Obama Advertisement--segregates this nation into voting blocks. Unbelievable!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
To some of you this below youtube advertisement may not be a big deal. But here we have the President of the United States--actually pointing out Americans in voting blocks who supported him in 2008--to come back and support the democrat party in November 2010. Obama actually "names" them.

He is basically segregating the American population into blacks, latinos, youth and women who voted for him. He leaves out the white men and republicans who may or may not have voted for him.

A good point made by Laura Ingram. What if G.W. Bush would have made an advertisement calling out for-White males-Christians and Cubans to come back and support the RNC--while leaving out everyone else? The left wing main stream media would have had a heart attack feeding frenzy over that one.

Obama--Uniter or Divider?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh-yR1HWkbM]YouTube - President Obama Announces Vote 2010[/ame]
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What did you expect? He won the last election playing the race card so he thinks it will work this time too.

It's just amazing to me that a liberal democrat President can get away with talking like this--:cuckoo::cuckoo: Actually putting out a youtube video advertisment dividing this nation into voting blocks for democrats.

Again--if a republican President would have done this--the media in this country would have tarred and feathered him/her and ran them out of Washington D.C.

It's the "double standard" that really hits a raw nerve with me.
What did you expect? He won the last election playing the race card so he thinks it will work this time too.

It's just amazing to me that a liberal democrat President can get away with talking like this--:cuckoo::cuckoo: Actually putting out a youtube video advertisment dividing this nation into voting blocks for democrats.

Again--if a republican President would have done this--the media in this country would have tarred and feathered him/her and ran them out of Washington D.C.

It's the "double standard" that really hits a raw nerve with me.

We are NOT a united nation right now thanks to the Democrats and our President.
Let's see: young people, women, blacks, and hispanics...

You guys are right! He totally left out old, white, males! What a shame. He must be shunning this demographic because they didn't vote for him much in the past election. They better go and show him in November!! If they vote for the democrats in large numbers, then Obama will definitely be obliged to give them a shout-out on the youtube videos for the 2012 election.

Good luck, old white guys! =)
Homies 4 Obama!

No Obama is not a racist, nah, nope, not at all, just typical white behavior to accuse him.
To some of you this below youtube advertisement may not be a big deal. But here we have the President of the United States--actually pointing out Americans in voting blocks who supported him in 2008--to come back and support the democrat party in November 2010. Obama actually "names" them.

He is basically segregating the American population into blacks, latinos, youth and women who voted for him. He leaves out the white men and republicans who may or may not have voted for him.

A good point made by Laura Ingram. What if G.W. Bush would have made an advertisement calling out for-White males-Christians and Cubans to come back and support the RNC--while leaving out everyone else? The left wing main stream media would have had a heart attack feeding frenzy over that one.

Obama--Uniter or Divider?

YouTube - President Obama Announces Vote 2010

I saw this. Obama thinks he's only President to college age kids, minorities, Gays, and women. All the white men can go fuck themselves.
To some of you this below youtube advertisement may not be a big deal. But here we have the President of the United States--actually pointing out Americans in voting blocks who supported him in 2008--to come back and support the democrat party in November 2010. Obama actually "names" them.

He is basically segregating the American population into blacks, latinos, youth and women who voted for him. He leaves out the white men and republicans who may or may not have voted for him.

A good point made by Laura Ingram. What if G.W. Bush would have made an advertisement calling out for-White males-Christians and Cubans to come back and support the RNC--while leaving out everyone else? The left wing main stream media would have had a heart attack feeding frenzy over that one.

Obama--Uniter or Divider?

YouTube - President Obama Announces Vote 2010

Please, those on the right are entirely too overconfident. This thread is a case in point. Nowhere is divide and conquer more applicable than in elections.

Pay attention to post #5 in this thread!

Exit polls after the last three elections showed the white electorate to be:
2000 88%
2004 77%
2008 74%

This means that an outreach to Hispanics, and Asians is mandatory!

The nation’s Hispanic population increased 1.4 million to reach 45.5 million on July 1, 2007, or 15.1 percent of the estimated total U.S. population of 301.6 million.

Hispanics remained the largest minority group, with blacks (single race or multiracial) second at 40.7 million in 2007. The black population exceeded 500,000 in 20 states. Blacks were the largest minority group in 24 states, compared with 20 states in which Hispanics were the largest minority group
Blacks were followed by Asians, who totaled 15.2 million; American Indians and Alaska Natives, who totaled 4.5 million; and Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders, with 1 million. The population of whites (single race and not of Hispanic origin) totaled 199.1 million (See Table 1 [Excel]).
With a 3.3 percent increase between July 1, 2006, and July 1, 2007, Hispanics were the fastest-growing minority group. Asians were the second fastest-growing minority group, with a 2.9 percent population increase during the period. The white population grew by 0.3 percent during the one-year period.
Overall, the nation’s minority population reached 102.5 million in 2007 — 34 percent of the total. California had a minority population of 20.9 million — 20 percent of the nation’s total, Texas had a minority population of 12.5 million — 12 percent of the U.S. total.
US Census Press Releases

Pay attention. The right cannot take back the government with just white votes, or just Repub votes...

Learn the lesson that put President Obama in the WH!
To some of you this below youtube advertisement may not be a big deal. But here we have the President of the United States--actually pointing out Americans in voting blocks who supported him in 2008--to come back and support the democrat party in November 2010. Obama actually "names" them.

He is basically segregating the American population into blacks, latinos, youth and women who voted for him. He leaves out the white men and republicans who may or may not have voted for him.

A good point made by Laura Ingram. What if G.W. Bush would have made an advertisement calling out for-White males-Christians and Cubans to come back and support the RNC--while leaving out everyone else? The left wing main stream media would have had a heart attack feeding frenzy over that one.

Obama--Uniter or Divider?

YouTube - President Obama Announces Vote 2010

No doubt... Sharpton, Jackson, etc would be all over the place... Just more hypocrisy from the left... Big surprise right. :lol:
Do you mean we do not have demographics??


Looks like more whining of white male victimhood
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What did you expect? He won the last election playing the race card so he thinks it will work this time too.

It's just amazing to me that a liberal democrat President can get away with talking like this--:cuckoo::cuckoo: Actually putting out a youtube video advertisment dividing this nation into voting blocks for democrats.

Again--if a republican President would have done this--the media in this country would have tarred and feathered him/her and ran them out of Washington D.C.

It's the "double standard" that really hits a raw nerve with me.

To some of you this below youtube advertisement may not be a big deal. But here we have the President of the United States--actually pointing out Americans in voting blocks who supported him in 2008--to come back and support the democrat party in November 2010. Obama actually "names" them.

He is basically segregating the American population into blacks, latinos, youth and women who voted for him. He leaves out the white men and republicans who may or may not have voted for him.

A good point made by Laura Ingram. What if G.W. Bush would have made an advertisement calling out for-White males-Christians and Cubans to come back and support the RNC--while leaving out everyone else? The left wing main stream media would have had a heart attack feeding frenzy over that one.

Obama--Uniter or Divider?

YouTube - President Obama Announces Vote 2010

Is there ANYTHING, regardless of how insignificant, that does NOT get your panties in a wad these days?
Oh hacks, there was nothing wrong with that commercial, the people that helped him win need to get out and vote in 2010. Women and young people were mentioned, meaning he just didn't say african americans and hispanics.

More pathetic whining from the Obama bashers and putting things there that are simply not.
Let's see: young people, women, blacks, and hispanics...

You guys are right! He totally left out old, white, males! What a shame. He must be shunning this demographic because they didn't vote for him much in the past election. They better go and show him in November!! If they vote for the democrats in large numbers, then Obama will definitely be obliged to give them a shout-out on the youtube videos for the 2012 election.

Good luck, old white guys! =)

We're all Americans you stupid fuck!!!! How about a unity message instead of more division?

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