Obama don’t know where the end of the line is.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama don’t know where the end of the immigration line is. He thinks it’s at the nearest immigration center. Any five year old know where the end of the line is. Those that entered the country illegally have cut in line and they need to be taught a lesson they did not learn as children and sent to the end of the line. That’s the way you play the immigration game.

A path to citizenship and the Dream Act is pandering at it’s worse. American citizenship is not for sale and has never been. A $5,000 fine is an insult to all immigrants who entered this country legally and built this country and did not ask for handouts but gave all they had.
Automatic Birthright Citizenship is the biggest tragedy of the century and it must end as it has in many countries and an insult to all descendents of slaves. It is unconstitutional and just another mistake that need to be fixed.

Obama is meeting with the National Council of La Raza on immigration reform. (amnesty) Obama to Address Immigration at NCLR Conference. - NewsFeed Researcher - latino, latinos, obama, republicans, republican, hispanics, hispanic, macro, president, immigration, group, party

He really need to meet with the American people who is affected by illegal immigration and listen to how they feel about Amnesty. The American people want legal immigration, border security, enforcement and continued deportation. Nothing more and nothing less. If he don’t hear us now, maybe he will hear us in 2012.

A path to citizenship now will only lead to another in another 20 years for 20 million more illegal aliens.
President pandering to the La Raza crowd...
Obama: Idea of Changing Immigration Laws on My Own ‘Is Very Tempting’
Tuesday, July 26, 2011 - President Barack Obama told a Hispanic civil rights group on Monday that the idea of reforming the U.S. immigration system on his own “is very tempting,” but under the U.S. Constitution, he is unable to do so without Congress.
“I swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books, but that doesn't mean I don't know very well the real pain and heartbreak that deportations cause,” Obama told the National Council of La Raza at the group’s annual meeting in Washington. “I share your concerns and I understand them. And I promise you, we are responding to your concerns and working every day to make sure we are enforcing flawed laws in the most humane and best possible way. “Now, I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own -- and believe me, right now, dealing with Congress--” The audience interrupted him with chants of “Yes you can! Yes you can!”

“Believe me -- believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting,” Obama responded. “I promise you. Not just on immigration reform. But that's not how -- that's not how our system works.” “That’s not how our democracy functions,” he continued. “That's not how our Constitution is written.” To some critics, it appears that the Obama administration is taking immigration matters into its own hands.

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE), a component of the Department of Homeland Security, in a June 17 memo directed federal authorities to use "prosecutorial discretion" in deciding which illegal aliens to detain and deport, citing limited resources as the reason. The intention is to kick out the worst offenders and release the all the others – specifically victims of domestic violence and other crimes; witnesses to crimes; or people who are charged with minor traffic violations.

Obama told the La Raza crowd that fixing the immigration system is “unfinished business” for his administration, and he promised to work tirelessly to improve it, although the White House – aside from floating ideas in speeches -- has not put forward its own immigration reform plan. The president also said he supports the DREAM Act, introduced by congressional Democrats. The DREAM Act, which Congress rejected last December, would provide a path to legal status for illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. before age 16 and who have been here for five years, graduated high school or gained a similar certification, and who join the military or attend college.


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