Oakland A’s moving to Vegas

I think he was against Free agency?
He had 3-4 big deals lined up. The league disallowed those player sales.

Then he sold the entire team. I guess that went through? My mistake not being clear.

To best of my memory w/o looking it up. Catfish Hunter to Yankees? Denied. Etc.
The owners should have stood up to the league and said fuck you to free agency,that totally ruined the future of baseball giving the big market teams the advantage to where now the small market teams are just developing their players to go and play fir the pinstripes and dodgers. It sucks that they still don’t have revenue sharing like the nfl does,if the nfl was like baseball you would never see teams like the bengals,Steelers and packers in the playoffs as we have throughout the years,no way.
The hockey team is averaging 18K a game....That's pretty damn strong.
I know,I didn’t say they don’t fill up the stadium,I just said it’s always the opposing fans.now I may be wrong about the HOCKEY team not having home team fan support,I have never watched one of their games,I just know thst in the very beginning even in their first season there when they won a championship,they lacked hometown fan support,it was always the opposing teams that packed them in fir the majority of the fans.

that may have changed sense then and they started supporting the hockey team I don’t know,never have watched a game,I may be wrong on that one,things might have changed sense then I don’t know however I know for a FACT the raiders don’t have fan support though.the Raider brand is not embraced in Vegas at all,never will be.they rightly so consider them oaklands team and always will,that’s where they belong and will never support them even if they win the Super Bowl.everybody that has watched one of their games in Vegas knows that it’s always the opposing teams fans that show up,on sundays in Vegas fir Raider games so I’ll give you that one on the hockey team sense I’m not sure on that one.

the hockey team is their own team so the fan base in Vegas might have grown sense the first season I don’t know,however I know emphatically Vegas does not give a shit about the raiders and it’s always the opposing fans that pack them in fir those games every Sunday and fill up the stadium.i have watched enough raider games in Vegas to know that for a fact.:biggrin:

the NFL networks do their very best to coverup the lack of Raider fans support in the stadium by focusing in on the raiders fans in groups in the front rows but then they get careless at times and sometimes show the entire fans in the stadium and then they get exposed. Lol mark davis didn’t explode and get angry fir no reason you know.:abgg2q.jpg::laughing0301::rofl:

Unlike paid shills wrongwinger and Dragonidiot,I can admit it when I’m wrong and I don’t stoop to lies when I’m wrong either as they do.
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If full every night, that is 2.5 million seats sold a season.

Can you imagine what the team will charge the major gaming and entertainment companies in LV for season box seats?

The business plan could make the LV As the most lucrative business in the MLB per seat.
okay i have heard from a lot of idiots like WRONGwinger over the years claim sports teams are leaving Oakland because it is a shithole,despite the FACT vegas is just as much a shithole as Oakland is if not worse.:auiqs.jpg:so give it a rest already, Now I dont know about the warriors situation the fact that I dont follow basketball but i do know for a fact Mark Davis of the raiders and the owner of the A's as well never made any attempt to try and stay in oakland.

for the dumbasses who keep claiming oakland is a shithole then WHY is SF not losing teams? well they DID lose the niners,they are CALLED the san francisco 49ers but they are not in SF anymore so they lost their pro football team as well.they are the SANTA CLARA niners now.

you all going to tell me that SF is NOT a shithole? :auiqs.jpg:

again give it a rest on your BS argument oakland is a shithole,by saying that,you have the same credibility WRONGwinger,has ZERO.come up with a valid one like what Mr Frisco said that way you have credibility.

wrongwinger is excluded from replying the fact he cant own up to being wrong the Rams would never come back to LA but for all you nuts who keep saying Oakland is a shithole give it a rest because you make yourselves look like fools the fact that Boedicca who LIVES in oakland has said she PREFERS Oakland over SF right boedicca ? so the clowns that have said oakland is a shithole but ignores SF is as much a shithoile,you have lost your credibilty same as WRONGwinger the biggest joke poster at this site the fact he cant own up to it on the Rams are back in LA after saying they never would and trys to convince himself they are still playing in stank louis. :auiqs.jpg:
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How about the freaking owner updates where their product plays, and tax payers not foot the bill?

you dude have done your homework on WHY teams are leaving oakland,best damn post on this thread.:thup: glad to FINALLY see someone who knows what they are talking about. :thup: thanks fotr doing your homework Mr. Friscus
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Rocko yes rocko it sucks for Vegas,it sucks for all t Vegas and Nevada residents because the money for the stadium comes out of thier pockets,thsts why I say enough of this bullshit already I keep hearing from people that sports teams are leaving because Oakland is a dump,that statement is so pathetic,have you seen sf,it’s just as much a dump as Oakland.the truthful reason is with the raiders and as they are leaving because both owners want the people to publicly fund the stadium,california wisely did not do that but Vegas being corrupt as they are is,so get your facts straight,enough of this bs Oakland is a dump already when sf is just as much one yet theor sports teams aren’t leaving,Santa Clara got the niners cause the stadium was privately financed you idiots that say Oakland is a dump and that’s why their leaving.
I love the Raiders! I think Allegiant Stadium is beautiful! That said, I dislike seeing teams relocate. It's the local fans who pay the price for cheap owners. But it's not on the owners. It's Oakland officials who didn't appreciate their baseball team. Or they would have built their stadium. Now they will lose them to another state. They will take their nine A's championships, Fifteen AL Pennants, Seventeen division crowns, and Four wild card births elsewhere. Someone will appreciate their winning history.
LV wants the A's even with the ownership group (they are terrible). LV's leaders have been able to work with Davis of the Raiders, and that is miracle.
I love the Raiders! I think Allegiant Stadium is beautiful! That said, I dislike seeing teams relocate. It's the local fans who pay the price for cheap owners. But it's not on the owners. It's Oakland officials who didn't appreciate their baseball team. Or they would have built their stadium. Now they will lose them to another state. They will take their nine A's championships, Fifteen AL Pennants, Seventeen division crowns, and Four wild card births elsewhere. Someone will appreciate their winning history.
You didn’t read my previous post which proves it is all on the owners,the warriors situation I know nothing about but that fag mark davis made no attempts whatsoever to try and stay in Oakland neither did the As owner,they are evil mother fuckers who want the public to fund their stadiums which is why the as are going to join the raiders in Vegas.

,the city of Oakland tried to numerous times to get in touch with davis to get discussions going,he never once met with them to discuss the possibility’s.fag davis won’t do it the right way the niners and rams did which were privately funded,the government officials in nevada are also evil mother fuckers by making the public fund the stadium,that snake mark davis took advantage of it and thsts why he moved to Vegas because as you said,he is a cheap owner who won’t finance his own stadium.same with that other motherfucker dean spanos.he took advantage of the opportunity given by him by the league to live off the efforts of kronke to have a stadium financed for him in LA because that fucker is also a cheap asshole who does not give a shit about h the fans of San Diego who also got screwed just as Oakland has.

The NFL owners are all going to burn in hell fir thier corruption,thousands of livlihoods in Oakland and sd were lost because of those two and the owners giving them the approval to leave and those motherfuckers did not give a shit and neither does the owner of the As.anybody who watches the corrupt nfl every week is a fucking idiot,once in a great while is okay but not every week.

These evil motherfuckers of the nfl don’t give a shit about history or destroying the livlihoods of thousands of people,they put shiny brand new state of the art stadiums ahead of history and tradition and so does the As owner.that’s why anybody who supports the nfl is an idiot.

You think the Santa Clara niners would still be in california had the owner relied on public funding to get their stadium built as davis did instead of having it privately financed as it was? Better think again if your answer is yes.
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Rocko yes rocko it sucks for Vegas,it sucks for all t Vegas and Nevada residents because the money for the stadium comes out of thier pockets,thsts why I say enough of this bullshit already I keep hearing from people that sports teams are leaving because Oakland is a dump,that statement is so pathetic,have you seen sf,it’s just as much a dump as Oakland.the truthful reason is with the raiders and as they are leaving because both owners want the people to publicly fund the stadium,california wisely did not do that but Vegas being corrupt as they are is,so get your facts straight,enough of this bs Oakland is a dump already when sf is just as much one yet theor sports teams aren’t leaving,Santa Clara got the niners cause the stadium was privately financed you idiots that say Oakland is a dump and that’s why their leaving.
There have always been successful sports franchises in marginal cities.
My parents lived in the bay area (Oakland and San Francisco) during the Raiders heyday in the 70's and 80's as well as during some of the best years that the A's had.

The sports teams were one of the few things to be proud of in Oakland back then.

What makes the biggest difference in a sports franchise is how ownership and management funds and supports them, IMO.
There have always been successful sports franchises in marginal cities.
My parents lived in the bay area (Oakland and San Francisco) during the Raiders heyday in the 70's and 80's as well as during some of the best years that the A's had.

The sports teams were one of the few things to be proud of in Oakland back then.

What makes the biggest difference in a sports franchise is how ownership and management funds and supports them, IMO.
The major sports leagues are over bloated with excessive money from TV in all ways massive contracts. Football has parity. Hockey is a sport with limited popularity and depends on filling the arenas. Even though the player earn a good living while baseball and basketball are the haves and have nots. A meltdown in sports and their empires is needed. It will be better for all of us.
You didn’t read my previous post which proves it is all on the owners,the warriors situation I know nothing about but that fag mark davis made no attempts whatsoever to try and stay in Oakland neither did the As owner,they are evil mother fuckers who want the public to fund their stadiums which is why the as are going to join the raiders in Vegas.

,the city of Oakland tried to numerous times to get in touch with davis to get discussions going,he never once met with them to discuss the possibility’s.fag davis won’t do it the right way the niners and rams did which were privately funded,the government officials in nevada are also evil mother fuckers by making the public fund the stadium,that snake mark davis took advantage of it and thsts why he moved to Vegas because as you said,he is a cheap owner who won’t finance his own stadium.same with that other motherfucker dean spanos.he took advantage of the opportunity given by him by the league to live off the efforts of kronke to have a stadium financed for him in LA because that fucker is also a cheap asshole who does not give a shit about h the fans of San Diego who also got screwed just as Oakland has.

The NFL owners are all going to burn in hell fir thier corruption,thousands of livlihoods in Oakland and sd were lost because of those two and the owners giving them the approval to leave and those motherfuckers did not give a shit and neither does the owner of the As.anybody who watches the corrupt nfl every week is a fucking idiot,once in a great while is okay but not every week.

These evil motherfuckers of the nfl don’t give a shit about history or destroying the livlihoods of thousands of people,they put shiny brand new state of the art stadiums ahead of history and tradition and so does the As owner.that’s why anybody who supports the nfl is an idiot.

You think the Santa Clara niners would still be in california had the owner relied on public funding to get their stadium built as davis did instead of having it privately financed as it was? Better think again if your answer is yes.
No, I read it. It's not on the ownership. Ownership tried everything over a decade ago. MLB implied Oakland was moving too slowly on Howard Terminal Ballpark, which opened the door to relocation. It doesn't help. On October 5, 2015, the United States Supreme Court rejected San Jose's bid on the Athletics. The residents of Chinatown didn't help either. They prevented them from moving to the Peralta area. They should have had a new stadium by now. They signed a ten-year lease that expires next year, and they play in a dump. Doesn't the fan experience matter anymore?
No, I read it. It's not on the ownership. Ownership tried everything over a decade ago. MLB implied Oakland was moving too slowly on Howard Terminal Ballpark, which opened the door to relocation. It doesn't help. On October 5, 2015, the United States Supreme Court rejected San Jose's bid on the Athletics. The residents of Chinatown didn't help either. They prevented them from moving to the Peralta area. They should have had a new stadium by now. They signed a ten-year lease that expires next year, and they play in a dump. Doesn't the fan experience matter anymore?
wrong that they tried everything,the oakland officials were saying they were finally making progress on Howard Terminal in the last couple of years and when they tried discussing it with Kaval he made no attempt to try and listen to them,the progress they were finally making. He saw what traiter fag Davis did and thought that was an excellent idea to try as well.

Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao also released a statement that reads,

"I am deeply disappointed that the A's have chosen not to negotiate with the City of Oakland as a true partner, in a way that respects the long relationship between the fans, the City and the team. The City has gone above and beyond in our attempts to arrive at mutually beneficial terms to keep the A's in Oakland. In the last three months, we've made significant strides to close the deal. Yet, it is clear to me that the A's have no intention of staying in Oakland and have simply been using this process to try to extract a better deal out of Las Vegas. I am not interested in continuing to play that game - the fans and our residents deserve better.
I am incredibly proud of what we have accomplished as a City, including securing a fully entitled site and over $375 million in new infrastructure investment that will benefit Oakland and its Port for generations to come. In a time of budget deficits, I refuse to compromise the safety and well-being of our residents. Given these realities, we are ceasing negotiations and moving forward on alternatives for the redevelopment of Howard Terminal."

just like that motherfucker gay bastard mark davis who also never had any interest in trying to stay in oakland who will burn in hell with his father Al and join him.


try to keep up. The ONLY reason SAN DIEGO has the padres still is SD to their stupidity funded it,the city this time around did not do that with the chargers as motherfucker spanos wanted them to do so he bolted to LA. fuck the NFL and fuck MLB and all these evil greedy bastard owners.
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i think a lot of people are going to be shocked to find out the A's WONT be moving to Vegas.Listen to this video,a very good listen.makes perfect sense.

He also says in it that the A's wont be staying in oakland either though which no doubt is true.motherfucker Kaval same as motherfucker Davis wants the city to foot the bill and california does not publicly fund stadiums anymore.the ONLY reason the padres did not leave SD as the chargers did is they publicly funded the stadium. it was just a few years later after that when california decided to stop publicly funding stadiums.

I wouldnt be surprised in the least if they eventually became the MONTREAL A;S.:auiqs.jpg:

the next city that takes them will eventually have their heart broken as well,this team is a merry go round circus that cant make up their mind what city to play in.
wrong that they tried everything,the oakland officials were saying they were finally making progress on Howard Terminal in the last couple of years and when they tried discussing it with Kaval he made no attempt to try and listen to them,the progress they were finally making. He saw what traiter fag Davis did and thought that was an excellent idea to try as well.

Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao also released a statement that reads,

"I am deeply disappointed that the A's have chosen not to negotiate with the City of Oakland as a true partner, in a way that respects the long relationship between the fans, the City and the team. The City has gone above and beyond in our attempts to arrive at mutually beneficial terms to keep the A's in Oakland. In the last three months, we've made significant strides to close the deal. Yet, it is clear to me that the A's have no intention of staying in Oakland and have simply been using this process to try to extract a better deal out of Las Vegas. I am not interested in continuing to play that game - the fans and our residents deserve better.
I am incredibly proud of what we have accomplished as a City, including securing a fully entitled site and over $375 million in new infrastructure investment that will benefit Oakland and its Port for generations to come. In a time of budget deficits, I refuse to compromise the safety and well-being of our residents. Given these realities, we are ceasing negotiations and moving forward on alternatives for the redevelopment of Howard Terminal."

just like that motherfucker gay bastard mark davis who also never had any interest in trying to stay in oakland who will burn in hell with his father Al and join him.


try to keep up. The ONLY reason SAN DIEGO has the padres still is SD to their stupidity funded it,the city this time around did not do that with the chargers as motherfucker spanos wanted them to do so he bolted to LA. fuck the NFL and fuck MLB and all these evil greedy bastard owners.
oh and finally if A's ownership were REALLY sencere on wanting to stay in Oakland they would have privately financed the damn stadium themselves,have you been paying attention that this stadium in vegas is being PUBLICY funded? obviously not.:uhoh3:
Don’t be so sure the A,s are going to Vegas everyone.if you have been following the situation the Nevada legislator is not all thst thrilled over the A,s proposal they have and unlike with the Raiders,the city is not eager as they were with the Raiders to have another publicly funded stadium.they were all bells and whistles with the raiders to do that but that is not the case at all with the A,s.they have been frowning on the A,s coming there,thst never happened with the Raiders.

It’s not a done deal.There is a strong chance Vegas never happens and if so while I don’t think they will move to vegas,I am being realistic so I don’t think they will stay in Oakland either,they will probably end up somewhere else let’s say Montreal? Or a realistic choice that could very well pan out is Memphis,they got the titans after all so that could work in favor of them depending on what THEIR position is on public funding.

These greedy evil bastard owners always want a hand out and never want to build thier own fucking stadium.

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