NRA Head: Obama is a Dictator.

Is Obama a Usurper (Dictator) violating his Oath to the Constitution?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
LaPierre Obama Trying To Act Like A Dictator With Ammo Ban VIDEO The Daily Caller

Why do the Socialist Democrats, including Communist/Moslem Obama, keep doing everything in their power to disarm the people of this nation? The answer to that question was given to us several years ago by Sarah Brady, the infamous gun grabber. Brady said. "If we are to ever realize our dream of a Socialist America we must first take the guns from the hands of those who would oppose us."

Socialists, be they international socialists (Communists) or national socialists (Nazis), always disarm the population of a nation when they start taking the nation over. After they disarm the population of a nation and render that population helpless, the Socialists start killing off those people that they do not trust to make good Socialists. In Germany, Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea, and every other Communist nation millions upon millions of unarmed, helpless, citizens were executed and buried in mass graves simply because the Communists did not like them.

Obama is a hard core, radical, Soviet trained Communist. Obama himself writes in his autobiography that Frank Marshall Davis, a man known by the FBI to be a Soviet agent and a radical Communist subversive, was Obama's mentor and the man he bases his political beliefs on. Another agent of the Communist Soviet Union and a Communist Terrorist that bombed Federal Buildings in the United States, bombed Judge's homes, bombed police stations and killed at least two of our police officers during the Vietnam War, started Obama out in Politics in Chicago. That Communist terrorist's name is Bill Ayers.

Obama surrounds himself with Communists like Valerie Jarrett in the White House and has appointed Communists to almost every high office in the Federal Government. If there was ever a bloodless Communist coup in the United States it happened when Obama stole the election and became President.

Obama fears one thing above all others and that is the millions of well armed people in this nation. He realizes that what Sarah Brady said years ago in that speech is true. Obama and his fellow Communists will never be able to fully realize their dream of a Socialist America until they take the guns from the hands of those who would oppose them. The millions upon millions of armed, freedom loving, citizens of this nation make up one of the largest armed forces on the face of the earth and are capable of not only resisting Obama's Communist take over of this nation but could rise up and remove Obama and his Communist conspirators from office. He knows that the armed people of this nation will never put up with the Communist tyranny and mass murder that Communists have committed in every nation they have ever taken over, so he must disarm us in order to completely take us over.

Bill Ayers, the man who started Obama out in politics in Chicago, once told a undercover FBI agent, Larry Grathwhol who had infiltrated Ayers' Communist Terrorist group, The Weather Underground, that when his Communists fully take over this nation and consolidate their power base they would round up millions of Americans and send them to "reeducation camps" (concentration camps) and the millions of Americans who could not be reeducated into Communism would be executed. Ayers also said that much of the land and resources of this nation would be handed over to Red China and Cuba and other Communist nations. Obama is one of Bill Ayer's Communists. Obama is obviously doing all in his power to become a Communist Dictator using his pen and phone and his Communists appointmented to every high office in the Federal Government and the courts.

We must never give up our guns or our ammo, no matter what unconstitutional law is made, no matter what Executive Order is made, and no matter what rule or regulation is made. Our guns are our last ditch option to protect ourselves from tyranny and a Federal Government gone mad.
If Obama is a dictator, then the NRA is a wing of the Nazi party.
The Obama knows He cannot implement His agenda through legislation, and so turns to His power to issue executive orders.
White not exactly dictatorial, its about as close as you an get in our system of government.
As if we care one sh*t about that sh*t-head, waynie boy lapeepee pants.

LaPierre Obama Trying To Act Like A Dictator With Ammo Ban VIDEO The Daily Caller

Why do the Socialist Democrats, including Communist/Moslem Obama, keep doing everything in their power to disarm the people of this nation? The answer to that question was given to us several years ago by Sarah Brady, the infamous gun grabber. Brady said. "If we are to ever realize our dream of a Socialist America we must first take the guns from the hands of those who would oppose us."

Socialists, be they international socialists (Communists) or national socialists (Nazis), always disarm the population of a nation when they start taking the nation over. After they disarm the population of a nation and render that population helpless, the Socialists start killing off those people that they do not trust to make good Socialists. In Germany, Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea, and every other Communist nation millions upon millions of unarmed, helpless, citizens were executed and buried in mass graves simply because the Communists did not like them.

Obama is a hard core, radical, Soviet trained Communist. Obama himself writes in his autobiography that Frank Marshall Davis, a man known by the FBI to be a Soviet agent and a radical Communist subversive, was Obama's mentor and the man he bases his political beliefs on. Another agent of the Communist Soviet Union and a Communist Terrorist that bombed Federal Buildings in the United States, bombed Judge's homes, bombed police stations and killed at least two of our police officers during the Vietnam War, started Obama out in Politics in Chicago. That Communist terrorist's name is Bill Ayers.

Obama surrounds himself with Communists like Valerie Jarrett in the White House and has appointed Communists to almost every high office in the Federal Government. If there was ever a bloodless Communist coup in the United States it happened when Obama stole the election and became President.

Obama fears one thing above all others and that is the millions of well armed people in this nation. He realizes that what Sarah Brady said years ago in that speech is true. Obama and his fellow Communists will never be able to fully realize their dream of a Socialist America until they take the guns from the hands of those who would oppose them. The millions upon millions of armed, freedom loving, citizens of this nation make up one of the largest armed forces on the face of the earth and are capable of not only resisting Obama's Communist take over of this nation but could rise up and remove Obama and his Communist conspirators from office. He knows that the armed people of this nation will never put up with the Communist tyranny and mass murder that Communists have committed in every nation they have ever taken over, so he must disarm us in order to completely take us over.

Bill Ayers, the man who started Obama out in politics in Chicago, once told a undercover FBI agent, Larry Grathwhol who had infiltrated Ayers' Communist Terrorist group, The Weather Underground, that when his Communists fully take over this nation and consolidate their power base they would round up millions of Americans and send them to "reeducation camps" (concentration camps) and the millions of Americans who could not be reeducated into Communism would be executed. Ayers also said that much of the land and resources of this nation would be handed over to Red China and Cuba and other Communist nations. Obama is one of Bill Ayer's Communists. Obama is obviously doing all in his power to become a Communist Dictator using his pen and phone and his Communists appointmented to every high office in the Federal Government and the courts.

We must never give up our guns or our ammo, no matter what unconstitutional law is made, no matter what Executive Order is made, and no matter what rule or regulation is made. Our guns are our last ditch option to protect ourselves from tyranny and a Federal Government gone mad.

Dictator....Emperor..... the truth lies somewhere in the middle
LaPierre Obama Trying To Act Like A Dictator With Ammo Ban VIDEO The Daily Caller

Why do the Socialist Democrats, including Communist/Moslem Obama, keep doing everything in their power to disarm the people of this nation? The answer to that question was given to us several years ago by Sarah Brady, the infamous gun grabber. Brady said. "If we are to ever realize our dream of a Socialist America we must first take the guns from the hands of those who would oppose us."

Socialists, be they international socialists (Communists) or national socialists (Nazis), always disarm the population of a nation when they start taking the nation over. After they disarm the population of a nation and render that population helpless, the Socialists start killing off those people that they do not trust to make good Socialists. In Germany, Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea, and every other Communist nation millions upon millions of unarmed, helpless, citizens were executed and buried in mass graves simply because the Communists did not like them.

Obama is a hard core, radical, Soviet trained Communist. Obama himself writes in his autobiography that Frank Marshall Davis, a man known by the FBI to be a Soviet agent and a radical Communist subversive, was Obama's mentor and the man he bases his political beliefs on. Another agent of the Communist Soviet Union and a Communist Terrorist that bombed Federal Buildings in the United States, bombed Judge's homes, bombed police stations and killed at least two of our police officers during the Vietnam War, started Obama out in Politics in Chicago. That Communist terrorist's name is Bill Ayers.

Obama surrounds himself with Communists like Valerie Jarrett in the White House and has appointed Communists to almost every high office in the Federal Government. If there was ever a bloodless Communist coup in the United States it happened when Obama stole the election and became President.

Obama fears one thing above all others and that is the millions of well armed people in this nation. He realizes that what Sarah Brady said years ago in that speech is true. Obama and his fellow Communists will never be able to fully realize their dream of a Socialist America until they take the guns from the hands of those who would oppose them. The millions upon millions of armed, freedom loving, citizens of this nation make up one of the largest armed forces on the face of the earth and are capable of not only resisting Obama's Communist take over of this nation but could rise up and remove Obama and his Communist conspirators from office. He knows that the armed people of this nation will never put up with the Communist tyranny and mass murder that Communists have committed in every nation they have ever taken over, so he must disarm us in order to completely take us over.

Bill Ayers, the man who started Obama out in politics in Chicago, once told a undercover FBI agent, Larry Grathwhol who had infiltrated Ayers' Communist Terrorist group, The Weather Underground, that when his Communists fully take over this nation and consolidate their power base they would round up millions of Americans and send them to "reeducation camps" (concentration camps) and the millions of Americans who could not be reeducated into Communism would be executed. Ayers also said that much of the land and resources of this nation would be handed over to Red China and Cuba and other Communist nations. Obama is one of Bill Ayer's Communists. Obama is obviously doing all in his power to become a Communist Dictator using his pen and phone and his Communists appointmented to every high office in the Federal Government and the courts.

We must never give up our guns or our ammo, no matter what unconstitutional law is made, no matter what Executive Order is made, and no matter what rule or regulation is made. Our guns are our last ditch option to protect ourselves from tyranny and a Federal Government gone mad.

The same guy who encouraged and defended Tim McVeigh?

Why would we listen to him?

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