NY Times Admits the Hunter Biden Emails from his Laptop are Real

When media is going to report on this Russian misinformation?

. . and folks will believe everything these sources say about Russia and everything about what provoked this war, and why we should get involved.

Even though Hunter worked for a Ukrainian company in Ukraine, Victorian Nuland helped spark a coup and an Orange Revolution there, and CrowdStrike, the company that was supposedly in charge of analyzing the hack, rather than the leak, for the FBI, was run by a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch with close ties to the DNC, and the interlocking media directorate. . . . folks just don't get it. . .

I do not understand why we need to get entangled in Europe, it stinks all to high hell. . .

The duopoly offers up corrupt "choices" and then spends all its time discussing their corruption. Such an easy way to maintain its power and make its members and those it represents rich.

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