Obama care penalty... GONE!!!!!!

Let's get this straight... all the top industrialized countries in the world have universal healthcare... EXCEPT the United States. It works when it is done right, and the country cares about everyone.
Move there.
Health insurance is not healthcare you dumbass motherfucker… LOL

You can't have healthcare in the U.S. without Health insurance. People CAN NOT afford to pay the high costs related with out of pocket costs.

There is no coincidence that there is a "Me" in the middle of America. So many fucking people that only care about themselves.

Hey how about you lay off those cheeseburger's and start exercising..

You want to take risk and live an unhealthy lifestyle go for it...don't expect me to pay for it, pull your panties up and pay for it your self

Hey how about you know what the fuck you are talking about and stay out of the casinos and take better care of your money?

My back is fucked from a car accident that WASN'T my fault... and it was done because the driver who was a retired GM factory worker was under-insured and didn't have the money to pay for my surgery. I could have sued the guy, made a lawyer rich, and made the fucking old guy homeless...

And now I am surrounded by shit for brains that always think something is the fault of the individual, and just make assumptions.

I have money to burn and never ever ever tell me some one had a car "accident" it's called a car "crash"

I have not had a car crash in like 35 years, you WERE NOT PAYING ATTENTION..

No. You don't even have a clue what you are talking about...

The old man turned in front of me across a 2 lane road, and even slamming my brakes I hit him. I one a lawsuit against him, but it barely covered my lawyer fees and past due medical bills... because of his level of insurance. I've dealt with a fucked back since 2005, and for many years because of pre-existing conditions, doctor visits were 100% out of pocket.
Let me get this straight, Because of what happened to you you want someone else to pay for your shit even though they cannot afford it and want nothing to do with it?

I don’t want anyone else to pay for my shit... But that’s just me
Health insurance is not healthcare you dumbass motherfucker… LOL

You can't have healthcare in the U.S. without Health insurance. People CAN NOT afford to pay the high costs related with out of pocket costs.

There is no coincidence that there is a "Me" in the middle of America. So many fucking people that only care about themselves.

Hey how about you lay off those cheeseburger's and start exercising..

You want to take risk and live an unhealthy lifestyle go for it...don't expect me to pay for it, pull your panties up and pay for it your self

Hey how about you know what the fuck you are talking about and stay out of the casinos and take better care of your money?

My back is fucked from a car accident that WASN'T my fault... and it was done because the driver who was a retired GM factory worker was under-insured and didn't have the money to pay for my surgery. I could have sued the guy, made a lawyer rich, and made the fucking old guy homeless...

And now I am surrounded by shit for brains that always think something is the fault of the individual, and just make assumptions.
So basically you want someone else to pay for your shit? How socialist of you… LOL

Uh no, I want MY TAX dollars to go towards what is also useful for me and other people.

If you have a sit ton of sick people that can't get treatment guess what that means...

Translation~ you want us to pay for your car crash because you were to busy playing candy lane on the phone instead of DRIVING YOUR CAR

I have zero sympathy for people in car crashes because I SEE THeM COMING and use every defense move I can .

And I drive away and say fuck them, while their car is totaled.. :)
Being forced to pay into a pool that one cannot afford, will never use and want nothing to do with is freedom?
Why don’t people just pay for their own shit?

You know it's pretty sad that you are so fucking single-minded that you don't realize other people pay for shit you use or get all the time. If you think you totally support yourself, you are out of your melon.
Just admit it Obama care was unconstitutional but the corrupt deep state forced it through

How is it unConstitutional to take care of the people of the country?

How you going to feel when you get Hepatitis because you ate some bad food that was prepared from a person working at a restaurant that couldn't afford to go to the doctor and get treatment?

You fucks really don't understand how important health care is for the health of society as a whole.
Like I said health insurance is not healthcare, most people learn that in grade school

Yeah and I would hope in grade school you'd learn most people can't afford health CARE without health INSURANCE.
Healthcare would be affordable if it was not for the frivolous lawsuits, big Pharma and lawyers and doctors
You can't have healthcare in the U.S. without Health insurance. People CAN NOT afford to pay the high costs related with out of pocket costs.

There is no coincidence that there is a "Me" in the middle of America. So many fucking people that only care about themselves.

Hey how about you lay off those cheeseburger's and start exercising..

You want to take risk and live an unhealthy lifestyle go for it...don't expect me to pay for it, pull your panties up and pay for it your self

Hey how about you know what the fuck you are talking about and stay out of the casinos and take better care of your money?

My back is fucked from a car accident that WASN'T my fault... and it was done because the driver who was a retired GM factory worker was under-insured and didn't have the money to pay for my surgery. I could have sued the guy, made a lawyer rich, and made the fucking old guy homeless...

And now I am surrounded by shit for brains that always think something is the fault of the individual, and just make assumptions.

I have money to burn and never ever ever tell me some one had a car "accident" it's called a car "crash"

I have not had a car crash in like 35 years, you WERE NOT PAYING ATTENTION..

No. You don't even have a clue what you are talking about...

The old man turned in front of me across a 2 lane road, and even slamming my brakes I hit him. I one a lawsuit against him, but it barely covered my lawyer fees and past due medical bills... because of his level of insurance. I've dealt with a fucked back since 2005, and for many years because of pre-existing conditions, doctor visits were 100% out of pocket.
Let me get this straight, Because of what happened to you you want someone else to pay for your shit even though they cannot afford it and want nothing to do with it?

I don’t want anyone else to pay for my shit... But that’s just me

No, I want MY TAX DOLLARS to go towards something more useful for OUR society.
You can't have healthcare in the U.S. without Health insurance. People CAN NOT afford to pay the high costs related with out of pocket costs.

There is no coincidence that there is a "Me" in the middle of America. So many fucking people that only care about themselves.

Hey how about you lay off those cheeseburger's and start exercising..

You want to take risk and live an unhealthy lifestyle go for it...don't expect me to pay for it, pull your panties up and pay for it your self

Hey how about you know what the fuck you are talking about and stay out of the casinos and take better care of your money?

My back is fucked from a car accident that WASN'T my fault... and it was done because the driver who was a retired GM factory worker was under-insured and didn't have the money to pay for my surgery. I could have sued the guy, made a lawyer rich, and made the fucking old guy homeless...

And now I am surrounded by shit for brains that always think something is the fault of the individual, and just make assumptions.
So basically you want someone else to pay for your shit? How socialist of you… LOL

Uh no, I want MY TAX dollars to go towards what is also useful for me and other people.

If you have a sit ton of sick people that can't get treatment guess what that means...

Translation~ you want us to pay for your car crash because you were to busy playing candy lane on the phone instead of DRIVING YOUR CAR

I have zero sympathy for people in car crashes because I SEE THeM COMING and use every defense move I can .

And I drive away and say fuck them, while their car is totaled.. :)

I don't even use a smart phone now, let alone in 2005. Good try though...

Actually no, piss poor try.
Hey how about you lay off those cheeseburger's and start exercising..

You want to take risk and live an unhealthy lifestyle go for it...don't expect me to pay for it, pull your panties up and pay for it your self

Hey how about you know what the fuck you are talking about and stay out of the casinos and take better care of your money?

My back is fucked from a car accident that WASN'T my fault... and it was done because the driver who was a retired GM factory worker was under-insured and didn't have the money to pay for my surgery. I could have sued the guy, made a lawyer rich, and made the fucking old guy homeless...

And now I am surrounded by shit for brains that always think something is the fault of the individual, and just make assumptions.

I have money to burn and never ever ever tell me some one had a car "accident" it's called a car "crash"

I have not had a car crash in like 35 years, you WERE NOT PAYING ATTENTION..

No. You don't even have a clue what you are talking about...

The old man turned in front of me across a 2 lane road, and even slamming my brakes I hit him. I one a lawsuit against him, but it barely covered my lawyer fees and past due medical bills... because of his level of insurance. I've dealt with a fucked back since 2005, and for many years because of pre-existing conditions, doctor visits were 100% out of pocket.
Let me get this straight, Because of what happened to you you want someone else to pay for your shit even though they cannot afford it and want nothing to do with it?

I don’t want anyone else to pay for my shit... But that’s just me

No, I want MY TAX DOLLARS to go towards something more useful for OUR society.
Ok, You do that then but don’t expect anyone else to want to do that. It does not take a fucking village
And fuk all the people who will lose their healthcare. Right?
Who is paying for that health insurance? The people paying for it cannot afford it… fact
You do realize that health insurance is not healthcare?

You will be paying more when those without healthcare go to the Emergency Rooms and don'tpay the bills.. I am also sure that the Big Pharma swamp people who paid off the congress are cheering too.


That's the problem dumb ass.

Those poor folks that don't have the money for the out-of-pocket expense
are still going to the ER's. They never stopped going.

We fucked up Ins for 175 million Americans so that 20 million could get
their insurance paid by 300 million other Americans and not use it.

And all those young folks who were forced to purchase insurance they didn't want or just didn't want it at all and elected to pay the fines will not have
any fines to pay anymore.

I'm sure, come election time, they'll get to have a say of whether they want
it to go back to them having to pay fines or if they like keeping their own

If this passes next week...Americans will start paying at their new lower rates
in February. Gonna be a good turnout in November.

If any of you dummy libs think that people are concerned about someone
else not getting insurance compared to money into their pockets you are all nuts.
And fuk all the people who will lose their healthcare. Right?
Who is paying for that health insurance? The people paying for it cannot afford it… fact
You do realize that health insurance is not healthcare?

You will be paying more when those without healthcare go to the Emergency Rooms and don'tpay the bills.. I am also sure that the Big Pharma swamp people who paid off the congress are cheering too.


That's the problem dumb ass.

Those poor folks that don't have the money for the out-of-pocket expense
are still going to the ER's. They never stopped going.

We fucked up Ins for 175 million Americans so that 20 million could get
their insurance paid by 300 million other Americans and not use it.

And all those young folks who were forced to purchase insurance they didn't want or just didn't want it at all and elected to pay the fines will not have
any fines to pay anymore.

I'm sure, come election time, they'll get to have a say of whether they want
it to go back to them having to pay fines or if they like keeping their own

If this passes next week...Americans will start paying at their new lower rates
in February. Gonna be a good turnout in November.

If any of you dummy libs think that people are concerned about someone
else not getting insurance compared to money into their pockets you are all nuts.
...And Obama care is all about control and certainly has nothing to do with real health care
Hey how about you know what the fuck you are talking about and stay out of the casinos and take better care of your money?

My back is fucked from a car accident that WASN'T my fault... and it was done because the driver who was a retired GM factory worker was under-insured and didn't have the money to pay for my surgery. I could have sued the guy, made a lawyer rich, and made the fucking old guy homeless...

And now I am surrounded by shit for brains that always think something is the fault of the individual, and just make assumptions.

I have money to burn and never ever ever tell me some one had a car "accident" it's called a car "crash"

I have not had a car crash in like 35 years, you WERE NOT PAYING ATTENTION..

No. You don't even have a clue what you are talking about...

The old man turned in front of me across a 2 lane road, and even slamming my brakes I hit him. I one a lawsuit against him, but it barely covered my lawyer fees and past due medical bills... because of his level of insurance. I've dealt with a fucked back since 2005, and for many years because of pre-existing conditions, doctor visits were 100% out of pocket.
Let me get this straight, Because of what happened to you you want someone else to pay for your shit even though they cannot afford it and want nothing to do with it?

I don’t want anyone else to pay for my shit... But that’s just me

No, I want MY TAX DOLLARS to go towards something more useful for OUR society.
Ok, You do that then but don’t expect anyone else to want to do that. It does not take a fucking village

Most people do want Universal healthcare and their tax dollars to go towards it.

Poll: Majority of Americans support universal healthcare

Are you against Democracy and Freedom?
Being forced to pay into a pool that one cannot afford, will never use and want nothing to do with is freedom?
Why don’t people just pay for their own shit?

You know it's pretty sad that you are so fucking single-minded that you don't realize other people pay for shit you use or get all the time. If you think you totally support yourself, you are out of your melon.
Just admit it Obama care was unconstitutional but the corrupt deep state forced it through

How is it unConstitutional to take care of the people of the country?

How you going to feel when you get Hepatitis because you ate some bad food that was prepared from a person working at a restaurant that couldn't afford to go to the doctor and get treatment?

You fucks really don't understand how important health care is for the health of society as a whole.
Like I said health insurance is not healthcare, most people learn that in grade school

Yeah and I would hope in grade school you'd learn most people can't afford health CARE without health INSURANCE.

Health insurance is not damn health care never was.. especially when we have 6 grand deductibles..

I am not responsible for you to be a dumb ass now am I, you bitch if I preach the Lord Jesus Christ to you


You bitch if I tell you the 10 commandments


Here is a little secret I learned... be like Bear513 ..

Believe in a God
I have money to burn and never ever ever tell me some one had a car "accident" it's called a car "crash"

I have not had a car crash in like 35 years, you WERE NOT PAYING ATTENTION..

No. You don't even have a clue what you are talking about...

The old man turned in front of me across a 2 lane road, and even slamming my brakes I hit him. I one a lawsuit against him, but it barely covered my lawyer fees and past due medical bills... because of his level of insurance. I've dealt with a fucked back since 2005, and for many years because of pre-existing conditions, doctor visits were 100% out of pocket.
Let me get this straight, Because of what happened to you you want someone else to pay for your shit even though they cannot afford it and want nothing to do with it?

I don’t want anyone else to pay for my shit... But that’s just me

No, I want MY TAX DOLLARS to go towards something more useful for OUR society.
Ok, You do that then but don’t expect anyone else to want to do that. It does not take a fucking village

Most people do want Universal healthcare and their tax dollars to go towards it.

Poll: Majority of Americans support universal healthcare

Are you against Democracy and Freedom?
We really don’t have any real freedom in this country to begin with... lol
Healthcare should be a states issue, but then again the federal government pretty much disregards the 10th amendment
Hey how about you lay off those cheeseburger's and start exercising..

You want to take risk and live an unhealthy lifestyle go for it...don't expect me to pay for it, pull your panties up and pay for it your self

Hey how about you know what the fuck you are talking about and stay out of the casinos and take better care of your money?

My back is fucked from a car accident that WASN'T my fault... and it was done because the driver who was a retired GM factory worker was under-insured and didn't have the money to pay for my surgery. I could have sued the guy, made a lawyer rich, and made the fucking old guy homeless...

And now I am surrounded by shit for brains that always think something is the fault of the individual, and just make assumptions.

I have money to burn and never ever ever tell me some one had a car "accident" it's called a car "crash"

I have not had a car crash in like 35 years, you WERE NOT PAYING ATTENTION..

No. You don't even have a clue what you are talking about...

The old man turned in front of me across a 2 lane road, and even slamming my brakes I hit him. I one a lawsuit against him, but it barely covered my lawyer fees and past due medical bills... because of his level of insurance. I've dealt with a fucked back since 2005, and for many years because of pre-existing conditions, doctor visits were 100% out of pocket.
Let me get this straight, Because of what happened to you you want someone else to pay for your shit even though they cannot afford it and want nothing to do with it?

I don’t want anyone else to pay for my shit... But that’s just me

No, I want MY TAX DOLLARS to go towards something more useful for OUR society.

Translation~ to dumb ass like you who doesn't know how to drive a car
You know it's pretty sad that you are so fucking single-minded that you don't realize other people pay for shit you use or get all the time. If you think you totally support yourself, you are out of your melon.
Just admit it Obama care was unconstitutional but the corrupt deep state forced it through

How is it unConstitutional to take care of the people of the country?

How you going to feel when you get Hepatitis because you ate some bad food that was prepared from a person working at a restaurant that couldn't afford to go to the doctor and get treatment?

You fucks really don't understand how important health care is for the health of society as a whole.
Like I said health insurance is not healthcare, most people learn that in grade school

Yeah and I would hope in grade school you'd learn most people can't afford health CARE without health INSURANCE.

Health insurance is not damn health care never was.. especially when we have 6 grand deductibles..

I am not responsible for you to be a dumb ass now am I, you bitch if I preach the Lord Jesus Christ to you


You bitch if I tell you the 10 commandments


Here is a little secret I learned... be like Bear513 ..

Believe in a God

You keep believing in God, and pray all you want. I'll keep living in reality.
Just admit it Obama care was unconstitutional but the corrupt deep state forced it through

How is it unConstitutional to take care of the people of the country?

How you going to feel when you get Hepatitis because you ate some bad food that was prepared from a person working at a restaurant that couldn't afford to go to the doctor and get treatment?

You fucks really don't understand how important health care is for the health of society as a whole.
Like I said health insurance is not healthcare, most people learn that in grade school

Yeah and I would hope in grade school you'd learn most people can't afford health CARE without health INSURANCE.

Health insurance is not damn health care never was.. especially when we have 6 grand deductibles..

I am not responsible for you to be a dumb ass now am I, you bitch if I preach the Lord Jesus Christ to you


You bitch if I tell you the 10 commandments


Here is a little secret I learned... be like Bear513 ..

Believe in a God

You keep believing in God, and pray all you want. I'll keep living in reality.
You’re a control freak so you’ve lost all Credibility
Hey how about you know what the fuck you are talking about and stay out of the casinos and take better care of your money?

My back is fucked from a car accident that WASN'T my fault... and it was done because the driver who was a retired GM factory worker was under-insured and didn't have the money to pay for my surgery. I could have sued the guy, made a lawyer rich, and made the fucking old guy homeless...

And now I am surrounded by shit for brains that always think something is the fault of the individual, and just make assumptions.

I have money to burn and never ever ever tell me some one had a car "accident" it's called a car "crash"

I have not had a car crash in like 35 years, you WERE NOT PAYING ATTENTION..

No. You don't even have a clue what you are talking about...

The old man turned in front of me across a 2 lane road, and even slamming my brakes I hit him. I one a lawsuit against him, but it barely covered my lawyer fees and past due medical bills... because of his level of insurance. I've dealt with a fucked back since 2005, and for many years because of pre-existing conditions, doctor visits were 100% out of pocket.
Let me get this straight, Because of what happened to you you want someone else to pay for your shit even though they cannot afford it and want nothing to do with it?

I don’t want anyone else to pay for my shit... But that’s just me

No, I want MY TAX DOLLARS to go towards something more useful for OUR society.

Translation~ to dumb ass like you who doesn't know how to drive a car

You keep telling yourself that. I'm 41 with no tickets in my life. :)
How is it unConstitutional to take care of the people of the country?

How you going to feel when you get Hepatitis because you ate some bad food that was prepared from a person working at a restaurant that couldn't afford to go to the doctor and get treatment?

You fucks really don't understand how important health care is for the health of society as a whole.
Like I said health insurance is not healthcare, most people learn that in grade school

Yeah and I would hope in grade school you'd learn most people can't afford health CARE without health INSURANCE.

Health insurance is not damn health care never was.. especially when we have 6 grand deductibles..

I am not responsible for you to be a dumb ass now am I, you bitch if I preach the Lord Jesus Christ to you


You bitch if I tell you the 10 commandments


Here is a little secret I learned... be like Bear513 ..

Believe in a God

You keep believing in God, and pray all you want. I'll keep living in reality.
You’re a control freak so you’ve lost all Credibility

So... you aren't for Democracy and Freedom? I thought you were just screaming about FREEDOM?
I have money to burn and never ever ever tell me some one had a car "accident" it's called a car "crash"

I have not had a car crash in like 35 years, you WERE NOT PAYING ATTENTION..

No. You don't even have a clue what you are talking about...

The old man turned in front of me across a 2 lane road, and even slamming my brakes I hit him. I one a lawsuit against him, but it barely covered my lawyer fees and past due medical bills... because of his level of insurance. I've dealt with a fucked back since 2005, and for many years because of pre-existing conditions, doctor visits were 100% out of pocket.
Let me get this straight, Because of what happened to you you want someone else to pay for your shit even though they cannot afford it and want nothing to do with it?

I don’t want anyone else to pay for my shit... But that’s just me

No, I want MY TAX DOLLARS to go towards something more useful for OUR society.

Translation~ to dumb ass like you who doesn't know how to drive a car

You keep telling yourself that. I'm 41 with no tickets in my life. :)
Did you know that Obama did not want mandates in the first place, he just expected that people would want to sign up for it? So now you can call this Obamacare more correctly...
Like I said health insurance is not healthcare, most people learn that in grade school

Yeah and I would hope in grade school you'd learn most people can't afford health CARE without health INSURANCE.

Health insurance is not damn health care never was.. especially when we have 6 grand deductibles..

I am not responsible for you to be a dumb ass now am I, you bitch if I preach the Lord Jesus Christ to you


You bitch if I tell you the 10 commandments


Here is a little secret I learned... be like Bear513 ..

Believe in a God

You keep believing in God, and pray all you want. I'll keep living in reality.
You’re a control freak so you’ve lost all Credibility

So... you aren't for Democracy and Freedom? I thought you were just screaming about FREEDOM?
We have no real freedom in this country, so I have no idea what real freedom is. As far as democracy it’s basically mob rule in it’s pure form... lol
Just admit it Obama care was unconstitutional but the corrupt deep state forced it through

How is it unConstitutional to take care of the people of the country?

How you going to feel when you get Hepatitis because you ate some bad food that was prepared from a person working at a restaurant that couldn't afford to go to the doctor and get treatment?

You fucks really don't understand how important health care is for the health of society as a whole.
Like I said health insurance is not healthcare, most people learn that in grade school

Yeah and I would hope in grade school you'd learn most people can't afford health CARE without health INSURANCE.

Health insurance is not damn health care never was.. especially when we have 6 grand deductibles..

I am not responsible for you to be a dumb ass now am I, you bitch if I preach the Lord Jesus Christ to you


You bitch if I tell you the 10 commandments


Here is a little secret I learned... be like Bear513 ..

Believe in a God

You keep believing in God, and pray all you want. I'll keep living in reality.

While you keep getting in car crashes...

And me no

Like 35 years and counting now.

Let's see on one hand if I don't believe in God I get in a car crash like you

On the other hand if I believe in God and just drive the damn car = no car crashes..

What do I pick?

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