Obama Counterterrorism Director A Pedophile...

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I didn't know Obuma OUTED Joe "The World's Dumbest Politician" Biden as a pedophile? You have that link? I mean WHO CAN DENY that the elite DeomcRATS now perform their perversion right before the NEWS VIDEO...and barely a word from the MSM....

Just ONE of PaintMyShitShack posts that shows he believes he's a GOD...

Humans are a disease, however in this case the reference is to the fact that the right-wingers make a hero out of a woman for having a baby she shouldn't have had. We have enough kids to take care of without the profoundly damaged ones being born, no matter how sweet they may turn out to be. He is bad genetic material and should have been aborted. It happens.

Many others but this one is especially deranged!
Still entirely true. Palin's standing on the dog so dumb he still can't talk at six-years-old moron should never have been born.

Thank you GOD, for the affirmation! YOU DECIDE, we laugh!
You are free to do whatever you like V, for the most part.

I simply point out what kind of people are DemocRATS... thanks for playing!
I'm God remember, they just work for me...
Just ONE of PaintMyShitShack posts that shows he believes he's a GOD...

Many others but this one is especially deranged!
Still entirely true. Palin's standing on the dog so dumb he still can't talk at six-years-old moron should never have been born.

Thank you GOD, for the affirmation! YOU DECIDE, we laugh!
You are free to do whatever you like V, for the most part.

I simply point out what kind of people are DemocRATS... thanks for playing!
I'm God remember, they just work for me...

Yes, your ...

is getting to the point where the Manchurian muslim's is at!
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