Obama Bin Stalin threatens EO on gun grab

Biden: Obama Might Use Executive Order to Deal With Guns | The Weekly Standard

We've all said it and liberals just called us crazy, etc.. HERE IT COMES.

Don't know if this his the idiot Biden's quotes, in full, but it took 10 seconds for me to find this, straight from the "horse's ass" mouth:

Biden: Obama May Use ‘Executive Orders’ to Crack Down on Guns | TheBlaze.com

Now, I'm sure that the left will claim that this is taken out of context, as well as all the other "deflecting" that they have become so accustomed to, but as stupid as Biden is, I can't believe that he would believe that America is going to stand for this..However, we are all aware of his contempt for the Congress....
Obama Bin Stalin threatens EO on gun grab

The NRA and their supporters have had it all their own way for so long its about time somebody stood up for the "silent majority" who are fed up watching American society being ripped apart by guns.

Its time somebody "bullied" the bullies!

Americans who exercise their Consitutional right to own weapons are now bullies??
US Constitution: Preamble

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
When the constitutional right of gun owners infringes with the "establishing justice,"
"domestic tranquility," "general welfare," "Blessings of Liberty" and "a more perfect Union" of other citizens, its time to readjust society's priorities.

Many of the leaders of the Confederacy attempted to justify the succession of the southern States from the Union based on their "self-serving" interpretation of the US Constitution - it didn't work!
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Since when did inanimate objects take on personality traits of being good, moral, etc?? WHAT UTTER CRAP! You liberals sound totally UNHINGED.
oBUMa is going to have no problem getting his passive minons to goose-step. Look at them The guy is going for an Executive Order undermining their rights and they just piddle along like no big deal.

Does anyone realize how serious this is? Sure I agree we don't know what he will do but the fact that he feels the only way to do what he hasn't even decided what it will be..is to do it by Executive Order.

They are either naive or stupid..or both.
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My guess is he will order background checks for gun-show purchases and a ban on high-capacity magazines. He can get away with those two edicts without massive resistance.
My guess is he will order background checks for gun-show purchases and a ban on high-capacity magazines. He can get away with those two edicts without massive resistance.

And there is a process for that. Abuse of Executive Order is not the process.
My guess is he will order background checks for gun-show purchases and a ban on high-capacity magazines. He can get away with those two edicts without massive resistance.

But asking someone to show photo ID at the voting booth is an infringement on their "right to vote"?
Oh no! The dreaded EO action to grab ur guns.

I suggest you revolt/rebel and declare war on the Government.
Oh no! The dreaded EO action to grab ur guns.

I suggest you revolt/rebel and declare war on the Government.

So is it now kosher to simply use an EO to make new laws?? How about a republican Prez who uses an EO to strip away abortion rights? Would you trivialize that also?

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