Numerous Democrats to Break Campaign Pledge in First Vote


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
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Though almot all Democrat candidates denied it while running for elction their first and only loyalty is to pelosi. Yes..this brilliant statesman and leader.

The only thing better than Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House would be Maxine Waters as Speaker of the House...

Put the crazy and impaired front and center...
The only thing better than Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House would be Maxine Waters as Speaker of the House...

Put the crazy and impaired front and center...
I think they are way too old for that job, just like turtle faced McConnell..
The "fake" header is a prediction...Given past performances, it's a very accurate one.

Given your past performance, we can be certain this prediction will also fail.

Look at you, you're already squealing and running. You were asked to name which Democrats pledged to oppose Pelosi, and you just whimpered in response. You clearly can't name any. You made up a load of crap, like you do with all your predictions.
They WILL vote to elevate the hapless, fossilized, senile old bat, Nancy Peloski, to the Speaker of the House position....They WILL fall in line, just like the good little party automatons that they are.

Mark it down.

Nancy Pelosi wants to be House speaker again. Can she overcome opposition in her own party?

Democratic candidates vow to dump Pelosi
What you need to do is mark your sources down over this zealous attack on Democrats? Yet obviously there will be insurgents inside the Democratic party who are basically blue dogs aka fake democrats but not the majority, and GOPer sleaze balls who have a legacy of sh!t will do all they can to hatch up lies and scandals to go on a attack scam against the now Democratic led House. This is not Pelosi's first rodeo at dealing with evil doers going after her over that Speaker position. Yet the skunks had no complaints when their buddy Ryan was desecrating that Speaker position in order to co mingle with Russians to line his wallet, conspire with his GOPer cronies against the working and middle class taxpayer to commit grand larceny and other destructive schemes against society. Yet, it appears as always the best and majority rises to the occasion to crush threats like this.
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What you need to do is mark your sources down over this zealous attack on Democrats? Yet obviously there will be insurgents inside the Democratic party who are basically blue dogs aka fake democrats and GOPer sleaze balls who have a legacy of sh!t will do all they can to hatch up lies and scandals to go on a attack scam against the now Democratic led House. Yet, it appears as always the best and majority rise to the occasion to crush threats like this.
They'll cave or get squished by the ruling class...It's how the game is played.

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