Obama Administration Caught Essentially Spying For Iran


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The Obama Administration leaked Iraeli secrets to Iran. They're giving aid to a deadly enemy of the United States. The way they're doing it is by giving away secrets with news releases thru the press.

The latest is the release to the press of the location of an important staging area the Israelis were planning to use in a possible attack.

Why is Obama doing this? One reason is because he's trying desperately to prevent an attack during an election year. It has been reported that Obama has made deals with several countries to release massive amounts of oil from their strategic oil reserves to stabilize gas prices at the pump. If Israel attacks Iran all of these plans will go for naught.

Funny, at the same exact moment he's claiming that oil availability has nothing to do with prices he's attempting make more available to keep prices from going higher.....but only until he's re-elected. After he's re-elected he'll have more flexibility......to continue driving up the price.

A campaign of press leaks, led by some Obama administration insiders, is harming Israel’s and America’s ability to act militarily to end Iran’s nuclear quest.

Washington officials and sympathetic media plainly intend the campaign to erode public support for a military attack on Iran’s nuclear installations. But reports on Israeli military methods, capabilities and alliances are actively aiding the Iranian regime.

You may have seen some of the headlines: “Congress Sez Iran Could Recover From Israeli Attack Within Six Months”; “Hundreds of Americans Will Die in the Aftermath of Iran Attack”; “Israel’s Secret Staging Ground for Attacking Iran.”

Read more: US leaks hamstring action on Iran—Benny Avni - NYPOST.com


JERUSALEM – Two reports today about Iran’s nuclear program and the possibility of an Israeli military strike have analysts in Israel accusing the Obama administration leaking information to pressure Israel not to bomb Iran and for Iran to reach a compromise in upcoming nuclear talks.

The first report in Foreign Policy quotes anonymous American officials saying that Israel has been given access to airbases by Iran’s northern neighbor Azerbaijan from which Israel could launch air strikes or at least drones and search and rescue aircraft.

The second report from Bloomberg, based on a leaked congressional report, said that Iran’s nuclear facilities are so dispersed that it is “unclear what the ultimate effect of a strike would be…” A strike could delay Iran as little as six months, a former official told the researchers.

“It seems like a big campaign to prevent Israel from attacking,” analyst Yoel Guzansky at the Institute for National Security Studies told ABC News. “I think the [Obama] administration is really worried Jerusalem will attack and attack soon. They’re trying hard to prevent it in so many ways.”

Betraying an ally

To sum up, the American publications caused the following damage:

Iran now has a decent picture of what Israel’s and America’s intelligence communities know about Tehran’s nuclear program and defense establishment, including its aerial defenses.

The Iranians now know about the indications that would be perceived by Washington and Jerusalem as a “nuclear breakthrough”. Hence, Iran can do a better job of concealment.

The reports make it more difficult to utilize certain operational options. These options, even if not considered thus far, could have been used by the US in the future, should Iran not thwart them via diplomatic and military means.

US leaks hamstring action on Iran—Benny Avni - NYPOST.com

BOMBSHELL BETRAYAL: Obama Leaking Info to Media to Thwart Israeli Strike and Protect Iran's Nuclear weapons Program - Atlas Shrugs

Obama Admin Leaking Info to the Media to Thwart Israeli Strike on Iran? | The Lonely Conservative
Tell you CONZ how it will be....how about you assholes figure out a way to pay for the LAST war you LIED us into, before you go off in a conniption about Iran? Or will it "pay for itself" with all the oil the grateful, liberated Iranians will shower on us for free?


Tell you CONZ how it will be....how about you assholes figure out a way to pay for the LAST war you LIED us into, before you go off in a conniption about Iran? Or will it "pay for itself" with all the oil the grateful, liberated Iranians will shower on us for free?



Maybe if Harry Reid got off his ass that might happen.
This story should be more active. It really is disturbing that our president is siding with our enemy and not our allies. And while my words sound extreme there is no other way to excuse leaking vital info for all to see.
This story should be more active. It really is disturbing that our president is siding with our enemy and not our allies. And while my words sound extreme there is no other way to excuse leaking vital info for all to see.
Leon let loose an announcement that Israel was gonna attack in March or April.

This episode is just the latest breach of intel.

The Administration is trying tip off Iran.
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Tell you CONZ how it will be....how about you assholes figure out a way to pay for the LAST war you LIED us into, before you go off in a conniption about Iran? Or will it "pay for itself" with all the oil the grateful, liberated Iranians will shower on us for free?



Maybe if Harry Reid got off his ass that might happen.
Yeah...it's all Harry Reid's fault.
Don't take ANY responsibility for passing all of what? 7 laws in the house in the last 14 months? 3 of which are trade deals and one is a patent reform law.

Boy good thing the country wasn't in trouble or people didn't need jobs or anything while you guys passed all those laws trying to help Americans.

What? Pay for the last war?
How has this nation traditionally paid for the wars it wages?
I mean we borrowed a LOT more as a percentage of GDP during WW2 and paid it down pretty quickly. I wonder how we did that?
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Tell you CONZ how it will be....how about you assholes figure out a way to pay for the LAST war you LIED us into, before you go off in a conniption about Iran? Or will it "pay for itself" with all the oil the grateful, liberated Iranians will shower on us for free?



Maybe if Harry Reid got off his ass that might happen.

What? Pay for the last war?
How has this nation traditionally paid for the wars it wages?
I mean we borrowed a LOT more as a percentage of GDP during WW2 and paid it down pretty quickly. I wonder how we did that?

What does any of that shit have to do with this thread?
Tell you CONZ how it will be....how about you assholes figure out a way to pay for the LAST war you LIED us into, before you go off in a conniption about Iran? Or will it "pay for itself" with all the oil the grateful, liberated Iranians will shower on us for free?



Maybe if Harry Reid got off his ass that might happen.
Yeah...it's all Harry Reid's fault.
Don't take ANY responsibility for passing all of what? 7 laws in the house in the last 14 months? 3 of which are trade deals and one is a patent reform law.

Boy good thing the country wasn't in trouble or people didn't need jobs or anything while you guys passed all those laws trying to help Americans.

What? Pay for the last war?
How has this nation traditionally paid for the wars it wages?
I mean we borrowed a LOT more as a percentage of GDP during WW2 and paid it down pretty quickly. I wonder how we did that?

We didn't have a President and a Democrat Party out to fuck the American people back then.
Tell you CONZ how it will be....how about you assholes figure out a way to pay for the LAST war you LIED us into, before you go off in a conniption about Iran? Or will it "pay for itself" with all the oil the grateful, liberated Iranians will shower on us for free?



Have you always been this fucking stupid or do you work at it?
Whatever it takes to keep Israel from attacking Iran, I'm in favor of. The retaliation against American targets would require further retaliation…and so on, and so on.

The UN should only inspect Iran after they've inspected Israel.
Tell you CONZ how it will be....how about you assholes figure out a way to pay for the LAST war you LIED us into, before you go off in a conniption about Iran? Or will it "pay for itself" with all the oil the grateful, liberated Iranians will shower on us for free?



Have you always been this fucking stupid or do you work at it?

It's natural with libs.

So the Stuttering Clusterfukk stabbed an important US Ally in the back? What else is new?

It's what dims do. It's how they work. Always have, always will. Who was that President in South or Central American that he and Hitlery supported in spite of ... They're just dimocraps.

FDRs administration was chock full of communist spies. Bill (the rapist) Clinton gave nuclear technology to the Red Chinese.

The dimocrap party is the lowest form of life on Earth. They always have been, they always will be.

And the people that vote for them are no better. Not one bit
Maybe if Harry Reid got off his ass that might happen.
Yeah...it's all Harry Reid's fault.
Don't take ANY responsibility for passing all of what? 7 laws in the house in the last 14 months? 3 of which are trade deals and one is a patent reform law.

Boy good thing the country wasn't in trouble or people didn't need jobs or anything while you guys passed all those laws trying to help Americans.

What? Pay for the last war?
How has this nation traditionally paid for the wars it wages?
I mean we borrowed a LOT more as a percentage of GDP during WW2 and paid it down pretty quickly. I wonder how we did that?

We didn't have a President and a Democrat Party out to fuck the American people back then.

And we don't have one now either.

It's always been, and is now, the GOP that opposes tax breaks for the middle class, exports our jobs and even opposes unemployment extensions. The GOP passes the Ryan budget in the House and at a huge cost to middle America and you make a crack about Obama and the Democrats?

That you can make your claim shows you haven't been paying attention.

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