Nursing homes: Vax all employees or lose federal funding!

My wife worked at one for years and every year had to get the flu shot or get fired. She didn't have to work just liked helping. No difference. But they do have a hard time finding employee's because of the low pay for the amount of responsibility they have. The average starting pay still is $10.00 for 12 hour days.

The flu shot has decades of research, developments and use to make such a demand. The covid vaccine is all experimental with less than a year since it's been released to the public. It's really an apples and oranges comparison.

If people were assured of it's safety 100% we'd have a lot more people vaccinated today. As for institutions that make it mandatory to keep your job, if something turns out that this vaccine causes serious harm to people, those places will be liable for forcing their medical advice on their employees.
It's about time that was mandated thank God. I work in a nursing home, most of our residents are very fragile and vulnerable. I think it's selfish anyone working there would not be vaccinated. It's not just a job.

If it's okay to mandate employees be vaccinated, would it be just as okay to require all residents to be vaccinated as well? Hold those old ladies down while that nurse is injecting them with an experimental drug like a lab rat.
Come on, you know they do.

My wife worked at one for years and every year had to get the flu shot or get fired. She didn't have to work just liked helping. No difference. But they do have a hard time finding employee's because of the low pay for the amount of responsibility they have. The average starting pay still is $10.00 for 12 hour days.
There is apparently no difference in the contagion factor between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed.....therefore unlike the well worn and time tested vaccinations programs that are in most healthcare institutions ( I worked in one myself and had to to it ) the thinking minds right now would like to wait to see what the hell is up with the NEW needle mania......

If it's okay to mandate employees be vaccinated, would it be just as okay to require all residents to be vaccinated as well? Hold those old ladies down while that nurse is injecting them with an experimental drug like a lab rat.
We did not have to do that, we had 100% compliance from the residents or their families ( if they were not responsible for themselves ). I guess the old people don't believe any of the misinformation that is going around.
We did not have to do that, we had 100% compliance from the residents or their families ( if they were not responsible for themselves ). I guess the old people don't believe any of the misinformation that is going around.
Or they figure they're at the end of their life anyway, and waking up in a nursing home instead of a house or apartment you might as well not be around very long anyhow. if the shot kills you, so what. That's the way my father now 90 year old father looked at it along with my mother, so they got the shot.

A healthy 24 year old is on a different line of thinking. What will this stuff do to me in seven or ten years? What can it do to my children that they don't know about?

In my situation I'm in my early 60's with a few serious medical conditions. That's the only reason I got it. If I were 30 years old today and healthy, I would have said to hell with it as well.
Or they figure they're at the end of their life anyway, and waking up in a nursing home instead of a house or apartment you might as well not be around very long anyhow. if the shot kills you, so what. That's the way my father now 90 year old father looked at it along with my mother, so they got the shot.

A healthy 24 year old is on a different line of thinking. What will this stuff do to me in seven or ten years? What can it do to my children that they don't know about?

In my situation I'm in my early 60's with a few serious medical conditions. That's the only reason I got it. If I were 30 years old today and healthy, I would have said to hell with it as well.
Wait, you did a risk assessment and made a decision based on your own individual circumstances like an adult? That’s bat shit crazy…….
ait, you did a risk assessment and made a decision based on your own individual circumstances like an adult? That’s bat shit crazy…….

I can't take all the credit. Instead of relying on Facebook and other internet sites, I discussed the situation with my cousin who is a recently retired research doctor. The woman is brilliant and started college at the age of 16. She was the supervisor of her lab and even worked with Dr. Fauci in the past. She knows exactly what this stuff is, how it works, what it does to the body. She assured me my best bet was to get the shot because that's exactly what she's going to do when her number comes up. She said she couldn't guarantee if there will be any drawbacks later on; that takes years of research, but assured me the vaccine (outside of some negative reactions) is harmless.
Uncle Joe may have f’d up the withdrawal but on target here! :D

Which is just going to drive more healthcare workers away, and lead to a massive shortage.

Besides, you lefties keep telling us that 99% of all healthcare workers recommend getting the vax, so aren’t they already vaxxed? Can you explain?
She said she couldn't guarantee if there will be any drawbacks later on; that takes years of research,
Then how can she or anyone else claim “it’s safe”? It takes years of research to know such things. You don’t just get to proclaim something is safe to inject in your body then wait and see the long term results.
So you think it's a good idea for unvaccinated people to be around the elderly?
What does it matter if all those elderly are vaccinated? Maybe the workers have had the WuFlu already and have better immunity than any vaccine could give.

How many times are you people going to regurgitate the same old arguments?
Then how can she or anyone else claim “it’s safe”? It takes years of research to know such things. You don’t just get to proclaim something is safe to inject in your body then wait and see the long term results.

Nobody really can tell what could happen in ten years from now, but we don't have ten years to spare. The vaccine and how it manipulates the body is safe and effective for 95% of the people as far as her research goes. That was her point. As an expert in that field, even she knows it would be stupid to say nobody will see any negative effects years down the road. We just don't know.
Nobody really can tell what could happen in ten years from now, but we don't have ten years to spare. The vaccine and how it manipulates the body is safe and effective for 95% of the people as far as her research goes. That was her point. As an expert in that field, even she knows it would be stupid to say nobody will see any negative effects years down the road. We just don't know.

I would say, it's safe for 99.99999999% of ppl. A 5% difference would mean millions of ppl in america alone, much less the world. I agree with your other point though.
I would say, it's safe for 99.99999999% of ppl. A 5% difference would mean millions of ppl in america alone, much less the world. I agree with your other point though.

Even the vaccine producers claim that it's only 95% effective. That means even if all 330 million people in this country got the vaccine, it won't work for 16.5 million of us. And again, with such limited research, nobody pro or con can say if there will be any negative results down the road. You can rush technology, but you can't rush time.
You really don't know much about this subject do you? Of course some people have immunity against this, it's just that we don't have reliable testing to determine who does and who doesn't. Furthermore we have no idea how many people had Covid and never knew about it. Several people in my family had it, one of my tenants, and none of them experienced much more than a headache for a few days. There were a lot of people like that especially at the beginning when this wasn't even a big deal. Get a headache, take an aspirin like I always have. Tired? Take a nap and you'll be fine.

In November of 2019, I started to come down with what I suspected as bronchitis. No big deal, I've had it before. If it gets worse, I'll go get some antibiotics. In less than two weeks the symptoms disappeared and I was fine. Was it bronchitis? I'll never know because I never went to the doctor. Before I got my vaccine, I contacted my Doctor at the Cleveland Clinic to see if I could get an antibody test first to see if I needed the shot. The Clinic told me they refuse to use them due to the inaccuracies.
You claim that some moron had a headache and that was Covid… without testing?
Even the vaccine producers claim that it's only 95% effective. That means even if all 330 million people in this country got the vaccine, it won't work for 16.5 million of us. And again, with such limited research, nobody pro or con can say if there will be any negative results down the road. You can rush technology, but you can't rush time.
Only 95% effective?? You think that’s bad?


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