NY Gov. Cuomo issues a Disaster Emergency executive order on Gun Violence.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
After his "UnSafe" gun law NY Gov Andrew Cuomo, issues another infringement on New Yorkers second amendment rights, by declaring an executive order Emergency Disaster on Gun Violence. The problem is not guns, but mentally ill people with guns. When will Democratic politicians see the real problem.?
You can make declarations, gun grabs, big, stiff laws, and you will still face the same outcome. Criminals are rarely motivated by punishment or laws. Primarily because they don't believe they will get caught, but also in some cases, they don't care,

There was a big, strapping guy in High School who apparently had a beef with some other guy. The other guy wasn't very big or intimidating. I recall having a conversation with the big dude about the other guy and why he avoided any fight with him after it escalated. He told me words I have always kept close, "I can take him in a fight, the problem is that this guy doesn't have anything to live for. I don't know what he might do down the line when I'm not looking".

A light clicked in my head. Just as Sun Tzu stated "do not attack a desperate army on their way home to their families", the same mantra is true of those who have little to live for. They don't care about laws, rules or even life itself. If they don't care about their own lives, they sure as hell won't care about others.
You have to drop the premise that bed wetters give a fruit fly's fuck about any other person's "safety". In fact they're doing everything they can to create a narrative that all crime is somehow the fault of the availability of weapons. Bed wetter DA's and judges allow violent sociopaths to terrorize urban communities by either not prosecuting them, or letting them out of jail. Then you have bed wetter "community" agitators who demand what police are still working to suffer for shooting these violent parasites.

Democrook political whores WANT the chaos and violence. In whatever sphincter functions as their "minds", the majority of the public will clamor for the government to confiscate all the guns if they can make people feel vulnerable enough. The problem is they're too fucking stupid to realize they lost the argument.

The State of New York created this disaster with their bail reform program, And releasing dangerous criminals into the society. This is why we have an increase in gun violence. New York State caused this Gun disaster emergency, with their criminal justice policy. They eliminated bail for many criminals.
Watch out for those E.-Orders Andy. The last one you issued cost the lives of an estimated 10,000 nursing home residents.
The State of New York created this disaster with their bail reform program, And releasing dangerous criminals into the society. This is why we have an increase in gun violence. New York State caused this Gun disaster emergency, with their criminal justice policy. They eliminated bail for many criminals.

They've been allowing their police to be attacked by criminals with pails of water in the middle of the street, and police can't do a thing about it. They had the highest amount of officers taking early retirement or just leaving the force for higher grounds after the Floyd thing in their history. De-funding the police? What a great idea................for criminals.

In Chicago, Mayor Lighthead created policy that police can no longer give foot pursuit until an officer calls his supervisor to get permission to chase a suspect. By the time he does, the criminal has a six block head start. Chicago had at least 100 people shot over Independence day weekend resulting in 18 deaths so far.

But Democrats are not the problem--guns are.
Benito Cuomo knows that Democrat Voters are criminals.
He knows that his criminals will ignore any gun laws that he passes.
He just wants to protect his criminals from law abiding citizens who want to defend themselves from his criminals.

- After publicly acknowledging elderly Americans are the most likely to die from COVID-19 the SOB issues an order to pack nursing homes with virus-infected patients, resulting in the needless deaths of THOUSANDS of Americans. He is guilty of Manslaughter!

-Evidence and whistleblowers have exposed the fact that he KNEW he was in trouble and committed fraud on the federal govt by intentionally falsely misreporting the death count to save his ass.

- He has been exposed as a sexual predator who sexually harassed and sexually assaulted women, to include interns....and there is photographic evidence of his crime.

- He used staff members to work on / type up his book, which is a CRIME.

Just a few minutes ago on TV liberal media was talking about he is up for RE-ELECTION in about a year....


How is this criminal, murderous SOB still in office and not wearing an orange jump suit?
Benito Cuomo knows that Democrat Voters are criminals.
He knows that his criminals will ignore any gun laws that he passes.
He just wants to protect his criminals from law abiding citizens who want to defend themselves from his criminals.

Cuomo is another Democrat that lives by the creed of never letting a good crisis go to waste. He wants to take failed Democrat leadership that caused these problems and place them on an inanimate object. The sheep will be stupid enough to believe him too.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland

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