Oath Keepers Leader Seen With Roger Stone Near DC Hotel on Jan 6 Is Arrested By FBI – Never Set a Foot Inside US Capitol


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Oath Keepers Leader Seen With Roger Stone Near DC Hotel on Jan 6 Is Arrested By FBI – Never Set a Foot Inside US Capitol
Oath Keepers Leader Seen With Roger Stone Near DC Hotel on Jan 6 Is Arrested By FBI - Never Set a Foot Inside US Capitol (thegatewaypundit.com)
9 Mar 2021
The FBI has arrested an Oath Keepers leader that was filmed hanging out near Roger Stone outside a DC hotel on January 6.
Roberto Minuta of Newburgh, N.Y., had become a subject of many viral tweets from the left, simply because he was seen with Stone on the day of the Capitol protest.
Minuta was arrested on Saturday, according to a report from ABC News.
“Minuta and others affiliated with the Oath Keepers breached the U.S. Capitol grounds, where Minuta aggressively berated and taunted U.S. Capitol police officers responsible for protecting the Capitol and the representatives inside of the Capitol,” according to charging documents obtained by ABC.​
Minuta’s wife told ABC that her husband was at the Capitol, but said that he never went inside and was just “another patriot outside the Capitol Building … standing up for freedom.”
In their effort to hold Minuta without bail until trial, they cited him opening his tattoo parlor in defiance of the lockdown, saying that “there’s evidence this man does not respect the law.”
Minuta’s attorney’s argued that he would not abandon his children or community.
Magistrate Judge Andrew Krause released Minuta on bail saying “Mr. Minuta was not engaged in any acts of violence on Jan. 6. I think it is an overstatement of the situation to say that because Mr. Minuta was wearing particular gear he is predisposed to particular acts of violence.”
In a statement to ABC News, Stone said that he does not know Minuta, nor was he “familiar with his name prior to his being identified in earlier media stories where it was alleged that he was involved in illegal events up at the Capitol.”
“If he was indeed among those who volunteered to provide security while I visited Washington DC I was unaware of it,” Stone said.
At least five people associated with the Oath Keepers have been arrested over the January 6 protest, three of them have been charged with conspiracy.

Meanwhile, Antifa/BLM continue to burn Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities..... Obviously the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat led FBI and DOJ are out to destroy we Deplorable Neanderthals that are standing up to the attacks on American cities.
The FBI is not concerned that, literally, more than half the republic now questions their credibilty. I guess Wray sees a glorious career crawl-path to quisling fake news, following in the knee-prints of Wallace, Scarbro, Comey and Brennan before him.
It appears that the PM/DSA Democrat Globalist Fascist controlled FBI has replaced the KGB/FSB as the most lawless, hated and corrupt political terrorists masquerading as law enforcement in history.
Freedom of association protects three types of activities: Joining with others to form associations. This means that government cannot prevent people from meeting together to form a group. ...

Not insurrection wise.
Its not insurrection to be standing next to Rodger Stone....and maybe you should have complained about ANTIFA and BLM...you would at least have some credibility if you had...but now you are just a hateful one sided hypocrite.....
Freedom of association protects three types of activities: Joining with others to form associations. This means that government cannot prevent people from meeting together to form a group. ...

Not insurrection wise.
Its not insurrection to be standing next to Rodger Stone....and maybe you should have complained about ANTIFA and BLM...you would at least have some credibility if you had...but now you are just a hateful one sided joke.....

No but he had contact with the members inside of capital that makes him aided and abetted.
Rhodes also allegedly told the chat group that the Oath Keepers will have "several well equipped QRFs outside DC," referring to a Quick Reaction Force that he says will be ready to move quickly to help those at the Capitol "in case of worst case scenarios."

Prosecutors say the Oath Keepers did take concrete steps to have a QRF outside Washington, D.C., ready to ferry weapons by boat from Virginia across the Potomac River into the city and to the Capitol.

The government says Caldwell sent an email to an associate with maps to help plan how to get into the city.

That makes him guilty.
Oath Keepers Leader Seen With Roger Stone Near DC Hotel on Jan 6 Is Arrested By FBI – Never Set a Foot Inside US Capitol
Oath Keepers Leader Seen With Roger Stone Near DC Hotel on Jan 6 Is Arrested By FBI - Never Set a Foot Inside US Capitol (thegatewaypundit.com)
9 Mar 2021
The FBI has arrested an Oath Keepers leader that was filmed hanging out near Roger Stone outside a DC hotel on January 6.
Roberto Minuta of Newburgh, N.Y., had become a subject of many viral tweets from the left, simply because he was seen with Stone on the day of the Capitol protest.
Minuta was arrested on Saturday, according to a report from ABC News.
“Minuta and others affiliated with the Oath Keepers breached the U.S. Capitol grounds, where Minuta aggressively berated and taunted U.S. Capitol police officers responsible for protecting the Capitol and the representatives inside of the Capitol,” according to charging documents obtained by ABC.​
Minuta’s wife told ABC that her husband was at the Capitol, but said that he never went inside and was just “another patriot outside the Capitol Building … standing up for freedom.”
In their effort to hold Minuta without bail until trial, they cited him opening his tattoo parlor in defiance of the lockdown, saying that “there’s evidence this man does not respect the law.”
Minuta’s attorney’s argued that he would not abandon his children or community.
Magistrate Judge Andrew Krause released Minuta on bail saying “Mr. Minuta was not engaged in any acts of violence on Jan. 6. I think it is an overstatement of the situation to say that because Mr. Minuta was wearing particular gear he is predisposed to particular acts of violence.”
In a statement to ABC News, Stone said that he does not know Minuta, nor was he “familiar with his name prior to his being identified in earlier media stories where it was alleged that he was involved in illegal events up at the Capitol.”
“If he was indeed among those who volunteered to provide security while I visited Washington DC I was unaware of it,” Stone said.
At least five people associated with the Oath Keepers have been arrested over the January 6 protest, three of them have been charged with conspiracy.

Meanwhile, Antifa/BLM continue to burn Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities..... Obviously the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat led FBI and DOJ are out to destroy we Deplorable Neanderthals that are standing up to the attacks on American cities.
The FBI is not concerned that, literally, more than half the republic now questions their credibilty. I guess Wray sees a glorious career crawl-path to quisling fake news, following in the knee-prints of Wallace, Scarbro, Comey and Brennan before him.
It appears that the PM/DSA Democrat Globalist Fascist controlled FBI has replaced the KGB/FSB as the most lawless, hated and corrupt political terrorists masquerading as law enforcement in history.
If that's true, then it should be easy for him to prevail in court. If it even gets that far.
No but he had contact with the members inside of capital that makes him aided and abetted
I was standing next to a mass of Trump supporters that day...but didn't stop at the capitol....now I know why my friend told me to leave my phone at the hotel....because of fascists like you and the FBI....
Freedom of association protects three types of activities: Joining with others to form associations. This means that government cannot prevent people from meeting together to form a group. ...

Not insurrection wise. Do know if someone you know commits' its the same as you committed a crime, you aided and abetted.

How many cities have been burned to the ground by the "Proud Boy's", or "Oath Keepers"?
The latest total for Antifa/BLM is over 140 since 2019..

Rioting in 140 cities after George Floyd's death will cost insurance industry $2 BILLION | Daily Mail Online
Violent Crime Explodes Across American Cities Following Nationwide Protests | The Daily Caller
Democrats stay silent on violence in their cities: Devine (nypost.com)
You know, all these people that are actually doing all this oppressive shit, weaponizing the .fed/.gov and siccing them on regular Americans (who have done nothing wrong and are just exercising their rights to question and hold accountable their own government officials), the surveillance crews, the analysts, the investigators, the fedboi cops coming to people's homes and making arrests at gunpoint, and the court personnel involved in every phase of prosecuting these Americans...... all of them are just as guilty as the higher ups. And the people giving the orders aren't the ones executing the orders given; all of that is being done by drones who want to keep their paychecks and their pensions.

And all of these folks who are actually doing the dirty work, have names and addresses.

Just saying.:cool:
You know, all these people that are actually doing all this oppressive shit, weaponizing the .fed/.gov and siccing them on regular Americans (who have done nothing wrong and are just exercising their rights to question and hold accountable their own government officials), the surveillance crews, the analysts, the investigators, the fedboi cops coming to people's homes and making arrests at gunpoint, and the court personnel involved in every phase of prosecuting these Americans...... all of them are just as guilty as the higher ups. And the people giving the orders aren't the ones executing the orders given; all of that is being done by drones who want to keep their paychecks and their pensions.

And all of these folks who are actually doing the dirty work, have names and addresses.

Just saying.:cool:

You want to.hold them accountable, vote. Don't raid the Capitol.
You know, all these people that are actually doing all this oppressive shit, weaponizing the .fed/.gov and siccing them on regular Americans (who have done nothing wrong and are just exercising their rights to question and hold accountable their own government officials), the surveillance crews, the analysts, the investigators, the fedboi cops coming to people's homes and making arrests at gunpoint, and the court personnel involved in every phase of prosecuting these Americans...... all of them are just as guilty as the higher ups. And the people giving the orders aren't the ones executing the orders given; all of that is being done by drones who want to keep their paychecks and their pensions.

And all of these folks who are actually doing the dirty work, have names and addresses.

Just saying.:cool:

You want to.hold them accountable, vote. Don't raid the Capitol.

You really think we're going to keep playing cards with you, let alone keep letting you deal, after we already caught you cheating your asses off?

Edited- promoting violence is against the rules
Last edited by a moderator:
The FBI is investigating anyone that was there that day and had their phone with them...this is tantamount to surveilling Americans....on American soil...maybe the FBI should get a copy of the bill of rights....
This is tantamount to catching the criminals who invaded our Capitol and lost their so-called rights when they precluded our elected officials from doing their job, injured innocent people, destroyed public and private property, and were responsible for the death of 7 people. When you take away, by force, the rights of others, you lose yours.
The FBI is investigating anyone that was there that day and had their phone with them...this is tantamount to surveilling Americans....on American soil...maybe the FBI should get a copy of the bill of rights....
This is tantamount to catching the criminals who invaded our Capitol and lost their so-called rights when they precluded our elected officials from doing their job, injured innocent people, destroyed public and private property, and were responsible for the death of 7 people. When you take away, by force, the rights of others, you lose yours.
Cool story bro.


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