Obama Bans Bullets Of America’s Top-Selling Rifle Through Executive Action


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
I guess they don't realize that the barrels can be changed! Change the barrel to a different bullet! After President Trump is inaugurated all the Manchurian muslim's E.O. will be reevaluated and probably 99% of them repealed! I also imagine this will be court tested, and last until he is GONE!

asheepnomore.net/ ^ | December 25, 2015 | WashingtonExaminer.com|
Through executive action, Obama has banned ammo for the top-selling AR-15 style semi-automatic, labeling them 'cop killers', and The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives will put the ban of 5.56 mm ammo on a fast track, which already driving up price and demand. Gun stores are now reporting an increase in price of 30% and an increase in demand of 1000%. Wednesday night, Rep. Bob Goodlatte, the Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, stepped in with a critical letter to the bureau demanding it explain the surprise and abrupt bullet ban. The letter is shown below. The......
that pen should have been tossed in a volcano before it does more damage
You sure this is an accurate story?

The Obama Administration just got their collective asses kicked by public opinion in an attempt by the BATFE to ban M855 5.56 ammunition...to the point that they were forced to abandon the policy.

I mean, Obama's a dumbass...but even he is not this stupid.
You sure this is an accurate story?

The Obama Administration just got their collective asses kicked by public opinion in an attempt by the BATFE to ban M855 5.56 ammunition...to the point that they were forced to abandon the policy.

I mean, Obama's a dumbass...but even he is not this stupid.
When it comes to guns and fossil fuels Obama's a total retard.

I think we should pass a law that the prick can't use either.....guns to protect him or gas to travel with.
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Sounds like That Iranian muslim terrorist, Valerie Jarrett is now in charge of the WH and penning E.O.'s while the obomanation is on Christmas vacation!

The first three months of the Trump administration will be spent signing E.O.s to undo all of Obama's E.O.s. And that's 8 hour days.
BREAKING: ATF Backs Down on M855 Ban…For Now
By Dan Zimmerman on March 10, 2015

'Against all odds, the ATF has announced that they’re pulling the proposed ban on 5.56 M855 green tip ammunition. After a barrage of comments from the public as well as bipartisan criticism from Congress, our friends at the bureau issued a press release announcing that, “ATF will not at this time seek to issue a final framework.”'

BREAKING: ATF Backs Down on M855 Ban...For Now - The Truth About Guns

That was back in March, this just happening..... What do they have to lose, he's a LAME DUCK and can fuck with America all he wants for the next year...how much of his Shit will stick, after he's gone?
Again, why is every thread you post based on a lie?

What lie would that be clown face?.... Is that story wrong? Do you have ANYTHING to refute it, or this just another TROLLING event by you?

Do you have a credible source to back it up?
Do you have ANYTHING CREDIBLE to refute it?

No need until you present some fact.

I did, you have your usual, hand full of sperm!

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