NOW YOU KNOW, the importance of my networking list of Biotech sciences companies


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Years ago this list
took a tedious whole year to compile and create a web page network of links with descriptions, today it's the list that has been used for over a decade for other's lists.
NETWORKING is important, as you see now the coming together / working together which is done faster and easier with information access.
I remember you compiling that list it was a good 17 or 18 years ago if I remember correctly...My time flies when you are having fun..People forget that all it takes is one man with good vision and drive to change the whole world this has been proven over and over again... Timing is everything though and like the last pebble gently pushing against all the rocks and boulders and dirt and sand built up before it over a very long time there is no telling how great an avalanche it can cause and how much it can affect the world around it...
I remember you compiling that list it was a good 17 or 18 years ago if I remember correctly...My time flies when you are having fun..People forget that all it takes is one man with good vision and drive to change the whole world this has been proven over and over again... Timing is everything though and like the last pebble gently pushing against all the rocks and boulders and dirt and sand built up before it over a very long time there is no telling how great an avalanche it can cause and how much it can affect the world around it...
Thanks, I couldn't remember how long ago that was. Long enough for dead links from mergers I'm sure.
My pleasure..I thought at the time it was a great idea and that some good would come of it... People loose track that to save even one life is a great deed hopefully it saved many....
The idea of networking to speed up progress and benefit from each others works was a no brainer.
Some advanced co's didn't even know some of the things their collegues were working on, much of which helped their own projects if sharing data/info/techniques.
But my latest roadblock with J-n-J was like that with Unilever, the same excuse not to forward info to the upper developers is a huge problem to new and better humanity essential solutions. It's being blocked access by dumb corporate rules/procedures, never to be developed especially in such a necessity in these trying times.

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