Obama and his Neocons


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
Austin, TX
President Barack Obama has been trying, mostly in secret, to craft a new foreign policy that relies heavily on cooperation with Russian President Vladimir Putin to tamp down confrontations in hotspots such as Iran and Syria. But Obama’s timidity about publicly explaining this strategy has left it open to attack from powerful elements of Official Washington, including well-placed neocons and people in his own administration.

What Neocons Want from Ukraine Crisis | Consortiumnews
Wow that reads like a war novel.

All it needs to be complete is a mad scientist
Obama sure is taking his sweeet time coming out to make a statement and own up to all his bullshit

Obama has been a cancer to world peace
Shocker--It's all about oil again !

Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk told parliament that Ukraine intends to set up a company to manage the pipeline. Ukraine would own 51 percent of the venture, but is ready to invite Western companies as shareholders for the remaining 49 percent. Ukraine would not sell the pipeline as such, he insisted.

Ukraine open to Western involvement in pipeline - US News

There is a way out, former Ukrainian deputy prime minister Yuri Boyko tells Oilprice.com that US gas could play a vital role in the end game for Kiev. There are two revolutions here that need to come together: the political revolution in Ukraine and the shale gas revolution in America. Where these two meet is where Russian dominance ends.

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• According to a leaked EU's Ashton phone tape, the Kiev snipers, who shot both protesters and police, were hired by Ukrainian opposition leaders, did not work for overthrown Yanukovych
• It turns out that Russia has a legal right to maintain a military force of up to 25 thousand troops in Crimea in accordance with an agreement signed by Russia and Ukraine in 1997, which will remain in effect until 2043. Current Russian troop strength in Crimea is well under the legal limit. The troops are there to safeguard Russia's Black Sea fleet.
• John Kerry has pledged $1 billion in aid to Ukraine. Ukraine's natural gas bill to Russia is going to be $2 billion.]

Chronology of the Ukrainian Coup *|* Peak Oil News and Message Boards
In order to topple Yanukovych, the US had to tacitly support fanatical groups of neo-Nazi thugs and anti-Semites. And, even though “Interim Ukrainian President Oleksander Tuchynov has pledged to do everything in his power to protect the country’s Jewish community”; reports on the ground are not so encouraging. Here’s an excerpt from a statement by Natalia Vitrenko, of The Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine that suggests the situation is much worse than what is being reported in the news:

“Across the country… People are being beaten and stoned, while undesirable members of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine are subject to mass intimidation and local officials see their families and children targeted by death threats if they do not support the installation of this new political power. The new Ukrainian authorities are massively burning the offices of political parties they do not like, and have publicly announced the threat of criminal prosecution and prohibition of political parties and public organizations that do not share the ideology and goals of the new regime.” (“USA and EU Are Erecting a Nazi Regime on Ukrainian Territory”, Natalia Vitrenko)

The Coup in Ukraine: Obama’s Dumbest Plan Yet
I'd like to hear Hillary's take on this right now. She's sort of neo con lite I heard someone say.
Russia is mounting a major publicity campaign in Europe for its proposed South Stream gas pipeline in an apparent effort to reassure its EU customers that they can rely on Russian gas for the indefinite future. The reason for Moscow’s public relations efforts is the continuing unrest in Ukraine. EU countries now get about 30 percent of their gas from Russia, half of it piped through Ukraine. Twice, in 2006 and 2009, that flow has been interrupted. Gas flows to Europe through Ukraine are intact today, but that status may change depending on whether relations between Russia and Ukraine improve or decline.
- See more at: EconoMonitor : EconoMonitor » Russia Touts South Stream Pipeline as Europe?s Gas Lifeline
The source for the OP, Information Clearing House is a pretty interesting site.
I went there because I hadn't heard of it and therefore I just had to check it out.
It certainly is tracking America's cost for invading Iraq in not only dollars but also lives. They also implied Blair and Bush are responsible for what is happening in Iraq. I didn't read all the articles on Israel/Gaza, but this source seemed to be taking on Israel and the bloodshed that has resulted.
The Information Clearing House seems to be all over the place.
I don't know how legit they are, so I'm not going to judge them at this point. However, I do encourage folks to take a look at their website. Like I said,,,,,interesting.
The reality today is that Russia supplies 31 percent of EU gas imports, 27 percent of crude oil imports, 24 percent of EU coal imports, 30 percent of total EU uranium imports, and is the EU’s third-largest supplier of electricity. In turn, the EU is not only easily Russia’s largest trading partner, but it is the market for 88 percent of Russia’s oil exports, 70 percent of its gas exports, and 50 percent of its coal exports.”

It’s worth remembering that energy was the point man in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine affair. Late last year, Kiev was prepared to move closer to the EU, economically and politically. That was a popular idea in much of Ukraine. But Russia, whose interests in Ukraine go back many centuries, objected. Putin wooed Kiev by promising to reduce the price of natural gas by a hefty one-third. Ex-Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych agreed and pivoted away from the EU. That’s when the revolution found its footing and Maidan rose to the level of Tiananmen as one of history’s most famous squares. Within two months, the pro-Russian Yanukovych was gone. And the EU was voicing support for the government that replaced him.

Rome BURNS: The Ukraine-Russia Conflict Flows out of an Energy Pipeline
Wow that reads like a war novel.

All it needs to be complete is a mad scientist

Obama IS the mad scientist. :lol:

Obama knows exactly what he's doing. All of it WRONG.

I'm beginning to think that he's been left out of the picture and his neocon buddies are in the pipeline business again--Syria sorta went bust on them so now they're going the Ukraine route. The leader had already been ousted so it will be easier.

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