Obama Complains Americans are ‘Lack Foreign Language Skills’ to Argentina

he's right.


why would that make you angry?

The President of the United States criticizing Americans while abroad does make many people angry. That is not his role or his place. YOU still need to learn English, by the way.

Admitting to certain shortcomings goes a long way to erase the decades of "we are better than you at everything" that the rest of the world sees......

We are better, and it is certainly not the role of the President to 'convince' the world otherwise.

We are better at everything? Like languages?

We have brilliant linguists in America.

Indeed we do. But as far as the population is concerned.....
The President of the United States criticizing Americans while abroad does make many people angry. That is not his role or his place. YOU still need to learn English, by the way.

Admitting to certain shortcomings goes a long way to erase the decades of "we are better than you at everything" that the rest of the world sees......

We are better, and it is certainly not the role of the President to 'convince' the world otherwise.

We are better at everything? Like languages?

We have brilliant linguists in America.

Indeed we do. But as far as the population is concerned.....

He is a domestic enemy of the United States, who has infiltrated us at the highest office in the land. We need an Amendment for emergency dispowerment of a President, should he prove to be a clear and present danger to the country - as Obama clearly is. We cannot take the time to impeach him in office. He should be regarded as a non-President and never listed with the other Presidents. He can retain his title until his term ends, but should be stripped of all executive powers.
Admitting to certain shortcomings goes a long way to erase the decades of "we are better than you at everything" that the rest of the world sees......

We are better, and it is certainly not the role of the President to 'convince' the world otherwise.

We are better at everything? Like languages?

We have brilliant linguists in America.

Indeed we do. But as far as the population is concerned.....

He is a domestic enemy of the United States, who has infiltrated us at the highest office in the land. We need an Amendment for emergency dispowerment of a President, should he prove to be a clear and present danger to the country - as Obama clearly is. We cannot take the time to impeach him in office. He should be regarded as a non-President and never listed with the other Presidents. He can retain his title until his term ends, but should be stripped of all executive powers.

Getting away with impeachable offenses, holding him to his own standard and not America's makes it easy for him (anyone) to destroy America. America(ns) did nothing to deserve this. Such a shame how shallow people in position of representation have become held to a standard of their own. Policies make everyone and thing into what anti-Americans with authority want where cowards of politics lead everyone to follow (by force of policy) .

I have been saying for a while now that 0bama hates America. We will see exactly how much he hates this country as soon as he is no longer POTUS. He'll go on speaking tours bashing the country all over the US and the world.

This administration has been serving a man that has enabled the killing of innocents worldwide. He has actively pursued the promotion of Jihad but employs double speak to convince the masses that he's doing the opposite. To him until America doesn't matter, his job's incomplete. He's made a mockery of the esteemed post of "POTUS." So, no, American lives don't matter. He mourns thugs and invites hate mongers and a Muslim boy that was insolent, disobedient to teachers and police and created a bomb scare, to the WH. He was raised and educated in Madrasas. He memorized the Koran and speaks of it and Mohammad with reverence. He plays golf, attends baseball games and goes on vacation after fatal attacks against our citizens, soldiers, cities, outposts and allies. He encourages riots and goes to the nerd prom while they take place. All the while, he destroys America's credibility and validates scumbag third world dictator when they tell us that WE are evil.
8 years of demoralizing shame and degradation. I won't miss him. I wish our leaders would rake him across the justice system's coals and destroy him and his every successful maneuver to destroy us from within and without. That is his only legacy. Eternal shame.

That is the truth, Obama is a lie and not American

He is evil and deceitful
A Muslim who agrees with destruction of American life
He has a silver tongue as the darkness of this world.
Admitting to certain shortcomings goes a long way to erase the decades of "we are better than you at everything" that the rest of the world sees......

We are better, and it is certainly not the role of the President to 'convince' the world otherwise.

We are better at everything? Like languages?

We have brilliant linguists in America.

Indeed we do. But as far as the population is concerned.....

He is a domestic enemy of the United States, who has infiltrated us at the highest office in the land. We need an Amendment for emergency dispowerment of a President, should he prove to be a clear and present danger to the country - as Obama clearly is. We cannot take the time to impeach him in office. He should be regarded as a non-President and never listed with the other Presidents. He can retain his title until his term ends, but should be stripped of all executive powers.

I don't like him. But you are a lunatic.

The fact that you think he is a Muslim and that he actually wants to destroy the US is simply lunacy.
Any footage of obama trying to speak Spanish? Any footage of obama trying to speak any language other than English at all?
He is a domestic enemy of the United States, who has infiltrated us at the highest office in the land. We need an Amendment for emergency dispowerment of a President, should he prove to be a clear and present danger to the country - as Obama clearly is. We cannot take the time to impeach him in office. He should be regarded as a non-President and never listed with the other Presidents. He can retain his title until his term ends, but should be stripped of all executive powers.
You are a domestic enemy if you think any of the shit above is true. You are nothing but far right reactionary fascist filth. So obvious.
What Obama Just Said About Americans in Argentina Will Make you LIVID...

He is a domestic enemy of the United States, who has infiltrated us at the highest office in the land. We need an Amendment for emergency dispowerment of a President, should he prove to be a clear and present danger to the country - as Obama clearly is. We cannot take the time to impeach him in office. He should be regarded as a non-President and never listed with the other Presidents. He can retain his title until his term ends, but should be stripped of all executive powers.
NewsRoomAmerica.com - Remarks by President Obama in Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative Town Hall

'Splain how is that an issue again?
Arabic, Somali and Farsi and any dialect of Chinese are languages that the FBI and the CIA have sought for over ten years. So, if those languages aren't taught in the US then what happens? At some point you have to rely on somebody else.
Arabic, Somali and Farsi and any dialect of Chinese are languages that the FBI and the CIA have sought for over ten years. So, if those languages aren't taught in the US then what happens? At some point you have to rely on somebody else.

An increasing number of high schools are offering Mandarin, and Arabic is now offered at some private schools and a few public.
This is typical Obama chicken shit stuff. Another classic Obama "Ni**er Moment". This little prick is going to other countries and criticizing us. He is the leader of America, and he is going to other nations criticizing America. His ape wife even gave a speech in Argentina about women's rights and how "the struggle" continues at home and abroad. It was a pure 1960s feminist propaganda speech about how bad American society is to women.

Leaders do not go to foreign countries and bad mouth the homeland and its people. It undermines our credibility and authority, as well as drives a wedge between said leader and the people. Of course, that is Barry's intent, isn't it? He has a deeply held belief that the world has been victimized by the west, led by American imperialism. It is a mentality straight out of the mind of a negro in the Congo who just read Marx.

I get pissed at Obama and The First Gorilla when this shit happens. But there is someone I get more pissed at: the people who voted for this asshole. Barry has not betrayed us. His true colors were on display prior to 2008. If you did not see it then, you certainly should have seen it prior to 2012. It's like that saying: if you give a monkey a gun and it shoots somebody, then you don't get mad at the monkey - you get mad at the person who gave it the gun. In this case it is Democrat voters. You are the brain washed, leftist zombie scum of humanity, the shit on the heel of western civilization, the greatest civilization to ever exist in the history of mankind. And you want to take it down. Well fuck you!
This is typical Obama chicken shit stuff. Another classic Obama "Ni**er Moment". This little prick is going to other countries and criticizing us. He is the leader of America, and he is going to other nations criticizing America. His ape wife even gave a speech in Argentina about women's rights and how "the struggle" continues at home and abroad. It was a pure 1960s feminist propaganda speech about how bad American society is to women.

Leaders do not go to foreign countries and bad mouth the homeland and its people. It undermines our credibility and authority, as well as drives a wedge between said leader and the people. Of course, that is Barry's intent, isn't it? He has a deeply held belief that the world has been victimized by the west, led by American imperialism. It is a mentality straight out of the mind of a negro in the Congo who just read Marx.

I get pissed at Obama and The First Gorilla when this shit happens. But there is someone I get more pissed at: the people who voted for this asshole. Barry has not betrayed us. His true colors were on display prior to 2008. If you did not see it then, you certainly should have seen it prior to 2012. It's like that saying: if you give a monkey a gun and it shoots somebody, then you don't get mad at the monkey - you get mad at the person who gave it the gun. In this case it is Democrat voters. You are the brain washed, leftist zombie scum of humanity, the shit on the heel of western civilization, the greatest civilization to ever exist in the history of mankind. And you want to take it down. Well fuck you!

DID Obama bring up the topic

And since his comments are accurate, why are you pissed at him and not the fact that we DO have problems with foreign languages?

And based on your comments, you must think that women in the US enjoy complete equality and that there is no more work to be done in that area?

And since the US does have a smaller population % that speaks more than one language, and since he did not bring the topic up, do you want our elected leader to lie? Should he claim we don't have a problem with foreign languages, just to save your ego?
Arabic, Somali and Farsi and any dialect of Chinese are languages that the FBI and the CIA have sought for over ten years. So, if those languages aren't taught in the US then what happens? At some point you have to rely on somebody else.

An increasing number of high schools are offering Mandarin, and Arabic is now offered at some private schools and a few public.

That is excellent. When I was in school, you had a choice of French, Spanish and Latin. There were more choices when my kids went to school. Good to see it is expanding even more.
English is a universal language that is important for other countries people to learn. If you want to do business with first world countries, you learn english.

And almost all colleges require 2 years of foreign language in high school for admission in the US, so to state Americans are lacking foreign language skills when 70% of high school graduates attend college, is just false.
This is typical Obama chicken shit stuff. Another classic Obama "Ni**er Moment". This little prick is going to other countries and criticizing us. He is the leader of America, and he is going to other nations criticizing America. His ape wife even gave a speech in Argentina about women's rights and how "the struggle" continues at home and abroad. It was a pure 1960s feminist propaganda speech about how bad American society is to women.

Leaders do not go to foreign countries and bad mouth the homeland and its people. It undermines our credibility and authority, as well as drives a wedge between said leader and the people. Of course, that is Barry's intent, isn't it? He has a deeply held belief that the world has been victimized by the west, led by American imperialism. It is a mentality straight out of the mind of a negro in the Congo who just read Marx.

I get pissed at Obama and The First Gorilla when this shit happens. But there is someone I get more pissed at: the people who voted for this asshole. Barry has not betrayed us. His true colors were on display prior to 2008. If you did not see it then, you certainly should have seen it prior to 2012. It's like that saying: if you give a monkey a gun and it shoots somebody, then you don't get mad at the monkey - you get mad at the person who gave it the gun. In this case it is Democrat voters. You are the brain washed, leftist zombie scum of humanity, the shit on the heel of western civilization, the greatest civilization to ever exist in the history of mankind. And you want to take it down. Well fuck you!

DID Obama bring up the topic

And since his comments are accurate, why are you pissed at him and not the fact that we DO have problems with foreign languages?

And based on your comments, you must think that women in the US enjoy complete equality and that there is no more work to be done in that area?

And since the US does have a smaller population % that speaks more than one language, and since he did not bring the topic up, do you want our elected leader to lie? Should he claim we don't have a problem with foreign languages, just to save your ego?
Look, it's Senior Buzzkill! We have a child molestation problem too. Should our President be talking about that in state speeches in foreign nations?

Look, we may not be perfect, be we are the best thing going by far. Do you think all women in the world enjoy the freedoms and equality they have in America? Moreover, how many other countries have the aspirational motivation to keep working toward equality, to try to mold and reshape society to facilitate equality for everyone? You won't find many. In fact, most women in the world will be happy to just make it to sundown without being beaten or raped.

You don't air your dirty laundry. These are domestic issues and you deal with them at home, not on the road. What purpose does that possibly serve to further our national interests?
English is a universal language that is important for other countries people to learn. If you want to do business with first world countries, you learn english.

And almost all colleges require 2 years of foreign language in high school for admission in the US, so to state Americans are lacking foreign language skills when 70% of high school graduates attend college, is just false.

According to a Gallup poll, 26% of Americans can hold a conversation in another language. By contrast, 63% of Europeans can speak more than one language.

These are the people we compete with for jobs in a global market.

Also, Forbes magazine agrees that there is a language deficit. America's Foreign Language Deficit
This is typical Obama chicken shit stuff. Another classic Obama "Ni**er Moment". This little prick is going to other countries and criticizing us. He is the leader of America, and he is going to other nations criticizing America. His ape wife even gave a speech in Argentina about women's rights and how "the struggle" continues at home and abroad. It was a pure 1960s feminist propaganda speech about how bad American society is to women.

Leaders do not go to foreign countries and bad mouth the homeland and its people. It undermines our credibility and authority, as well as drives a wedge between said leader and the people. Of course, that is Barry's intent, isn't it? He has a deeply held belief that the world has been victimized by the west, led by American imperialism. It is a mentality straight out of the mind of a negro in the Congo who just read Marx.

I get pissed at Obama and The First Gorilla when this shit happens. But there is someone I get more pissed at: the people who voted for this asshole. Barry has not betrayed us. His true colors were on display prior to 2008. If you did not see it then, you certainly should have seen it prior to 2012. It's like that saying: if you give a monkey a gun and it shoots somebody, then you don't get mad at the monkey - you get mad at the person who gave it the gun. In this case it is Democrat voters. You are the brain washed, leftist zombie scum of humanity, the shit on the heel of western civilization, the greatest civilization to ever exist in the history of mankind. And you want to take it down. Well fuck you!

DID Obama bring up the topic

And since his comments are accurate, why are you pissed at him and not the fact that we DO have problems with foreign languages?

And based on your comments, you must think that women in the US enjoy complete equality and that there is no more work to be done in that area?

And since the US does have a smaller population % that speaks more than one language, and since he did not bring the topic up, do you want our elected leader to lie? Should he claim we don't have a problem with foreign languages, just to save your ego?
Look, it's Senior Buzzkill! We have a child molestation problem too. Should our President be talking about that in state speeches in foreign nations?

Look, we may not be perfect, be we are the best thing going by far. Do you think all women in the world enjoy the freedoms and equality they have in America? Moreover, how many other countries have the aspirational motivation to keep working toward equality, to try to mold and reshape society to facilitate equality for everyone? You won't find many. In fact, most women in the world will be happy to just make it to sundown without being beaten or raped.

You don't air your dirty laundry. These are domestic issues and you deal with them at home, not on the road. What purpose does that possibly serve to further our national interests?

Apparently you think our president should tell the world that we don't have any molestations in schools.

Yes, I agree that we are the best thing going. But the idea that our president should lie to protect fragile egos is laughable.

Funny that no one seems pissed that our population is not as prepared for a global economy. But they are pissed because Obama said what everyone already knows.
Maybe think about it and realize his statement was not based on realities. Most other countries learn english as a second language. The US has english as its majority language. US students then choose from many other second languages- not just one. Such as spanish, french, german, etc.
This is typical Obama chicken shit stuff. Another classic Obama "Ni**er Moment". This little prick is going to other countries and criticizing us. He is the leader of America, and he is going to other nations criticizing America. His ape wife even gave a speech in Argentina about women's rights and how "the struggle" continues at home and abroad. It was a pure 1960s feminist propaganda speech about how bad American society is to women.

Leaders do not go to foreign countries and bad mouth the homeland and its people. It undermines our credibility and authority, as well as drives a wedge between said leader and the people. Of course, that is Barry's intent, isn't it? He has a deeply held belief that the world has been victimized by the west, led by American imperialism. It is a mentality straight out of the mind of a negro in the Congo who just read Marx.

I get pissed at Obama and The First Gorilla when this shit happens. But there is someone I get more pissed at: the people who voted for this asshole. Barry has not betrayed us. His true colors were on display prior to 2008. If you did not see it then, you certainly should have seen it prior to 2012. It's like that saying: if you give a monkey a gun and it shoots somebody, then you don't get mad at the monkey - you get mad at the person who gave it the gun. In this case it is Democrat voters. You are the brain washed, leftist zombie scum of humanity, the shit on the heel of western civilization, the greatest civilization to ever exist in the history of mankind. And you want to take it down. Well fuck you!

DID Obama bring up the topic

And since his comments are accurate, why are you pissed at him and not the fact that we DO have problems with foreign languages?

And based on your comments, you must think that women in the US enjoy complete equality and that there is no more work to be done in that area?

And since the US does have a smaller population % that speaks more than one language, and since he did not bring the topic up, do you want our elected leader to lie? Should he claim we don't have a problem with foreign languages, just to save your ego?
Maybe think about it and realize his statement was not based on realities. Most other countries learn english as a second language. The US has english as its majority language. US students then choose from many other second languages- not just one. Such as spanish, french, german, etc.
This is typical Obama chicken shit stuff. Another classic Obama "Ni**er Moment". This little prick is going to other countries and criticizing us. He is the leader of America, and he is going to other nations criticizing America. His ape wife even gave a speech in Argentina about women's rights and how "the struggle" continues at home and abroad. It was a pure 1960s feminist propaganda speech about how bad American society is to women.

Leaders do not go to foreign countries and bad mouth the homeland and its people. It undermines our credibility and authority, as well as drives a wedge between said leader and the people. Of course, that is Barry's intent, isn't it? He has a deeply held belief that the world has been victimized by the west, led by American imperialism. It is a mentality straight out of the mind of a negro in the Congo who just read Marx.

I get pissed at Obama and The First Gorilla when this shit happens. But there is someone I get more pissed at: the people who voted for this asshole. Barry has not betrayed us. His true colors were on display prior to 2008. If you did not see it then, you certainly should have seen it prior to 2012. It's like that saying: if you give a monkey a gun and it shoots somebody, then you don't get mad at the monkey - you get mad at the person who gave it the gun. In this case it is Democrat voters. You are the brain washed, leftist zombie scum of humanity, the shit on the heel of western civilization, the greatest civilization to ever exist in the history of mankind. And you want to take it down. Well fuck you!

DID Obama bring up the topic

And since his comments are accurate, why are you pissed at him and not the fact that we DO have problems with foreign languages?

And based on your comments, you must think that women in the US enjoy complete equality and that there is no more work to be done in that area?

And since the US does have a smaller population % that speaks more than one language, and since he did not bring the topic up, do you want our elected leader to lie? Should he claim we don't have a problem with foreign languages, just to save your ego?

The US has a smaller percentage of people who speak a foreign language. That is a fact. In a global economy, that can become an issue.
Maybe think about it and realize his statement was not based on realities. Most other countries learn english as a second language. The US has english as its majority language. US students then choose from many other second languages- not just one. Such as spanish, french, german, etc.
This is typical Obama chicken shit stuff. Another classic Obama "Ni**er Moment". This little prick is going to other countries and criticizing us. He is the leader of America, and he is going to other nations criticizing America. His ape wife even gave a speech in Argentina about women's rights and how "the struggle" continues at home and abroad. It was a pure 1960s feminist propaganda speech about how bad American society is to women.

Leaders do not go to foreign countries and bad mouth the homeland and its people. It undermines our credibility and authority, as well as drives a wedge between said leader and the people. Of course, that is Barry's intent, isn't it? He has a deeply held belief that the world has been victimized by the west, led by American imperialism. It is a mentality straight out of the mind of a negro in the Congo who just read Marx.

I get pissed at Obama and The First Gorilla when this shit happens. But there is someone I get more pissed at: the people who voted for this asshole. Barry has not betrayed us. His true colors were on display prior to 2008. If you did not see it then, you certainly should have seen it prior to 2012. It's like that saying: if you give a monkey a gun and it shoots somebody, then you don't get mad at the monkey - you get mad at the person who gave it the gun. In this case it is Democrat voters. You are the brain washed, leftist zombie scum of humanity, the shit on the heel of western civilization, the greatest civilization to ever exist in the history of mankind. And you want to take it down. Well fuck you!

DID Obama bring up the topic

And since his comments are accurate, why are you pissed at him and not the fact that we DO have problems with foreign languages?

And based on your comments, you must think that women in the US enjoy complete equality and that there is no more work to be done in that area?

And since the US does have a smaller population % that speaks more than one language, and since he did not bring the topic up, do you want our elected leader to lie? Should he claim we don't have a problem with foreign languages, just to save your ego?

The US has a smaller percentage of people who speak a foreign language. That is a fact. In a global economy, that can become an issue.

Yes and no.

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