NYC Mayor Guarantees Comprehensive Health Care for All in Historic Surprise Announcement

It's awesome that we have so many experts here. They all know so much about how to run a city!
Especially POYUS apologists that think that a failed businessman can run the US federal government.

No, that was a question. I take it you did not read the OPs link.

Of course I did.
I'm not a leftist. So where will the money come from?

Read it again. The info you seek is in the article.

NYC Guarantees Comprehensive Health Care for All

In fact, just in the video, I already see the failure before it happens.

The Mayor said there were 600,000 thousands people that are uninsured. Then claims it will cost $100 Million dollars.

But then the reporter goes on to say there were people struggling to pay hospital bills.

Point being, many people are paying their hospital bills. What happens when this plan is enacted? They are all going to jump off the 'pay-your-bills' plan, and jump on the free health care plan.

The amount of people 'needing' city funded health care will drastically increase.

I can tell you from my own experience: Many years back, I ended up in the hospital. I had a huge hospital bill. I slowly paid it off over several years.

Now if the city I'm in, offered to pay it for me, you can bet your entire life savings, I would have been more than happy to let the government take care of my responsibilities. Absolutely. If you are dumb enough to pay my bills, I'll let your stupid butt do it.

And if you think that is just me...

Hawaii Ending Universal Child Health Care

Hawaii had a subsidized "all children covered" health care plan. The result was tons of people dropped insurance on their kids, to get the governments tax payer funded plan.

That 600,000 uninsured, that he is using as a basis for that $100 Million estimate.... is going to be millions of people, with a cost of billions.

Guarantee it.
It's awesome that we have so many experts here. They all know so much about how to run a city!

LOL, HC is what I do. Wait until those good Lefty New Yawers get hit with the bill ;)

It's what you do?

You run municipal health care programs?

(smile) I am a Health Care consultant. They will revolt when they get the bill.

Did your premiums triple under Obamacare?

Don't be silly. Individual Premiums did. I am one of the fortunate ones who has very good Group Insurance.

Oh! You're one of the 95% of insured who saw no real change in their premiums but got improved coverage as a result of Obamacere?

Cool. Me too.

The USMB has LOTS of members who really got the shaft. But they couldn't provide the evidence. It was a fun time.
It's awesome that we have so many experts here. They all know so much about how to run a city!
Especially POYUS apologists that think that a failed businessman can run the US federal government.
I just did.
No, that was a question. I take it you did not read the OPs link.

Of course I did.
I'm not a leftist. So where will the money come from?
Read it again. The info you seek is in the article.

NYC Guarantees Comprehensive Health Care for All

What a tard.....
So where did the money come from? barry money?
Magic money from thin air? Surely you have an answer?
The mayor already said taxes would not be raised to pay for this. That the city would cover the additional cost. You didn't read the OP link.

Yeah...and barry said we'd save $2500 a year and we could keep our Doctors.
Go sell your bullshit elsewhere.
It's awesome that we have so many experts here. They all know so much about how to run a city!
Especially POYUS apologists that think that a failed businessman can run the US federal government.
No, that was a question. I take it you did not read the OPs link.

Of course I did.
I'm not a leftist. So where will the money come from?
Read it again. The info you seek is in the article.

NYC Guarantees Comprehensive Health Care for All

What a tard.....
So where did the money come from? barry money?
Magic money from thin air? Surely you have an answer?
The mayor already said taxes would not be raised to pay for this. That the city would cover the additional cost. You didn't read the OP link.

Yeah...and barry said we'd save $2500 a year and we could keep our Doctors.
Go sell your bullshit elsewhere.

95% of insured people.kept their doctors. You missed the memo. That bullshit died long ago.

And, my family saved $2500 per year by getting free physicals, colonoscopies, op-gyn care and breast exams that are now part of our coverage.

But that's just me.
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On the other hand, with California and New York attracting all the low life illegals other states might be quite attractive.
It's awesome that we have so many experts here. They all know so much about how to run a city!
Especially POYUS apologists that think that a failed businessman can run the US federal government.
Of course I did.
I'm not a leftist. So where will the money come from?
Read it again. The info you seek is in the article.

NYC Guarantees Comprehensive Health Care for All

What a tard.....
So where did the money come from? barry money?
Magic money from thin air? Surely you have an answer?
The mayor already said taxes would not be raised to pay for this. That the city would cover the additional cost. You didn't read the OP link.

Yeah...and barry said we'd save $2500 a year and we could keep our Doctors.
Go sell your bullshit elsewhere.

95% of insured people.kept their doctors. You missed the memo. That bullshit died long ago.

And, my family saved $2500 per year by getting free physicals, colonoscopies, po-gyn care and breast exams that are now part of our coverage.

But that's just me.

Prove it.
If it healthcare will be great for New Yorkers
Relax. No individual New Yorker will pay for it. It'll be entirely financed by new and enhanced taxes on businesses

Sometimes I'm not sure. You're being facetious...right?

Facetious? Not hardly. Just taking the liberal point of view. No "progressive" can comprehend that there are only three outcomes to piling new taxes on business:

1. Higher consumer prices
2. Layoffs
3. Businesses closing

But in the short term that's where the money will come from

Short term.

Then will come increases in upper-income tax rates followed by an Exodus of Egyptian proportions. But only of those who have sufficient income to escape.
From the OP's link:
At a press conference Tuesday, de Blasio said the plan will provide primary and specialty care, from pediatrics to OBGYN, geriatric, mental health and other services, to the city's roughly 600,000 uninsured.

The city already has the foundation for such a plan — a public health insurance option that helps get direct care to undocumented residents.

That option will be expanded, the mayor said, and supported with the addition of a new program called NYC Care. Patients who seek health coverage through NYC Care will receive a card that allows them to see a primary care doctor and seek specialty care services, de Blasio said.

Those who can afford to pay will pay for services on a sliding scale, while those who can't will receive free coverage, he noted.

I must be missing something, why would anybody in NYC continue paying for their HCI unless they are above whatever the top end of the income This might start out at 600,000, but it's gonna go up as new uninsured come into the city and current residents drop their HCI. Are NYers from upstate going to foot the bill for whatever the city can't pay? Is it going to come out of their Medicaid program money from the federal gov't? The money's gotta come from somewhere.
I D Ah...

We need to build a wall around NYC. Is Kurt Russell busy?
If you thought the cost of living in NYC was expensive now, wait until the health care is "free"

New York City will begin guaranteeing comprehensive health care to every single resident regardless of someone's ability to pay or immigration status, an unprecedented plan that will protect the more than half-a-million New Yorkers currently using the ER as a primary provider, Mayor Bill de Blasio said.

It's not health insurance, his spokesman clarified after the surprise announcement on MSNBC Tuesday morning.

"This is the city paying for direct comprehensive care (not just ERs) for people who can't afford it, or can't get comprehensive Medicaid — including 300,000 undocumented New Yorkers," spokesman Eric Phillips tweeted.

NYC Guarantees Comprehensive Health Care for All

Why not? It is not his money. And he is hoping nobody shows up (fear of deportation). He can appear to be a Hero with Care4all money.
Florida will now be on a construction alert, building homes
for the next 50,000 from Upstate NY that head South.
NYC is not upstate

I know that.

But Upstate NY is where all the New Yorkers flee to Florida from.

Upstate NY is fucked over because of having to support a;; the Coons
and S-p-I-c-s in NYC
That's total BS dude, and you know it. You got called out.

Horse shit it's BS.

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