Obama Could Learn From Hitler

The LAST Pub Great Depression gave rise to Hitler and Japanese militarists. Thank god this time Obama and social democrats across the modern world were there FAST to avert that again- just Jihadists- only cost 5 trillion- GREATJOB, GREEDY IDIOT PUBS AND SILLY HATER DUPES...

So now you have abandoned the health care poo to shovel this?

I'll tell you what Obama saved, he saved CEO's around the globe by giving them trillions upon trillions of tax payer money.

All the man had to do was give that money back to the tax payers so they could pay off their mortgages and tell corporate America to join the free market and kiss their arse goodbye.

Speaking of a world depression, it will come, only it will be far worse than it would have been. I'm thinking that this is the goal. Simply gut the economy to the extent that we are all dependent upon Big Brother and his corporate cronies, and then force them to adopt some one world economic system that will destroy national sovereignty, or at least make it meaningless. After all, this is the real goal of collectivists and always has been since the time of Hitler.
''What I don't understand is why people believe President Peanut when he says things like that he can provide medical coverage for 30 million more Americans and reduce insurance premiums at the same time while allowing everyone to keep their same medical plans and doctors. (Shrug) I guess people really are just that stupid.''

Actually, you're just that brainwashed. Everyone was already paying for their health care, just in the stupidest, most expensive way possible. Insurers broke that promise, but everyone will get better care anyway- no more cutoffs or 300k dollar bills...dupe.

Try telling that to people who had their premiums doubled while their coverage changed for the worse and/or lost their doctor dufuss.

I would, but they only exist in Pub world...lol
So the last great depression didn't lead to fascists....so now Obama's a collectivist corporatist. RW lunacy lol...and a pussy...dictator...war mongering pacifist ay caramba...
One of the most influential and widely read American economists of the twentieth century was John Kenneth Galbraith. He was an advisor to several presidents, and for a time served as US ambassador to India. He was the author of several dozen books, and for years taught economics at Harvard University. With regard to Germany’s record, Galbraith wrote: “…

The elimination of unemployment in Germany during the Great Depression without inflation -- and with initial reliance on essential civilian activities -- was a signal accomplishment. It has rarely been praised and not much remarked. The notion that Hitler could do no good extends to his economics as it does, more plausibly, to all else.”

The Hitler regime’s economic policy, Galbraith goes on, involved “large scale borrowing for public expenditures, and at first this was principally for civilian work -- railroads, canals and the Autobahnen [highway network]. The result was a far more effective attack on unemployment than in any other industrial country.” / 1 “By late 1935,” he also wrote, “unemployment was at an end in Germany. By 1936 high income was pulling up prices or making it possible to raise them … Germany, by the late thirties, had full employment at stable prices. It was, in the industrial world, an absolutely unique achievement.” / 2 “Hitler also anticipated modern economic policy,” the economist noted, “by recognizing that a rapid approach to full employment was only possible if it was combined with wage and price controls. That a nation oppressed by economic fears would respond to Hitler as Americans did to F.D.R. is not surprising.” / 3

Other countries, Galbraith wrote, failed to understand or to learn from the German experience: “The German example was instructive but not persuasive. British and American conservatives looked at the Nazi financial heresies -- the borrowing and spending -- and uniformly predicted a breakdown … And American liberals and British socialists looked at the repression, the destruction of the unions, the Brownshirts, the Blackshirts, the concentration camps, and screaming oratory, and ignored the economics. Nothing good [they believed], not even full employment, could come from Hitler.” / 4
But Hitler's Germany was so far in debt they HAD to start a war of conquest...but thanks for arguing for an infrastucture jobs bill. ANYONE but the brainwashed debt cult TP would.
One of the most influential and widely read American economists of the twentieth century was John Kenneth Galbraith. He was an advisor to several presidents, and for a time served as US ambassador to India. He was the author of several dozen books, and for years taught economics at Harvard University. With regard to Germany’s record, Galbraith wrote: “…

The elimination of unemployment in Germany during the Great Depression without inflation -- and with initial reliance on essential civilian activities -- was a signal accomplishment. It has rarely been praised and not much remarked. The notion that Hitler could do no good extends to his economics as it does, more plausibly, to all else.”

The Hitler regime’s economic policy, Galbraith goes on, involved “large scale borrowing for public expenditures, and at first this was principally for civilian work -- railroads, canals and the Autobahnen [highway network]. The result was a far more effective attack on unemployment than in any other industrial country.” / 1 “By late 1935,” he also wrote, “unemployment was at an end in Germany. By 1936 high income was pulling up prices or making it possible to raise them … Germany, by the late thirties, had full employment at stable prices. It was, in the industrial world, an absolutely unique achievement.” / 2 “Hitler also anticipated modern economic policy,” the economist noted, “by recognizing that a rapid approach to full employment was only possible if it was combined with wage and price controls. That a nation oppressed by economic fears would respond to Hitler as Americans did to F.D.R. is not surprising.” / 3

Other countries, Galbraith wrote, failed to understand or to learn from the German experience: “The German example was instructive but not persuasive. British and American conservatives looked at the Nazi financial heresies -- the borrowing and spending -- and uniformly predicted a breakdown … And American liberals and British socialists looked at the repression, the destruction of the unions, the Brownshirts, the Blackshirts, the concentration camps, and screaming oratory, and ignored the economics. Nothing good [they believed], not even full employment, could come from Hitler.” / 4

Galbraith also said this:
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."
- John Kenneth Galbraith
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How do we get back all the jobs that have been exported in the last 30 years?

If we want to re-industrialize America we have to protect our markets and support our industry otherwise we will soon sink to a supplier of raw materials and a market to China and the other rapidly rising industrial powers of Asia.

What will be the consequences of taking the bold steps necessary to make America once again the engine that drives the world’s economy?

Such a policy calculated to re-build our industry and re-capture our domestic markets from China, Japan, and the four tigers of Asia will carry as many risks as it does benefits. Just as any predator will react to resistance on the part of its prey so to if we enact tariffs on Chinese goods it may well ignite a trade war. Then again anything worth having is worth fighting for. If we want to once again rise to the top of the industrial world to once again have a favorable balance of trade we need to look to what is best for America not what is best for the U. N. or what is best for the globalization lobby.

The first step would be to build our Military up to the point where China, Russia or no one else would dare threaten us............some say we have achieved that already....and as of right now it may be true....but things change quickly i.e. the huge sums China is spending on it's military is much more than we are spending.

If we are not sensitive to the Chinese Build up...like we ignored Japan's buildup prior to WWII....there will come a point and not that far down the road where China will be emboldened to take some very significant military steps...this is indicated already by recent events in the South China Sea.

The absolute first step in re-industrializing America would be to build up our forces in the Pacific that would be absolutely dominating in any potential conflict with China. Also...we must erect a mislle defense...that is absolutely reliable in case some madman in China or N. Korea threatens to nuke L.A. or America in general.

Then we need to spend huge sums on our infrastructure...highways, airports, sea ports, decent housing, judicial system, policing our cities, fighting organized crime, big city criminal gangs, health care, hospitals, medical schools and to guarantee that students with academic potential be assured of getting a college education irregardless of the finances of their parents. Those students not qualified for higher education and even those not qualified even for high school academics need to be trained in skills whereby they can earn a living...via shop classes in H.S. and or on the job training programs with established manufacturing companies and businesses...who would be provided economic benefits for participating in the on the job training programs.

We have a huge potential work force...but it is not as skilled as it once was aka.....when the 'Made In The U.S.A.' label had so much pestige....we must retrain our workforce.

There is much more that could be said and done...just some highlights.

Also....we must not forget that militant islam must be dealt with in a bold and concrete manner....no pussyfooting around on that or we will suffer the consequences. We should stop treating Israel like a red headed step child ...they have tremendous power...we need to treat them like a real ally....they know more about the muslims than we ever will and they know how to defeat them....working with them we could neutralize the muslim terror threat very effective and relatively quickly.

At the same time..........we must absolutely secure our borders...for more than one reason.

Is all of this possible?..........yes.........with good leadership.
Yeah, because we only spend as much as the rest of the world on defense lol...we need to tax the bloated rich their fair share and get our nonrich some tech training, and NEVER give power to greedy idiot chickenhawk Pub catastrophes again, and their silly brainwashed hater dupes- who need better educations...
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There is not that much difference between fascism and socialism.

Both require the government to control the aspect of ones life and thus is right up the far left's ally.

And to watch the far left Obama drones post, it is proof that the far left has no clue beyond their programming.
Hitler's treatment of the Jews had nothing to do with the economic miracle he accomplished in 3 short years.

What Hitler actually did to bring Germany out of the Great Depression......

Hitler introduced a number of measures that pulled Germany out of the Great Depression before any other major industrial power.

Firstly, an economic expert, President of the Reichsbank Hjalmar Schacht, was put in charge of the economy (none of the leading Nazis knew much about economics) as Minister of Economics.He decided to implement Keynesian economics on a massive scale.

He thus began a large Public Works program to reduce unemployment. The main manifestation of this was the building of the autobahns, the German motorway network.Work on the autobahns was deliberately made labour intensive, with as few heavy machines used as possible, in order to prolong the construction time.This meant more jobs were provided over a longer period of time.

Secondly, all materials needed for the Public Works program was ordered from German companies and factories, and not just the big corporations. Small and medium sized businesses, as well as big business, were given generous government contracts, enabling them to hire more workers to meet the orders, thus reducing unemployment even further.All German companies were also offered cheap government loans so they could modernize their machinery, shopfloors, and other equipment.Again, this provided more jobs as the companies ordered new machinery and equipment.

As for agriculture, farmers were also offered cheap government loans to buy fertilizers, tractors, livestock and everything necessary to modernize their farms and increase agricultural production.Once again, these materials and manufactures were purchased from German companies, meaning more jobs for Germans.

All this was paid for with MEFO Bills, a government credit note redeemable 5 years after its issue to the company or borrower; thus, anyone taking up the loans or contracts had,of necessity, to order what they wanted from German companies, which were ordered to accept MEFO Bills as payment.

All this reduced German unemployment to virtually zero by the beginning of 1936. The commensurate reduction in government expenditure on welfare payments as unemployment fell boosted government finances, as did the rapid increase in tax revenues as the number of those in employment rose.

All these things combined to get Germany out of the Great Depression. Rearmament WAS NOT a major factor in this - rearmament didn't begin on a wide scale under the Nazis until well into 1936, when the German economy was already out of depression,and was strong and healthy.

By far the best book on the German economy in the 1930s is Richard Overy 'The Nazi Economy' - readable, relatively short, and well researched.

Hitler began rearming in 1933 and made it public in 1935.

Let me put it this way. The only way to effect such changes would be if the President (made dictator) outlawed all political partied but Democrats. Then he'd have to kill or imprison all the democrats who opposed him. Perhaps then he could disenfranchise the Mormons and steal all their wealth, put them to work in death camp. Outlaw unions and start huge government work programs......I bet three years would be enough.

Nope, the German High Command (OKH, Oberkommando des Heeres) had begun the rearmament process in the early to middle 1920's. They had started working on the blitzkrieg strategy in Russia around 1927-28 while they were helping the Soviets build modern tank production facilities.

Hitler wasn't appointed until 1933.
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There is not that much difference between fascism and socialism.

Both require the government to control the aspect of ones life and thus is right up the far left's ally.

And to watch the far left Obama drones post, it is proof that the far left has no clue beyond their programming.

True..........but the intent of this thread is to discuss the possibility that Obama might do well to study how Hitler solved the German's unemployment problem.........I am not here to justify or to praise Hitler.........but it is ridiculous to claim there is nothing we can learn from Hitler.........we had no problem utilizing nazi scientists in our space program...aka Wernher Von Braun and many others.

Yet when it comes to economics many seem to think we should not give any consideration to the Nazi policy of bringing Germany out of the depths of this great depression........which they accomplished faster than any other industrialized nation.
It is funny to watch the far left Obama drones rant on about the rich, yet it is the rich that keep getting richer under far left rule.

You make an excellent point...........whilst the masses are duped by the media into believing our economic woes is all about republicans vs. democrats---the truth is that the real problem are the elitists in both parties..........to put this in terms the common man can understand.........elitism as it exists today is very similiar to the system of 'royalty' that existed in the middle ages.......a class apart who stuck together....intermarried etc. and so on and so forth........the net result being to keep the masses subdued, subservient thereby enabling the various royal houses to run the world.

It is undeniable that today's republican and democratic party are controlled by elitists.....who care not for the White Working Class....look at how the republicans ignore them....giving them nothing more than lip service.

The so called Reagan Democrats were White Working Class people tricked into going republicans....what have the Republicans ever done for the White Working Class?

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