NYU professor we're on the verge of completely losing our culture


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
NYU professor Michael Rectenwald warns that western civilization is under siege from Maoist totalitarians and that we are on the verge of “completely losing our culture.”
NYU Professor: We’re On the Verge of “Completely Losing Our Culture”

And most anybody with. a brain knows this, understand this and get this. Including this guy in the article the only ones who get it are the useless losers who want to teach children how the hell to use a vibrator, how to hate Trump, be ANTIFA, oh wait all Trump haters are ANTIFA's even those not within their group.
Only an utter idiot does not see that worldwide the west is dying.

The sickening part is, we have brought it on ourselves with our pathetic birthrate, and allowing our countries to be overran by third-world scabs.
NYU professor Michael Rectenwald warns that western civilization is under siege from Maoist totalitarians and that we are on the verge of “completely losing our culture.”
NYU Professor: We’re On the Verge of “Completely Losing Our Culture”

And most anybody with. a brain knows this, understand this and get this. Including this guy in the article the only ones who get it are the useless losers who want to teach children how the hell to use a vibrator, how to hate Trump, be ANTIFA, oh wait all Trump haters are ANTIFA's even those not within their group.
Another total coward. Just what we need :rolleyes:
White, and in the minority
She speaks English. Her co-workers don’t. Inside a rural chicken plant, whites struggle to fit in.


It was minutes before the end of the first shift, and the beginning of the second, and the hallways at the chicken plant swarmed with workers coming and going. One pulled a hairnet over her curly hair, giggling at a joke. Two others exchanged kisses on the cheek. A woman with a black ponytail hugged everyone within reach. And a thin, ashen woman, whom no one greeted or even seemed to notice, suddenly smiled.

There he was. Standing near the lockers. Tall and crew-cut. Her boyfriend.

“Hi,” said Heaven Engle, 20.

“Hey,” replied Venson Heim, 25

How does it feel to be white, rural and in the minority?

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