O’Biden Regimes Used Fascistbook to Censor Tucker and Trump

Do NOT adopt their tactics. You only become as bad as a demmunist if you do.
Instead, they need to be incessantly called out on their lies, bigotry, communism and anti-Americanism.

Do you see any of them relenting from the verbal beatings they take in this board?

I don't.

And all you do is troll with no comprehension of facts needed.

There nothing "fake" about the article.
Moonglow is sort of correct.

It does come off as kind of sketchy, if you know how libel laws work.

See, papers and tabloids, like the Globe, and the Enquirer, going back as far as anyone can remember, are allowed to make up fake stories, about public figures.

Public figures, have no expectation of privacy.

On the other hand, folks that ARE NOT in the public eye, have an expectation of privacy, and CAN SUE, if a story is not based on fact. This is what separates that days of when real journalists, went on the air, with factual stories, and now, when they will report things from, "anonymous sourcing."


. . . and then there is the sourcing rule.

For any story that is empirically grounded in FACTS, you should be able to find another source, that independently corroborates the story.

So? What do we have with this story?

Yes, of course Rob Flaherty works in the White House, and is a public figure, so, this part of the story, IS true, but. . . according to America's first Amendment, because he is a public figure, anyone can make up anything about him, and generate all sorts of bogus crap to make it look real.

So? Then we need to find out, what was his contact, his sourcing? Who did he communicate at Facebook?

Hmmmm. . . . this is NOT a public figure. If this story is true, they don't have to worry about being sued, so they should tell us.


Who blacked out the name at Facebook? Why did they black it out? Without that name?

The story has about as much legs as a story from the Onion or the Babylon Bee. If it was blacked out, on purpose, by the folks making this story, it might be, because the story is spun from whole cloth, and they wish to avoid litigation. . . Can you find a source for this information from another place, telling us the same thing?

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The more we learn the more deeply we see the fascistic behavior of Democrats.

No wonder they were /are so fond of calling Trump a fascist, it is a dead giveaway of what and who they are.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden have more in common than their desires to destroy America. Their regimes both worked with Facebook to stifle their political enemies.​
For Obama, it was Donald Trump. According to American Thinker:​

Not to be outdone, the Biden-Harris regime also used Facebook to take down a foe. In their case it was Fox News host Tucker Carlson. According to The Post Millennial:​

As bad as things have been with Facebook and Twitter, it’s clear that the Democrats and their Deep State handlers have used all of Big Tech to attack us. When Google and YouTube are outed, Lord willing, we may see the worst of them all.​

Who owns Facebook?

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