NRA Publicly Supports Bump Stock Ban


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Already Banned At Their Own Ranges

Pelosi: I sure hope a ban on bump stocks is a slippery slope to more gun control; Update: NRA supports regulations - Hot Air

"This is unexpected. But the NRA was in a jam this afternoon when it turned out that bump stocks were banned at the range in its own headquarters.

NRA: "Devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations."
— NBC Politics (@NBCPolitics) October 5, 2017"
I figure until now most Americans assumed they were illegal .
Will Democrats Refuse To Support The Bump Stock Ban If NRA Asks For National Right To Carry reciprocity?

(NRA Support Of Bump Stock Ban Is) "all the cover Ryan and McConnell should need to push a bump-stock ban through, especially if Trump supports it as well, which seems likely.

(NRA) group’s asking for national right to-carry reciprocity, presumably as the price in a deal to ban bump stocks. If Democrats balk at that, and they will, is the bump-stock ban off the table too?"

Pelosi: I sure hope a ban on bump stocks is a slippery slope to more gun control; Update: NRA supports regulations - Hot Air
This is good to see.
For once someone on one of the two sides are using common sense.
Now let;s see if batshit crazy loons like Pelosi tries to attach all manner of other regulations that end up killing a ban.
Pelosi and her ilk are more interested in making the Republicans look bad, than passing a ban. Already shows in her own words.
this thread is a prime candidate to be merged with the other bump stock thread that has 20 pages and counting.
this thread is a prime candidate to be merged with the other bump stock thread that has 20 pages and counting.

Perhaps, but shouldn't be. It deserves it's own thread as this is a significant update.
I am certainly surprised.
Will Democrats Refuse To Support The Bump Stock Ban If NRA Asks For National Right To Carry reciprocity?

(NRA Support Of Bump Stock Ban Is) "all the cover Ryan and McConnell should need to push a bump-stock ban through, especially if Trump supports it as well, which seems likely.

(NRA) group’s asking for national right to-carry reciprocity, presumably as the price in a deal to ban bump stocks. If Democrats balk at that, and they will, is the bump-stock ban off the table too?"

Pelosi: I sure hope a ban on bump stocks is a slippery slope to more gun control; Update: NRA supports regulations - Hot Air

Sure. As long as State A meets State B standards .
Obama is making the NRA do whatever the hell they are doing with bump stocks regardless which forum the thread winds up in.
Wow gun control politicians already looking to use a ban on bump stocks as a path to additional gun control bans and restrictions hold on let me put on my shocked face. /sarcasm This is why we can't work intelligently with these assholes.
This is good to see.
For once someone on one of the two sides are using common sense.
Now let;s see if batshit crazy loons like Pelosi tries to attach all manner of other regulations that end up killing a ban.
Pelosi and her ilk are more interested in making the Republicans look bad, than passing a ban. Already shows in her own words.
Oh she sure will and THAT is where the gun lobby will be right there to fight her on it. Slimy old hag.
If they are banned it won't be an appreciable loss. Because the only useful purpose of these "bump-stock" modifications is spraying a massive crowd.

Unlike an actual, fully automatic rifle, the mechanical operating speed of which enables relatively stable control and aiming, the operating speed of a "bump-stock" modification produces such an erratically pumping recoil it is impossible to effectively control the weapon.

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