NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Asks All Private Employers to Impose Vaccine Mandates 'Immediately'

Jim H - VA USA

Plutonium Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2020
De Blasio knows that the government can't mandate vaccines, as it is a fundamental right to be able to make your own medical decisions. It's as American as apple pie.

So, the dirty Dem instead digs deep and uses a coercive tactic to get private businesses to threaten employees with termination if they have personal reasons for which they wish not to be vaccinated.

'Private enterprise rights are different than for a public entity,' de Blasio said on Friday.

He's a tyrant.

As of March, over 2 million New Yorkers already had COVID (2nd link). There is no reason for them to be vaccinated, as they have better immunity than any of the vaccines can provide (3rd & 4th links).

The party of Science strikes again.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio asks ALL private employers to impose vaccine mandates 'immediately' and 'do the maximum you feel you can do'​

  • Bill de Blasio on Friday told WNYC radio he felt private employers should enforce proof of vaccination among their staff
  • The mayor of New York City said 'I urge every employer to go to any form of mandate that you're comfortable with.'
  • He praised San Francisco for forcing city workers to be vaccinated, saying that was setting the tone for the future
  • On Wednesday he announced mandatory COVID-19 testing for employees of the city's public hospital and health clinic systems beginning in August, or face weekly testing
  • Staff will have to get one of the vaccines or face weekly COVID tests after a third of all workers refused to get a shot
  • The order will cover Health and Hospitals employees in addition to those who work at the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene's public clinics

"Not one of the 1359 previously infected subjects who remained unvaccinated had a SARS-CoV-2 infection over the duration of the study."

will the STALINIST Pi erson-------ensure all employers against liability in case the
COERCED employees are harmed by the vaccine?
Of course not. Everyone has to sign a waiver before getting vaccinated. It includes text like the following...

"I, ____________________________, have voluntarily chosen to request and obtain the Moderna COVID-19 vaccination...

, _________________________ assume all risks of requesting the vaccination including... the potential risk of having side effects due to the vaccine,...

I understand that it is not possible to predict all possible side effects or complications associated with receiving vaccine(s). I understand the risks and benefits associated with the above vaccine and have received, read and/or had explained to me the Emergency Use Authorization Fact Sheet on the COVID-19 vaccine I have elected to receive. I also acknowledge that I have had a chance to ask questions and that such questions were answered to my satisfaction.

WAIVER OF LAWSUIT/LIABILITY: I __________________________ do hereby waive, release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Saint Leo University, its officers, agents, employees, the organizers, sponsors, activity supervisors, co-sponsoring organizations and participants on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns, representatives, or any other individual acting on my or my estate’s behalf, for any claim, demand, liability, costs, suits, charges or compensation for loss or injury of any kind arising out of a loss or an injury, including losses or injuries arising in whole or in part from the negligence...

I understand that this waiver means I give up my right to bring any claims including for personal injuries, death, disease or property losses, or any other loss, including but not limited to claims of negligence and give up any claim I may have to seek damages, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen."
This type of shit going down is what legislators should be addressing to protect employees. Petsmart tried to get me to sign all their crap after I was injured. They then refused to specify what the chemicals were that I was covered in. Then Travelers refused to provide me adequate care. They sent me to a drug addict doctor who attempted to poison me further with drugs which I refused. Since I refused to be poisoned on top of being poisoned already they claimed I was uncooperative. It took me over four years to find out what the ingredients were that I was covered in and come to learn that for every one gallon of chemical that spilled on me there should have been five hundred gallons of water.

Peoples signature is one of the most valuable things they own and they should all be aware of this. If they are not they should be taught that.
This type of shit going down is what legislators should be addressing to protect employees. Petsmart tried to get me to sign all their crap after I was injured. They then refused to specify what the chemicals were that I was covered in. Then Travelers refused to provide me adequate care. They sent me to a drug addict doctor who attempted to poison me further with drugs which I refused. Since I refused to be poisoned on top of being poisoned already they claimed I was uncooperative. It took me over four years to find out what the ingredients were that I was covered in and come to learn that for every one gallon of chemical that spilled on me there should have been five hundred gallons of water.

Peoples signature is one of the most valuable things they own and they should all be aware of this. If they are not they should be taught that.
Good advice.

Yep, never sign a contract that is not "win-win." Each side should have something to gain. If it simply is a form where you give up your rights, don't sign it. If they pressure you to do so, refuse or politely tell them that you'd like to let your lawyer look at it to see if it is your best interests to do so.
States and local governments can set vaccine mandates...and it has been affirmed by the Supreme Court.
Not really, only indirectly.

They can tell people that they cannot attend school if they haven't been vaccinated.

They can tell public health care workers that they will be out of a job or have to be tested weekly if they haven't been vaccinated.

They can't actually mandate that someone get the vaccine.
As usual seabytch is wrong.

Health Prog

. 1990 Oct;71(8):38-41, 57.

After Cruzan. The U. S. Supreme Court's decision settles the case but raises new questions​

S H Johnson 1

  • PMID: 10107437


In its Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health, decision the U.S. Supreme Court addressed only states' authority in the refusal of medical treatment. But the case itself drew national attention to the issue, and physicians and healthcare facilities should expect to see living wills and durable powers of attorney increase as a result. Legal concerns will also arise as a result of misconceptions regarding the law. The Court was careful to qualify and limit its support of the Missouri Supreme Court's decision. As opposed to the latter's nearly outright denial of an individual's right to refuse medical treatment, the U.S. Supreme Court's majority opinion asserted that a competent person has a "constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment." And although the Court upheld Missouri's requirement that there be "clear and convincing evidence" of an incompetent patient's previously expressed wishes before treatment can be discontinued, it did not make such evidence mandatory for states with different law. Finally, in a separate concurring opinion Justice Sandra Day O'Connor asserted that a patient-designated proxy could be an acceptable "source of evidence" of a patient's intent. If the proxy does in fact have some constitutional status, this status should motivate state courts and legislatures to recognize the practice.

Tyrants don't ask.

Stupid thread from a stupid person.

Thank you, keyboard warrior, for your valuable feedback.

Your superior intellect is readily apparent from your sophisticated prose.

However, I suppose the part about him using private employers to coerce people to get vaccinated against their will is slightly more complicated of a subject than you are able to comprehend. If you think that is a "stupid" topic unworthy of intelligent discussion, you should probably move on to other threads which are more at your level.
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Fauci says vaccines should be mandated at the local level but the federal government will not mandate them

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci said he supported mandates at local institutions like schools and businesses.
  • He also said formal full approval of COVID-19 vaccines in the US might help combat hesitancy.

"I do believe at the local level there should be more mandates," Fauci said. "We're talking about life-and-death situation. We've lost 600,000 Americans already, and we're still losing more people. There've been 4 million deaths worldwide, so I am in favor of that."

NFL Makes Vaccines Mandatory. Fauci Applauds The Move. Coaches Fired For Not Complying​

The NFL is sending a very strong signal that it’s very important to get vaccinated. If you want to play football and you want to do it in a way that you feel unrestricted and not worry about any penalties, you just get vaccinated, because they’re saying that if unvaccinated people get infected, there are going to be consequences.
I think that gives them the impetus to do the same sort of thing. And I think you’re going to be seeing that there will be local mandates, be they from colleges and universities or places of business that there will be pressures for people to get vaccinated.
Dr. Fauci
As usual seabytch is wrong.

Health Prog

. 1990 Oct;71(8):38-41, 57.

After Cruzan. The U. S. Supreme Court's decision settles the case but raises new questions​

S H Johnson 1

  • PMID: 10107437


In its Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health, decision the U.S. Supreme Court addressed only states' authority in the refusal of medical treatment. But the case itself drew national attention to the issue, and physicians and healthcare facilities should expect to see living wills and durable powers of attorney increase as a result. Legal concerns will also arise as a result of misconceptions regarding the law. The Court was careful to qualify and limit its support of the Missouri Supreme Court's decision. As opposed to the latter's nearly outright denial of an individual's right to refuse medical treatment, the U.S. Supreme Court's majority opinion asserted that a competent person has a "constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment." And although the Court upheld Missouri's requirement that there be "clear and convincing evidence" of an incompetent patient's previously expressed wishes before treatment can be discontinued, it did not make such evidence mandatory for states with different law. Finally, in a separate concurring opinion Justice Sandra Day O'Connor asserted that a patient-designated proxy could be an acceptable "source of evidence" of a patient's intent. If the proxy does in fact have some constitutional status, this status should motivate state courts and legislatures to recognize the practice.

Wrong case.
Wrong case.
Big difference in years and technology there. You really don't get it do you? You cannot force anyone to be your personal lab rat.
Big difference in years and technology there. You really don't get it do you? You cannot force anyone to be your personal lab rat.
Yep. The defendant who refused to get vaccinated was not forced to get vaccinated. He had to pay a $5 fine.
Fine. COVID vaccine deniers can pay a fine to help offset the increased cost to our Heath system.
Oh I am paying for it, all right, with my private insurance coverage.

I'm not anti-vaccine, BTW. All for it. I am just strongly anti-mandate. Millions of Americans who already had COVID have no reason to get vaccinated. Others might have concerns about the approval status, rare but thousands of reported health effects, religious reasons, young and/or healthy, etc.

The swiftness of getting novel, arguably very effective vaccines into arms is one of Trump Admin's many great accomplishments. Glad to see that Dems like his success so much that they really really want everyone to share in it.

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