money.

"Former President Obama's ethics chief ripped into President Biden's son, Hunter Biden, for selling his art at prices ranging up to half a million dollars to anonymous buyers.

Walter Shaub, the former Office of Government Ethics director under Obama, said that the lucrative arrangement has a "shameful and grifty feeling to it."

"The notion of a president's son capitalizing on that relationship by selling art at obviously inflated prices and keeping the public in the dark about who's funneling money to him has a shameful and grifty feel to it," Shaub told Fox News on Monday.

Shaub also warned that the anonymity granted to Hunter's clients could allow "influence-seekers" to funnel money to the Biden family."

The Bidens need to be in Gitmo, not in the WH....

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