obama close to the point of no return


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2011
The Point of No Return | The Weekly Standard

President Obama is facing the abyss. It’s that moment when a president’s plans are overwhelmed by his problems, and he’s relegated to playing defense for the rest of his White House term. Obama’s agenda already lingers near death. His poll numbers have slipped to new lows. His speeches are full of alibis and accusations.

In order to deal with the end of his effective term, obama has totally detached from reality and lives entirely within the castle in his mind where he still holds power.
In order to deal with the end of his effective term, obama has totally detached from reality and lives entirely within the castle in his mind where he still holds power.
He has been that way since first elected in 2008.

So I doubt any of these current issues will affect his demeanor or change him. . :cool:

The whole point of the article is that obama won't change anything. This is the indication of a malignant narcissist. He will lash out at his enemies, he will become more petulant, more sarcastic, mocking and derisive. He knows no other way. Americans are his enemies. He must use his power to punish them.

The point of no return is the death spiral of his office, the worse things get, the more hostile he will become.
Let me tell you good people something right f'ing now.....

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will NEVER desert the dimocrap party.

They never have and they never will. And THEY are who gets dimocrap scum elected. Most TV networks are nothing more than 24/7/365 ad campaigns for dimocrap scum.

At best, the most we can hope for is that they'll just shut the fuck up once in a while and let Patriotic Americans, aka; Conservatives, talk once in a while without getting called racists, homophobes, misogynists, insensitive, uncaring and generally all-around evil.

The ONLY thing that keeps the dimocrap party going is the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

Without them, dimocraps couldn't win a National election if their lives depended on it.

Is there something we can do? Yes. It's really simple.

Tune them out. Stop buying their communist rags, turn the TV off or, at the very least, to a sane channel. Watch FNC exclusively for news (which is the only honest TV news anyway) and tell everybody you know to do the same.

Remember when Kruschev said that we (the United States) would 'sell them the shovels they'd use to bury us'?

He wasn't kidding. And he was thinking of the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM when he said it..... Among other things.

Why would any Patriotic American want to support people that hate you? And I mean HATE you....

They hate you, they hate what you believe in, they hate America, they hate your beliefs, your religion, your Military, your culture, your Race, your children.....

And yet, Conservatives and other Patriotic Americans keep supporting them by watching the SHIT they put on TV.

Football gets a waiver. For now. I tune the commercials out... :)
In order to deal with the end of his effective term, obama has totally detached from reality and lives entirely within the castle in his mind where he still holds power.
He has been that way since first elected in 2008.

So I doubt any of these current issues will affect his demeanor or change him. . :cool:

The whole point of the article is that obama won't change anything. This is the indication of a malignant narcissist. He will lash out at his enemies, he will become more petulant, more sarcastic, mocking and derisive. He knows no other way. Americans are his enemies. He must use his power to punish them.

The point of no return is the death spiral of his office, the worse things get, the more hostile he will become.

100% correct.

And that is the mark of a true dictator.
The harder Stalin treated his people.......the more they idolized and loved him.

An avowed Marxist like Obama knows this quirk of human nature and is acting accordingly. . :cool:
The article is pretty right on..

Anyone see or read his weekly address to the country?

The more he see's and people point out all his failures, the more hateful and ugly he becomes...Not one reassuring thing in that address. just blame, deflect, and pure hate how anyone can challenge his visions...

And now of course he's off to seven fundraiser for the Democrat this week, which the most important to him ,RAISING money for this party...the rest of you can go to hell, and just deal with his mess he's put you
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second terms usually end in lethargy, but not this quickly.

It actually started right at the git go, with the gun control defeat. Then there was the after effects still to be determined on the whole, ala Benghazi, Fast and Furious seems to have fallen off, but then theres the NSA thing, the IRS, whatever happened to Holder and the ramifications of intercepting reporters communications?

See, theres so much, that its hard to focus, even if the media were totally objective, how much can they concentrate on at a time, how many headlines can be digested and followed up on week to week or month to month.....

Obama has set a benchmark, a drop dead date for the end of November ala the Exchanges up and running effectively, if, this does not happen, god knows what distraction will follow next, hes been pretty adept (with the gops help) at moving focus himself, the old Russian saying ' when in a crisis you cannot manage, move on to another crisis' seems to be this admins axiom.

But obamacare may be the last stop on that road, its just to big, effects almost every single person in the country and never had majority popular sppt. .....and I am pretty certain the full effect of its reach and interruption of joe six packs life has not even revealed itself yet.

And, I think the media knows this, and know its so big they simply cannot ignore it, so they will cover it, warts and all. There are limits to swallowing incredulity. Plus obamas playing the media off against one another has tired their goodwill too.
I've never felt this hopeless for us and our country since Jimmy Carter..

this man has torn us apart with his words of hate, division and his push for everything government control, hence his fascist Obamafailnocare for starters...

Not sure we'll survive until he is gone
obama issues veiled threat to what few friends we have.

Stop complaining about his surveillance, or he will expose sensitive information about them and blame Edward Snowden for it.

Officials alert foreign services that Snowden has documents on their cooperation with U.S. - The Washington Post

I have some trust that other countries are smart enough to see through this blackmail. obama has no intention of stopping his dictatorial behavior with Americans. Like all manic dictators, he sees the world as his for the taking. This kind of megalomania has only one end and obama IS a megalomaniac. He's getting worse every day.

: a mania for great or grandiose performance
: a delusional mental disorder that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur
second terms usually end in lethargy, but not this quickly.

It actually started right at the git go, with the gun control defeat. Then there was the after effects still to be determined on the whole, ala Benghazi, Fast and Furious seems to have fallen off, but then theres the NSA thing, the IRS, whatever happened to Holder and the ramifications of intercepting reporters communications?

See, theres so much, that its hard to focus, even if the media were totally objective, how much can they concentrate on at a time, how many headlines can be digested and followed up on week to week or month to month.....

Obama has set a benchmark, a drop dead date for the end of November ala the Exchanges up and running effectively, if, this does not happen, god knows what distraction will follow next, hes been pretty adept (with the gops help) at moving focus himself, the old Russian saying ' when in a crisis you cannot manage, move on to another crisis' seems to be this admins axiom.

But obamacare may be the last stop on that road, its just to big, effects almost every single person in the country and never had majority popular sppt. .....and I am pretty certain the full effect of its reach and interruption of joe six packs life has not even revealed itself yet.

And, I think the media knows this, and know its so big they simply cannot ignore it, so they will cover it, warts and all. There are limits to swallowing incredulity. Plus obamas playing the media off against one another has tired their goodwill too.

From reports I've read, obama has treated the LSM worse than any president since FDR during the War Years.... Who used to lock them up in mental facilities if they disagreed with him. True fact.

This guy simply taps their phones and puts the IRS and Homeland Security on them....

That we know of...

Feds confiscate investigative reporter?s confidential files during raid | The Daily Caller

I'm not being partisan when I say that this guy is the worst president in our history.

He is a downright criminal.

And the LSM will NEVER stop supporting him. No matter what he does to them.

They're like the abused woman in a sick, twisted relationship.....

She actually believes he loves her....... Even while he beats her to a pulp
The mental illness of a woman in an abusive relationship is that the abuser proves that he loves her BECAUSE he beats her to a pulp. That's the LSM. The more abusive obama is, the more they hunger for his approval.

obama doesn't stop with tapping phones and confiscating records. He has a list of journalist assassinations under his belt too.
The harder Stalin treated his people.......the more they idolized and loved him.

An avowed Marxist like Obama knows this quirk of human nature and is acting accordingly. . :cool:

Beg to disagree.

I was there in Hungary as a seventeen year old kid, who has been told time after time what a great person Stalin was, but unknown to the regime, there were my parents (and parents of other kids, similar to me) who told us in the privacy in our homes that people who were no longer there are now in death camps, that the hymns and songs we sing in praise of Stalin are only words, and trust no one other than God and members of your immediate family.

We rebelled in 1956. Czechoslovakia rebelled in 1968. East Germany in 1989.

Stalin was NEVER idolized unless the idolatry was enforced by threat of a trip to the gulag.

Idolatry for Obama will stop when Obamacare bankrupts middle class families - black or white or Hispanic - who can't afford supporting freeloading layabouts.

In 1956 we cut down a huge statue of Stalin with welding torches.

Obama and his crew WILL be cut down by the ballot box.
The mental illness of a woman in an abusive relationship is that the abuser proves that he loves her BECAUSE he beats her to a pulp. That's the LSM. The more abusive obama is, the more they hunger for his approval.

obama doesn't stop with tapping phones and confiscating records. He has a list of journalist assassinations under his belt too.

yep, he's using his power of government (the IRS for one) or just being a thug with threats to silence anyone who dare speak out about him and his political failures...how people don't see this is almost scary..they (some people in this country) even came out in favor of the IRS over the people in the Tea party...that was sickening
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The mental illness of a woman in an abusive relationship is that the abuser proves that he loves her BECAUSE he beats her to a pulp. That's the LSM. The more abusive obama is, the more they hunger for his approval.

obama doesn't stop with tapping phones and confiscating records. He has a list of journalist assassinations under his belt too.

ok , we're heading for rubber room or conspiracy theory territory here bro...:eusa_hand:
President Obama is facing the abyss.

Not anywhere near it while the far right fringe teeter on its edge.
The harder Stalin treated his people.......the more they idolized and loved him.

An avowed Marxist like Obama knows this quirk of human nature and is acting accordingly. . :cool:

Beg to disagree.

I was there in Hungary as a seventeen year old kid, who has been told time after time what a great person Stalin was, but unknown to the regime, there were my parents (and parents of other kids, similar to me) who told us in the privacy in our homes that people who were no longer there are now in death camps, that the hymns and songs we sing in praise of Stalin are only words, and trust no one other than God and members of your immediate family.

We rebelled in 1956. Czechoslovakia rebelled in 1968. East Germany in 1989.

Stalin was NEVER idolized unless the idolatry was enforced by threat of a trip to the gulag.

Idolatry for Obama will stop when Obamacare bankrupts middle class families - black or white or Hispanic - who can't afford supporting freeloading layabouts.

In 1956 we cut down a huge statue of Stalin with welding torches.

Obama and his crew WILL be cut down by the ballot box.

I think the poster you're answering might have been referring to the propaganda machine and the committed communists under Stalin.

To them, the party was infallible. To them, Stalin was infallible. To them, the more people he killed and the more he was attacked from the outside for it, the more they protected and defended him.

To the majority of people, Stalin was a murdering thug -- Second worst of all time behind only Mao.

To the people who lived a soft, cushy existence off the communist party, the insiders, the Nomenklatura, the party faithful, they would do what they thought needed to be done to protect their own rice bowl
President Obama is facing the abyss.

Not anywhere near it while the far right fringe teeter on its edge.

It amazes me how many of you people just make statements with nothing to back them up.

I guess it's enough that you say so, huh?

You don't have the bona fides to go around making ipse dixit statements
We rebelled in 1956. Czechoslovakia rebelled in 1968. East Germany in 1989.
Stalin died in 1953.......... :cool:

I know that, but between 1948 and 1953 there were - believe me - innumerably occasions when I had to sing the praises of Comrade Stalin along with his best Hungarian friend, the father of all Magyars, Comrade Rakosi.

After Stalin died in 1953, some of the pressure were eased. Actual criticism of the establishment was tolerated. But - in case you forgot - Stalin was followed by some similar communist thugs who were only marginally better.

Your previous post implied that everybody is subject to the Stockholm Syndrome.

Well, maybe Swedes are.

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