Obama (and FBI) stabs his own supporters in the back.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Were you part of Occupy Wall Street? Did you support it? Didn't Obama even support it at one time?

Well if you did, you've been labeled a TERRORIST!

FBI & DHS Under Obama Declared Occupy Wall Street Protesters TERRORIST To Protect Big Business

The FBI Treated Occupy Like a Terrorist Group - Adam Clark Estes - The Atlantic Wire

FBI & DHS Under Obama Declared Occupy Wall Street Protesters TERRORIST To Protect Big Business - Democratic Underground

FBI considered Occupy movement potential threat, documents say - CNN.com

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AehC4IfZnQ]Jesse Ventura & Alex Jones Joins Occupy Wall Street And Tells It How It Is - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm9wCYpx3Hk]FBI & DHS Under Obama Declared Occupy Wall Street Protesters TERRORIST To Protect Big Business - YouTube[/ame]

How do you feel? Obama doesn't' give two shits about you. He doesn't care for your safety.

Obama cares about one thing: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

The Democratic Party is your Enemy.

The Republican Party is your Enemy.

You only have one friend, Liberty, everything else is a form of Tyranny.

Who do you think the NDAA is really meant for? Why didn't Obama close Gitmo? Why did he renew and strengthen the Patriot Act?

And you want to give Big Government and the International banks your Firearms?
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The fact that the FBI infiltrated and spied on the Occupy movement surprises you, does it?

Welcome to the real world, then, mate.
Reagan, Clinton, Junebug Bush, and Obama are all corporate controlled presidents. What differs is their corporate sponsors. Reagan and Junebug were controlled by defense and finance corporations, while Clinton and Obama bow to government worker unions, heath care and finance corporations.

Unlike Reagan, Pap Bush was his own man; he took the long view, understood the value of Hussein as a hedge against Iran, etc., and look what that got him from the nutball element of his own party? Clinton could not possibly have balanced the budget had Pap Bush not raised taxes and cut the growth of military spending.

No surprise at all big spender Obama is effectively Junebug's 4th term.
Reagan, Clinton, Junebug Bush, and Obama are all corporate controlled presidents. What differs is their corporate sponsors. Reagan and Junebug were controlled by defense and finance corporations, while Clinton and Obama bow to government worker unions, heath care and finance corporations.

Unlike Reagan, Pap Bush was his own man; he took the long view, understood the value of Hussein as a hedge against Iran, etc., and look what that got him from the nutball element of his own party? Clinton could not possibly have balanced the budget had Pap Bush not raised taxes and cut the growth of military spending.

No surprise at all big spender Obama is effectively Junebug's 4th term.

Clinton balanced the budget by selling multi-trillion dollar bonds to Social Security (in other words stealing money from social security).

That's why Al Gore ran on making social security a "lockbox" because he was horrified by what his buddy Clinton had done, knowing it would set a precedent for all future presidents. Bush burrowed almost ten trillion on Social Security.
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Clinton is probably the luckiest American who ever lived. If he ever drew an honest breath it isn't on record anywhere. He signed NAFTA, set the precedent for no bid contracts with Blackwater and Halliburton, signed repeal of Glass Steagall, signed the bill opening commodities to essentially unregulated speculation (the Marc Rich bill that got him about half the hundred million in speech and consulting fees paid him in his first ten years out of office).

Clinton belongs in prison. But Clintonistas are as feverishly deluded about the results their icon produced as any ReagaNUT. At least Reagan was just a bobbleheaded fool who didn't know any better. Clinton didn't know any better either, but he was all about Clinton while Reagan probably actually believed the bullet points his handlers gave him to build on.

To tie this to the thread, it is people like Clinton, people who breach the public trust who need to worry about Anonymous. Obama is going to do what it takes to protect himself and former presidents because in the end the more recent ones all have unholy secrets about their particular brand of betraying the American public.
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Did I support them? I supported their ability to voice their concerns. But they did not represent my opinions. They were an anti-system group like the teabaggers, but left wing.

And the OWS crowd thought Obama was their friend.....

It is too laugh.

And now they see he only payed an 18% tax rate, Biden paid even less and only donated 1.5% to charity lololol

Talk about your fair share!

The sad thing is the left doesnt care....they think Romney should pay more, but not lefties....Obama is ok to pay 18%.......these guys are so brainwashed...they want to give up their freedom....for what? your guess is as good as mine.
Did I support them? I supported their ability to voice their concerns. But they did not represent my opinions. They were an anti-system group like the teabaggers, but left wing.

You did support them, even Obama supported them at one time. But then the Federal Reserve overseers (who control both parties) came down with the hammer and whipped Obama back into line. OWS was supported by the left and the Libertarians at the same time, even some Tea Partiers.

The disconnect was Libertarians wanted to "End the Fed" in order to restore the free market and true capitalism, whereas the Democrats wanted "bailouts" for everyone.
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Maybe the left gets excited when you say stabbed in the back, to them it has another meaning..

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